

The university advances in world rankings and provides significant services to the student community


Ain Shams University President highlights the efforts of Innovation and Training Center which includes three centers working together to make the university a global leader in education and research

Launching "An Inclusive and Equal Student Community Initiative" to Qualify Students with Disabilities for the Labor Market

Providing the Career Guidance and Counseling Programs for all university students through life and employment skills programs

The University's Progress in the Rankings

Ain Shams University continues to advance in the world rankings and top the list of Egyptian and Arab universities, as the Times Higher Education Foundation announced the results of the 2024 edition of the Arab Region Ranking. The results showed that Ain Shams University advanced to 16th place after being in 33rd place in the 2023 ranking in the (Times Higher Education Arab Ranking) during the results announcement ceremony and receiving the shields in Dubai at the Arab Universities Forum - THE ARAB SUMMIT AND AWARDS. In this regard, Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of Ain Shams University, confirmed that the university ranked third locally and sixteenth in the Arab world.

On the other hand, Ain Shams University has made progress globally in the QS Sustainability Ranking, which is concerned with classifying universities according to achieving sustainable development goals, in its new version by 121 places, as it became ranked 574 globally and second locally after it was ranked 659 last years.

In the Green Metric ranking of universities that most achieve green growth and achieve sustainable development goals, the university advanced to fifth place locally after it was ranked sixth locally last year, and on the global level, the university ranked 354 globally out of 1477 universities and academic institutions that applied for the ranking this year, after 290 new universities joined the current general ranking, thus advancing Ain Shams University's ranking to become among the top 24% of universities in the world in achieving environmental sustainability.


Innovation and Training Center

In Ain Shams University's keenness to focus on innovation, training and developing its human cadres, the university has established the Innovation and Training Sector, according to statements made by the university president, Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen.

Zein El-Abedeen explained in statements reported by Akhbar El Youm newspaper earlier that the Innovation and Training Center has three centers that work together to make the university a global leader in education, research and innovation. The university also owns the Training and Development Center, which is one of the largest centers in the university, as the center studies the current situation and requirements of the labor market to ensure the continuous development of specializations in its various faculties and research centers.

In addition to the keenness of the Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector to create interaction between the university with its academic capabilities and the community with its various requirements (multiple and renewable) in a manner that is compatible with the conditions and needs of the community through the various activities provided by the sector by exploiting the available material, human and technological energy of the university, which has become prominent in developing and advancing the community in various health, social, engineering and environmental fields, in addition to involving people with disabilities in all university initiatives, and also qualifying them for the labor market, within the framework of the university’s interest in supporting this category, which comes from the vision of the Egyptian state and its development plan 2030.

Innovation and Training Sector

Ain Shams University has established the Innovation and Training Sector to empower faculty members, researchers and students with the knowledge, skills and entrepreneurial mindset needed to thrive in a dynamic global economy through advanced training programs, innovative and strategic research projects through partnerships, with the aim of developing visionary leaders who drive economic growth, enhance innovation, and shape a brighter future for communities around the world. The sector includes three centers (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, Employment Center, Training and Development Center).

The sector has been able to achieve successive achievements in a short period of time, as the sector, in cooperation with the Education and Students Sector, launched an initiative for a comprehensive and equal student community to qualify students with disabilities for the labor market, within the framework of Ain Shams University's interest in supporting this category in conjunction with the Egyptian state's vision and development plan 2030, and launching the UP SKILL program initiative, which is an integrated training program that includes a number of training topics that aim to build students' life and functional capabilities, in addition to the distinguished events and activities carried out by the sector's centers. For example, the total number of beneficiaries from all activities and events carried out by the Employment Center since its inception amounted to (50) thousand students and graduates, in addition to the center building more than (590) partnerships with companies in various sectors to support university students and graduates by providing them with all life and technical skills and linking them to the labor market through various employment activities that contribute to supporting the networking and employment process.

The center also organized several major employment events, whether through the university's employment forum, which is held annually during the month of February for two days, or through the university's employment week forum, which is held annually during the month of October. The center provides training and employment opportunities for students and graduates through the center's employment platform, where companies offer various opportunities to students and graduates.

In support of innovation, the university offers, through the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, the "Ain Shams Innovates" competition, the largest competition with a total prize pool of 600 thousand pounds, in addition to the center being the university's technological innovation incubator, which aims to provide a platform for innovation to provide support to entrepreneurs and researchers and provide them with the necessary resources and guidance to enable them to start their journey as start-up companies, noting that there are 5 target groups within the center's plan.

The center organizes innovation competitions that include many competitions, including university-level competitions, some local and international, in addition to holding a number of academic seminars and events that aim to create communication with industry experts about new trends and technologies and provide professional guidance through them.

Developing the Educational Mechanisms

The university president added that in line with the state's policy, its presidency and government in caring for people with disabilities, Ain Shams University, represented by the Education and Student Affairs Sector, has presented an ideal model in providing special care for its students affiliated with Ain Shams University at various levels, whether in terms of developing the infrastructure to provide full constructional facilities in the university's faculties and university cities to provide an accessible and suitable community for our students with disabilities (with their various disabilities) or at the academic level by developing educational and study mechanisms that had a clear impact on the engagement of students with disabilities in the university community and their integration with their healthy colleagues and their feeling that the university is an integrated academic and social community, all of whose elements complement each other.

As well as coordinating with Baseera Foundation to use the Student Service Center for People with Disabilities to train the Foundation’s students by providing training courses for blind students in various faculties, reviewing all means of accessibility in faculties and ensuring that they comply with standards, reviewing databases for students with disabilities in various faculties of the university, and cooperating with the Psychological and Moral Support Committee at Ain Shams University Hospitals to organize a number of awareness sessions for families of students with disabilities, as well as preparing a guide for students with disabilities and all activities and services provided by the center to students.

Guidance of Students

The university also provides guidance and career guidance programs for all other university students through life and employment skills programs, CV review, preparation for personal interviews, and others. More than (500) training sessions have been provided to more than (20) thousand students and graduates. All these initiatives confirm Ain Shams University’s commitment to making tangible and influential contributions in the fields of higher education and scientific research, and embody its ambitious vision to provide a pioneering model that enhances the status of university education in Egypt and raises the level of scientific research to international levels.

The central laboratory of the Faculty of Science provided "sterilizers and soap", the Faculty of Engineering provided high-quality office furniture, the Faculty of Agriculture provided healthy agricultural crops without the use of chemical pesticides produced by the faculty, the production of the Girls' College was distinguished by providing different types of cosmetics made from natural materials that nourish the skin, the Faculty of Specific Education, through the Department of Home Economics, provided a number of healthy hot meals, and the Department of Art Education provided distinguished handicrafts and high-end artistic paintings. Through these initiatives.

Ain Shams University seeks to promote a comprehensive academic environment that supports innovation and provides equal opportunities for all its students, which contributes to achieving Egypt's vision for sustainable development 2030.

Awareness Programs

As part of Ain Shams University's ongoing efforts to develop student services and enhance the academic and social skills of university campus workers, the university launched a comprehensive awareness program to improve the capabilities of workers, including supervisors and specialists, to communicate effectively and detect early symptoms of psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression. The program aims to provide psychological and social support to expatriate students, which enhances their ability to adapt to the new university life.

Cooperation Protocols and Scholarships

A cooperation protocol was also signed between Ain Shams University and the Secure and Smart Publications Complex to establish a coordination mechanism that allows for maximizing the benefit from it. In light of the protocol, the Secure and Smart Publications Complex is committed to implementing, producing and developing all publications related to Ain Shams University and its systems, according to the latest international standards and according to what is agreed upon, while providing secure documents and papers that can be issued for the benefit of government agencies (university certificates and other documents), while providing a hosting environment and technical support for all national projects managed by Ain Shams University.

The university also seeks to provide scholarships for outstanding high school students in cooperation with international and local institutions such as AMIDEAST and USAID. The scholarships include training opportunities in entrepreneurship and English language training.