

EKB Proofreading Service


In order not to confuse with old posts, EKB offers English editing service through few steps on EKB website NOT by email. You can only receive 1 free edit per person, Editing done by native speaker through cooperation betwwen EKB and enago academy and certificate is available and will be sent with the editing. 

Steps in photos. You must register for ekb account in first place. Using your national ID, then visit the following link: https://www.ekb.eg/web/guest/details
N. B Log at least once from university or faculty library to get researcher access account.



1) must be a research paper or a research grant (no review papers, CVs, reports, news articles or press releases)

2) It contains under 6,000 words of editable text (Including References). Don't exceed 6000

3)The author intends to submit the research paper in an international journal (defined as being an English language publication published outside of Egypt from an established publisher – to avoid unethical predatory publishers). OR university/institute Journal, EKB published journal.

4) Get an approval letter from the Dean of Faculty or Vice President of the University for Research. Scan it as you will need to upload it with the manuscript.

5) State the impact factor of the journal to be published or within Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 in the official letter.

In case of getting rejected from the journal after editing, you can get back to us to revise your manuscript again via this mail editing@ekb.eg

6) Any articles (other than English) shall be sent via email for editing service.