

Welcome to Ain Shams University

Disabled Services


Acceptance of blind students at Faculty of Arts

Acceptance of blind students at Faculty of Al-Alsun

Map for the disabled in the campus

Acceptance of students with disabilities

Students with disabilities are admitted to faculties (Arts - Law - Commerce) on the condition that they obtain high school diplomas this year with at least 50% total grades while fulfilling the requirement of geographical distribution in accordance with the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities in this regard, and they are accepted after signing a medical examination on them centrally with the knowledge of the medical committee Supreme.

For students with disabilities and the blind, according to the decisions of the Supreme Council of Universities, their registration or admission may be transferred upon exhaustion of repetition times, as an exception to the total requirement according to the cases of disability.

Other services

Providing all student aid through the central and subsidiary Solidarity Fund in the colleges to help students with special needs to pay tuition fees, university city fees, and treatment for their patients.

Providing the necessary facilities and facilities to facilitate the participation of students with special needs in the activities that take place at the university to give them the opportunity to have a positive role in society and to exploit their energies in the best possible way.

Excluding them from the conditions for joining university cities, and covering their expenses in full from the Takaful Fund.

Disbursing the financial grant allocated to them and provided by the Social Affairs.

The participation of these students in training courses specially prepared for them at the Public Service Center and the Vision Center, during the same period of the mid-year vacation and the first two weeks of the second semester, at the expense of the Central Social Solidarity Fund.

Preparing courses for special groups to teach woodworking (artistic education) as well as music through the Faculty of Specific Education.

Continuously striving to improve the level of educational service provided to blind students and prepare textbooks that suit their condition in order to enable them to acquire education and follow up on scientific courses and prepare an effective unified mechanism for dealing with blind students just like dealing with their sighted peers.

Preparing special committees for exams for students with special needs (the handicapped - the visually impaired) by providing an observer who writes to the student, and in the case of language subjects, the relevant department provides a teacher or a specialist to ensure the progress of the exam for the student, as for the blind student, he is examined through specialized computers according to Braille.

A unified entity has been established to serve students with special needs at the university under the name "Forsan Al-Erada Club" and is located in the Sports Activity Department of the General Administration of Youth Welfare


 Disabled Students Services Center at Ain Shams University 

To visit center website click here