

Welcome to Ain Shams University

The General Administration of Special Units Affairs


Main competencies

Preparing work plans for centers and units of a special nature for community affairs and environmental development, which provide their services or some of their services to non-students, except for university hospitals.

Follow up the revenues and expenditures of centers and units of a special nature for community service and environment development and submit reports on their financial position to the Interim Council for Community Service and Environmental Development.

Study projects and issues received from centers and units of a special nature in the affairs of community service and environment development, submit reports on them to the Provisional Council on community service and environment development, and follow up on the implementation of their recommendations.

Field follow-up of centers and units of a special and special nature for community service and environmental development affairs

Preparing periodic reports on follow-up results and submitting them to the Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development

Providing recommendations and suggestions that help in addressing the causes of deficiencies in the field of community service and environmental development affairs.

The administration is divided into (2) departments:

Department of utilization of university facilities and of special units

Department of performance evaluation of the special units