Project implementation mechanisms:
The special / service unit supervising the project:
The Language and Translation Activity of the Center of Studies, Research and Integrated Services at the Faculty of Girls for Arts, Sciences and Education (a unit of a special nature) and Research Studies and Integrated Services Center is responsible for all organizational, administrative and regulatory procedures that regulate carrying out the tasks of the Linguistic consultation project.
Obligations of the special unit / service:
Providing Linguistic consultation services, including:
* Proofreading: Reviewing the writing and ensuring that it is free from spelling, linguistic, and grammatical errors, and the use of punctuation while preserving the wording of the original text.
* Editing: a higher level of proofreading that reformats the text in the editor's style, including deleting and adding words and phrases to change or correct the meaning.
* Receiving the applications submitted for review according to the unit’s capacity and the availability of its specialists.
* Determine the timeframe for review and the deadline for delivery.
* Determine the financial value of the review and approve it from the university and inform the researcher about it.
* Follow-up procedures until the final revised version is delivered. Maintaining the language review form signed by the researcher / applicant.
Researcher / Applicant obligations:
* The scientific terminology or technology and the scientific idea is the responsibility of the researcher, and it is not the responsibility of the auditor or the linguistic editor, and the researcher must undertake it when submitting to review his research.
* The researcher has to check himself to make sure of the review to the extent of his knowledge before sending his research for publication.
* The researcher shall review the main and sub headings and footnotes, check the numbers and ensure their sequence in the body (the original text).
* The researcher is fully responsible for the mechanisms of writing scientific papers and not the proofreader or editor.
* The researcher shall sign the “Approval of the Linguistic Review Form” himself, in which he specifies the need for either proofreading or editing and reviewing together.
Approval of the linguistic review form (issued by the researcher / applicant)
The headquarters of the linguistic consultation unit at the faculty:
In charge of languages and translation activity at the Center for Studies, Research and Integrated Services:
Dr. Shaima Ibrahim Al-Hamidi
(Mobile number / 01001236000)
WhatsApp number: 01555743343