The Faculty announces 6 distinct study programs with the credit hour system offered by the Faculty of Computers and Information, Ain Shams University to students of the Scientific Division at the Egyptian General Secondary School or its equivalent in the fields of computer science and information:
1- Bioinformatics Technology
2- Software Engineering
3- Artificial Intelligence
4- Cyber Security
5- Digital Multimedia
6- Robotics Computing
The programs aim to prepare skilled specialized graduates in the many different fields of computer science, who have a high ability to develop modern smart programs for different uses and applications. The different programs will allow the study of different programming languages, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, databases, cloud computing, mobile computing, embedded systems, network security, robotics, big data science, image analysis, medical x-rays and satellite images.
The double degree is granted by the Faculty of Computers and Information, Ain Shams University and the University of East London in the United Kingdom, UEL, in the faculty's distinguished programs, as the first foreign degrees granted in the computer and information sector at the level of Egyptian universities.
The different programs qualify students to work in local, regional and international software companies in different fields.
The official page for the distinguished programs of the Faculty of Computers and Information, Ain Shams University
It is now available to enroll in the programs through the website