

Mechanical Power Engineering Program

  • Program Description
  • Career Prospects
  • Program Concentrations
  • Program Objectives
  • Courses
  • Program Study Plan

Program Description

The program is commissioned to provide an engineer that works in the field of power supply to industry and domestic needs in addition to the energy utilization and conversion into forms that are liable for assisting the human activity as well as for providing human comfort. All Factories and corporations in the industry urgently need powerful schemes of managing their power supplies and operate their equipment in a highly efficient form of energy utilization. The program is thus devoted to the study of the nature and behaviour of thermo-fluids. Topics of courses cover the technology of energy release, conversion and efficient use. Applications involve the forms of mass and energy delivery and their transport phenomena. Smart management and legal non-harmful use of energy require the employment of automatic control methodology as well as the pollution reduction techniques.

Career Prospects

The graduate of the program is expected to get a job in one of the following positions:

1. A Power Generation Station

2. An Air Conditioning Company

3. Petroleum Prospecting and Service Companies

4. Food Factories

5. A Water Desalination Plant

6. Paper and Textile Factories

7. Projects employing Heavy Equipment hydraulic and pneumatic machines

Program Concentrations

The program qualifies graduates to work as Mechanical Power engineers. The graduate can be specialized in one of the following four concentrations:

1. Power generation

2. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

3. Process and Equipment Design

4. Environment, Services and Systems

5. Nuclear Energy Technology

The program concentration is achieved by 21 credit hours including 15 credit hours of courses and 6 credit hours of the graduation project, all related to the specific concentration.

1. Power generation:

This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in power generation stations. Petroleum Prospecting and Service Companies relies on such graduate for operation and maintenance of their power houses in the prospection field. The core of this concentration also includes the transmission of energy, desalinated water for industrial activities and human needs local production of energy in remote areas, economical aspects of Power generation from fossil and nuclear fuels. It additionally includes systems to provide vehicle propulsions in automotive and aircrafts, power handling and energy storage, heat recovery boilers. The core of this concentration is the build-up and operation of internal combustion engines and externally added heat engines.

The graduation project should focus on the construction details and the performance maps of the turbines, compressors, pumps, boilers and other parts of thermal power plants and internal combustion engines. Other examples of graduation projects can be Power generation for domestic uses and compressor work requirements for cooling loads in air conditioning projects. 

2. Energy Efficiency and Sustainability:

This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in the power stations that rely on renewable energies such as wind farms, stations of solar collectors, water tidal and wave energy. This graduate is also directed to the work on energy management and energy storage. The core of this concentration includes the efficient use of energy, clean energy technology, renewable energies, incineration systems, energy recovery and renewable fuels. This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in management departments of large projects as well as in the control sections of power generation plants. The graduate is also required to work in water desalination units.

The graduation project should focus on the design and testing of all possible uses of renewable energies. The different configurations of solar concentrators can be examined, and the different techniques of biomass use are required to be highlighted. In addition, the different mechanisms of delivering power from the water tidal and wave energies can be compared. Other examples of graduation projects can be the design and operation of a refrigeration and air conditioning system that is driven by renewable energy resources.

3. Process and Equipment Design:

This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in the heavy equipment field of utilization in the construction and infra-structure projects. This graduate will be also involved in the control systems of factories. The graduate of this concentration works in Air Conditioning companies, food factories that involve refrigeration or deep freezing. The graduate may be also involved in medicine industry. The graduation project should focus on the construction and performance evaluation of fan coils, metallic pipes configurations that are found in heat exchangers and refrigeration units. The core of this concentration includes Industrial control, management, design and selection and matching of equipment, modelling of systems, integration of equipment, innovative prototypes of machinery, quality and safety of mechanical systems.

The graduation project should focus on the fluid flow features of hydraulic and pneumatic systems in addition to highlighting their aspects upon getting used in the automatic control processes. Other examples of graduation projects can be design and selection of air conditioning equipment.

4. Environment, Services and Systems:

This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to minimize the pollution from Power stations. The graduate is required to operate and maintain the different equipment such as the furnaces of steam generation that is needed in textile factories and food companies. The graduate is also required for Petroleum Prospection and Service Companies and Projects that use electrical generators with Diesel Engine Coupling. The graduate is also needed for the Air Conditioning requirements for building services. The core of this concentration includes smart systems, maintenance heating ventilation and air conditioning as related to building services and petroleum pipelines as related to petroleum industry services in addition to water distribution systems.

The graduation project should focus on the numerical simulation or the measurements of the performance parameters of the energy service systems. Other examples of graduation projects can be heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning systems, plumbing systems, automation and monitoring of advanced systems, design and cathodic protection of petroleum pipelines.

5. Nuclear Reactors:

This is the concentration for the graduate engineer to work in nuclear power generation stations. The national projects rely on such graduate for operation and maintenance of their power generation systems as produced from nuclear energy resources. The core of this concentration also focuses on the thermal hydraulics associated with the operation of nuclear reactors. Special care is devoted to the nuclear safety. Care is additionally given to overcoming the corrosion problems in the nuclear reactor metallic structures as well as the technologies of the management of the waste disposal. Aligned with the general thermal designs for the transmission of energy, this concentration handles the heat transfer calculations of the steam generation systems and the critical heat fluxes to the water-steam containers. The concentration also deals with the economic aspects of such Power generation from nuclear fuels.

The graduation project should focus on the construction details and the performance maps of the turbines, pumps, boilers and other parts of nuclear power plants. Other examples of graduation projects can be the design of heat recovery boilers, heat exchangers and steam pipes in addition to the ventilation and air conditioning systems in nuclear power plants.

Program Objectives

In addition to the competences for all Engineering Programs (A-Level) and the competencies for the Mechanical Discipline (B-Level), the Mechanical Power Engineering Program graduate must be able to (C-Level):

  • * C1: Describe the performance parameters of power producing and power absorbing machines
  • * C2: Determine the rates of heating or cooling associated with the engineering processes.
  • * C3: List the Main Causes of Power Losses in Engines, Turbines, Compressors and Pumps
  • * C4: Analyse the different causes of power loss that is associated with industrial activities
  • * C5: Identify the functional relationships of the parts installed to control the output of power equipment
  • * C6: Select the proper size of an engine or a pumping machine for the delivery purposes in industry, power generation and domestic use.
  • * C7: Choose the optimum operating conditions for the heat and mass transport media to accomplish the highest efficiency of energy utilization
  • * C8: Perform the dimensional analysis required to assure the matching among the different components of engines and power stations
  • * C9: Use numerical methods to simulate the flow field and predict the thermal structures of mechanical power systems.
  • * C10: Demonstrate additional abilities related to the field of the concentration within Mechanical Power Engineering as listed below.
ConcentrationGraduate attributes
Power generationC10a. Demonstrate additional abilities to select and link different systems that provide the energy for the industrial and domestic use. 
Energy Efficiency and SustainabilityC10b. Demonstrate additional abilities to manage the power supply and enhance the efficiency of energy conversion.
Process and Equipment DesignC10c. Demonstrate additional abilities to analyse, design, integrate and operate the different energy sub-systems. 
Environment, Services and SystemsC10d. Demonstrate additional abilities to devote the proper system to fit the required function in the industrial integrity. 
Nuclear Energy TechnologyC10e. Nuclear Reactors Demonstrate additional abilities to operate and maintain thermal and hydraulic systems in nuclear power plants.


In order to get a Bachelor of Science Degree in this program, and to satisfy the Program Competences, the following set of courses need to be completed.

Table 17 List of Mechanical Power Engineering Program Requirements courses.

CodeCourse TitleCredits and SWLContact Hours
University Requirements Courses1421525148022
Faculty Requirements Courses4292230036251475
General Mechanical Engineering Requirements Courses631102750483222102
MEP312sFundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines351252215
MEP313sThermal Power Plants351252215
MEP314sPower Plant Technology471753205
MEP411sControl Systems of Internal Combustion Engines361502215
MEP321sIncompressible Flow Machines361502215
MEP322sCompressible Flow Machines361502215
MEP331sDigital Control241002013
MEP332sProcess Control371752215
MEP341sRefrigeration and Air Conditioning361502204
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (1)351252204
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (2)351252204
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (3)351252204
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (4)351252204
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (5)351252204
MEP491sMechanical Power Graduation Project (1)371751247
MEP492sMechanical Power Graduation Project (2)371751247
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective
Power Generation Concentration Elective
MEP412sHeat Engines351252204
MEP413sGas Fueled Engines351252204
MEP414sBiomass and Waste Conversion Technology351252204
MEP423sHydro-Tidal and Wave Energies351252204
MEP425sAircraft Propulsion351252204
MEP426sSolar Energy351252204
MEP427sWind Energy351252204
MEP443sPetroleum Pipelines351252204
MEP451sNuclear Energy351252204
EPM353sPower Electronics and Motor Drives351253115
Energy Efficiency And Sustainability Concentration Elective
MEP421sSustainable Energy351252204
MEP422sEnergy Storage Technology351252204
MEP425sAircraft Propulsion351252204
MEP426sSolar Energy351252204
MEP427sWind Energy351252204
MEP428sHydraulic Transmission351252204
MEP433sManagement of Mechanical Power Projects351252204
MEP434sWater Desalination and Distillation351252204
MEP443sPetroleum Pipelines351252204
MEP444sEconomics of Energy Conversion351252204
Process And Equipment Design Concentration Elective
MEP425sAircraft Propulsion351252204
MEP428sHydraulic Transmission351252204
MEP432sComputational Fluid Dynamics351252204
MEP433sManagement of Mechanical Power Projects351252204
MEP435sDesign of Mechanical Power Units351252204
MDP254sThermodynamics of Materials351252226
MDP411sIntroduction to Finite Elements351252204
MDP451sFailure Analysis351253014
MDP452sMaterial and Process Selection351253014
Environment Services And Systems Concentration Elective
MEP424sWater Distribution Networks351252204
MEP431sFire Fighting351252204
MEP434sWater Desalination and Distillation351252204
MEP441sApplied Building Services Technology351252204
MEP442sThermodynamics of Materials351252204
MEP445sEnvironmental Impact of Mechanical Power Projects351252204
MDP333sOperations Research361502204
MCT131sIntroduction to Mechatronics361502125
MCT233sDynamic Modeling and Simulation361502215
Nuclear Energy Technology Concentration Elective
MEP422sEnergy Storage Technology351252204
MEP443sPetroleum Pipelines351252204
MEP444sEconomics of Energy Conversion351252204
MEP451sNuclear Energy351252204
MEP452sThermal Aspects of Nuclear Reactors351252204
MEP453sNuclear Reactions and Interaction with Matter351252204
MEP454sRadioactive Waste Management 351252204
MEP455sMethods of Nuclear Risk Analysis351252204
MDP452sMaterial and Process Selection351253014

Program Study Plan

CodeCourse TitleCredits and SWLContact HoursPrerequisites
Semester 1
PHM012Mathematics (1)351253205 
PHM021Vibration and Waves351253115 
MDP011sEngineering Drawing361501326 
PHM041Engineering Chemistry351252125 
CSE031sComputing in Engineering241002002 
Semester 2
PHM013Mathematics (2)351253205( PHM012 )
PHM022Electricity and Magnetism351253115 
PHM032Dynamics351252215( PHM031 )
CEP011sProjection and Engineering Graphics361501326 
MDP081sProduction Engineering351252035 
ENG011sFundamentals of Engineering241002103 
Semester 3
PHM111Probability and Statistics241002204( PHM013 )
MDP151sStructures & Properties of Materials241002114( PHM041 OR PHM041s OR PHM_041 OR PHM_041s )
MDP111sMechanical Engineering Drawing361501326( MDP011 )
MDP181sManufacturing Technology (1)351253025( MDP081 )
MEP111sThermal Physics241001203 
EPM116sElectrical Circuits and Machines461503115( PHM022 OR PHM022s )
Semester 4
PHM112Differential Equations and Numerical Analysis461503205( PHM013 )
PHM131Rigid Body Dynamics241002204( PHM032 )
MDP112sMachine Construction351252204( MDP111 )
MDP152sMetallurgy & Material Testing351253115( MDP151 )
MEP211sThermodynamics461503216( MEP111 )
ECE215sIntroduction to Electronics241002114( PHM022s OR PHM022 )
Semester 5
MDP231sEngineering Economy241002103 
MEP221sFluid Mechanics and Turbo-Machinery471753216( PHM112 OR PHM112s )
MDP211sMachine Elements Design482003227( MDP112 )
MDP212sMechanics of Machines461503317( PHM131 OR PHM131s )
MEP231sMeasurement and Instrumentation251251034 
Asu Elective A Course23752103 
Semester 6
MDP232sIndustrial Project Management241002103 
ASU112sReport Writing & Communication skills341002204 
MEP212sHeat Transfer482002237( MEP211 )
MDP251sCasting & Welding (1)341002215( MDP152 )
MDP311sMechanical Vibrations471753216( PHM032 OR PHM032s )
Mechanical Engineering Requirement Elective Course241002103 
Semester 7
MEP311sCombustion361502215( MEP212 )
MEP313sThermal Power Plants351252215( MEP212 )
MEP321sIncompressible Flow Machines361502215( MEP221 )
MEP341sRefrigeration and Air Conditioning361502204( MEP212 )
MCT211sAutomatic Control351253115( PHM112 OR PHM112s )
Asu Elective B Course22502002 
Semester 8
MEP312sFundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines351252215( MEP212 )
MEP314sPower Plant Technology471753205( MEP313 )
MEP322sCompressible Flow Machines361502215( MEP212 ) AND ( MEP221 )
MCT311sHydraulics and Pneumatics Control351253115( MEP221 OR MEP222 )
ASU113sProfessional Ethics and Legislations341002204 
ASU114sSelected Topics in Contemporary Issues22502002 
Semester 9
MEP411sControl Systems of Internal Combustion Engines361502215( MEP312 )
MEP331sDigital Control241002013( MCT211 )
MEP491sMechanical Power Graduation Project (1)371751247 
ASU111sHuman Rights22502103 
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (1)351252204 
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (2)351252204 
Semester 10
MEP332sProcess Control371752215( MEP331 )
MEP492sMechanical Power Graduation Project (2)371751247( MEP491 )
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (3)351252204 
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (4)351252204 
Mechanical Power Concentration Elective Course (5)351252204 