

The President of Ain Shams University witnesses a number of openings at the Faculty of Medicine and University Hospitals

Prof. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, and Prof. Ali Al-Saidi, the former Minister of Electricity and a representative of the Egyptian banking sector, witnessed a number of inaugurations at the Faculty of Medicine, Al-Demerdash University Hospital, and the Hospital for Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery.

This came in the presence of Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Ghada Farouk, Vice President for Community Service and Environmental Development, and Prof. Ali Al-Anwar, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Chairman of the University Hospitals Board of Directors, and Prof. Dr. Tarik Youssef, Executive Director of University Hospitals and Prof. Samia Abdo, Deputy Executive Director of University Hospitals and Prof. Mohamed Ghannam, Director of the Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases and Surgery, and Prof. Essam, Director of Al Demerdash Surgical Hospital, and Prof. Amr and Shaker, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of our Health Foundation, Dr. Osama Mansour, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine for Graduate Studies and Research, and Prof. Hebat Allah Al-Saeed, Vice Dean of the College of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs, and Prof. Hala Sweed, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, directors of various university hospitals, heads of departments, doctors, nursing staff and administrators.


The openings included the computer lab at the Faculty of Medicine with a capacity of 170 computers and the new Graduate Studies Department, which includes offices for administrators and postgraduate student affairs, in addition to the economic wing, Building B, in Al-Demerdash Hospital for Surgery, which includes 10 rooms for patients, including two wings for patients with 17 beds and an isolation room, as well as a The new expansions at the Heart Academy, which include the operations complex, intensive care, and inpatient rooms at the Hospital for Cardiovascular Diseases and Surgery, where the new expansions were opened on the fourth and fifth floors with a capacity of 42 beds distributed over 19 single, double, triple, and quadruple rooms, in addition to a meeting room, 5 administrative offices, 2 operating rooms, and 3 intensive care units with a capacity of 26 beds, a seminar hall for meetings, and live broadcasts from within operations.

These openings come within the framework of the national project, Ain Shams Medical City, which provides health services to Egyptians free of charge at the highest level, with the participation and support of the Egyptian banking sector and civil society institutions, with the aim of eliminating waiting lists and upgrading the medical system in accordance with Egypt's Vision 2030.