

Ain Shams University announces the availability of a leadership positions with the rank of general manager

Ain Shams University announces leadership positions with the rank of director general, in accordance with Law No. 81 of 2016, which are:

Director General of the General Department of Security.

General Director of the General Administration of Engineering Affairs

Secretary of the Faculty of Agriculture

Secretary of the College of Education

Those who fulfill the conditions for filling the position must apply in person to the technical office of President of Ain Shams University, at the Zafaran Palace, on Al-Khalifa Al-Mamoun Street - Al-Abbasiya, Cairo, as of 3/1/2022 and for one month.

This is according to the following conditions:

A high academic qualification suitable for the type of work with experience in the field of work.

Spending an intermediate period of at least one year in a position of the first functional level from within the administrative apparatus or spending a total period of at least seventeen years consistent with the nature of the job’s work from outside the administrative apparatus.

Passing the training programs in accordance with the training system stipulated by the provisions of the law.

Ability to lead and direct.

Familiarity with a foreign language.

ICDL certificate.