

Affordable and Clean Energy

  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Policy of investment from carbon-intensive energy industries
  • Policy in place for ensuring all renovations
  • Energy and climate change (EC)
  • Carbon Management
  • Energy and community
  • Energy Efficiency Building
  • Plans For Energy Reduction
  • College of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research
  • Turbine to generate electricity with light winds
  • Consultation centers

SDG 7 is to: "Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all".Progress in expanding access to electricity has been made in several countries, notably IndiaBangladesh, and Kenya.[50] The global population without access to electricity decreased to about 840 million in 2017 from 1.2 billion in 2010 (sub-Saharan Africa remains the region with the largest access deficit).[50] Renewable energy accounted for 17.5% of global total energy consumption in 2016. Of the three end uses of renewables (electricity, heat, and transport) the use of renewables grew fastest with respect to electricity. Between 2018 and 2030, the annual average investment will need to reach approximately $55 billion to expand energy access, about $700 billion to increase renewable energy and $600 billion to improve energy efficiency.

The goal has five targets to be achieved by 2030. Progress towards the targets is measured by six indicators. Three out of the five targets are "outcome targets": Universal access to modern energy; increase global percentage of renewable energy; double the improvement in energy efficiency. The remaining two targets are "means of achieving targets": to promote access to research, technology and investments in clean energy; and expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries. In other words, these targets include access to affordable and reliable energy while increasing the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix. This would involve improving energy efficiency and enhancing international cooperation to facilitate more open access to clean energy technology and more investment in clean energy infrastructure. Plans call for particular attention to infrastructure support for the least developed countriessmall islands and land-locked developing countries.

Policy of investment from carbon-intensive energy industries especially coal and oil


As climate policies  drive  this  transition,  some  assets  will become  ‘stranded’  –  i.e.  unable to recover their investment  cost  as  intended,  with  a  loss  of  value  for investors.  The value of these  potentially  stranded  assets  cannot  be  estimated  with  precision,  as  much depends  on  the  clarity  of  investors  about  climate  policy  interventions  and  their  effectiveness  and  on underlying  macro-economic  trends,  as  well  as  the  uncertain  response  of  financial  markets  once  the transition is engaged.


The University has a series commitment to reduce the carbon footprint significantly in the next 5 year to achieve Zero Carbon plan, the plan has the following main axis:

  1. Achieve progress towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2026.
  2. Grow public recognition of the importance of sustainability.
  3.    Develop formal partnerships with external stakeholders accelerate to deliver and grow climate action.
  4. Develop practical initiatives that accelerate relationships between the University and the city to serve the community.
  5. Attract external funding to support students in climate solutions research.
  6. Utilize the university campus as living lab to provide climate action research.
  7. Reduce the energy consumption by utilizing renewable energy.
  8. Generate operational cost savings.

7.2.3 - Does your university as a body have a process for carbon management and reducing carbon dioxide emissions?

  • Ain Shams University seeks to play a pivotal role in addressing and dealing with environmental issues. This makes it one of the best green and environmentally compatible universities in the region. And through the role assigned to the university to preserve the environment, it sets in its sights the following goals:
  • Ensure that all students address sustainability and environment issues through curricula or extracurricular activities at the university.
  • The university's emissions of carbon oxides, sulfur and nitrogen must be zero, using renewable energy sources, promotion of public transport, or by the use of insulation techniques in buildings.
  • Reducing wastes through recycling, using organic waste as natural fertilizer, reusing water or others. Provide maximum biodiversity by creating larger green spaces and preventing the use of toxic chemicals.
  • in order to achieve these goals, a number of measurements that were carried out in the university campus and its hospitals to ensure air quality of the environment the measurements were done with the aim of monitoring the gas emissions that effects on global warming:
  • The number of vehicles inside the campus are reduced
  • The campus encourages using the bicycle as anon polluting transport
  • The rules for preventing smoking inside the college and enforcing a punishment on the violator.
  • Proposed programs for green transformation in campus 1 and 2. 
  • Greenhouses are designed for farming automated control for adjust plant environment minimizing the air pollution resulted from the traditional plant farming
  • monitoring of gaseous waste in hospitals:
  • Gas waste is formed as a result of the waste incineration process in the central incinerator inside the complex, where all medical solid waste (syringes, damaged blood bags, plastic nutrient bags ... etc.) are burned and these materials cause pollution if they are burned under a suitable temperature due to the formation of dioxin, which consists of hundreds of chemicals, remains for long periods in the environment because dioxin does not interact with oxygen and water and is not degraded by bacteria.
  • The hospital put a program for reducing Air and gaseous emissions resulting from the burning of medical waste in the medical incinerator.
  • The plan is summarized in:
  1. Operating Compliance with legal standards for air emissions from equipment.
  2. Workers are protected by using personal protective equipment, such as wearing respiratory masks.
  3. Carrying out periodic analyzes every two years for the gases emitted from the chimney of the incinerators to ensure that the properties of the emitted gases conform to the standards stipulated in Law 4 of 1994.
  4. Conducting training courses for workers to train them in operating incinerators and dealing with hazardous medical waste. The engineering department in hospitals, in cooperation with the Department of Occupational Safety and Health in hospitals

Ain Shams University

Policy in place for ensuring all renovations


  1. Recommend the application which buildings based on application, size, and/or energy consumption the policy will target.
  2. Develop standard methodology for assessing the energy requirements of existing or proposed buildings and specify the manner and intervals of time in which energy audits shall be conducted
  3. Develop energy efficiency benchmarks to assess the level of efficiency of a building and to set energy efficiency targets/requirements for buildings
  4. organize training of staffs and experts in the techniques for efficient use of energy in buildings
  5. Encourage research and progress in this field
  6. Reinforce consultancy facilities in this field
  7. Projects planning for efficient use of energy in buildings
  8. Build up a certification and labelling criteria for buildings and appliances to impose standards for energy conservation building codes
  9. Support the use of energy-efficient processes, equipment, devices and systems; Promote innovative funding of energy efficiency projects
  10. Prepare educational curriculum on efficient use of energy and its conservation for educational institutions, boards, universities or autonomous bodies and coordinate with them for inclusion of such curriculum in their syllabus; Implement international cooperation programmes
  11. Create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy in buildings.

Ain shams university Campus Facilities and Grounds Policy and Procedures Manual

  1. This policy governs the practices and procedures of University campus for any and all building construction activities on the Oregon State University campus.
  2. The objective of this policy is to:
  1. Establish central regulatory responsibility for the university’s physical spaces
  2. Assure that university-wide interests are met
  3. Applies to all university-related facilities, statewide
  4. Applies whatever the funding source
  1. This policy is intended to prevent construction activities from occurring or being initiated by departments or building managers without first ensuring that:
  1. The work is planned and implemented in compliance with the applicable building code regulations, fire code regulations, ADA guidelines, OSU best practices, and zoning code regulations.
  2. All university space (regardless of its assignment to a particular department or organization), is managed, renovated, altered, etc., in a consistent manner in accordance with the applicable policies and procedures of the appropriate university committees such as the Campus Planning Committee, University Space Committee, University Safety Committee, etc.
  3. All required analyses, such as an electrical load analysis, are completed prior to the installation of equipment.
  4. The contractors being used are licensed and in contact with the appropriate Facilities Services staff.
  5. Appropriate professionals are used to design and engineer the work.
  6. An asbestos survey and abatement are completed in accordance with Policy 15.h of this manual prior to the work commencing.
  7. Changes in existing building systems are completed in a manner that do not adversely impact the systems overall operational efficiency.

Instruction from the president of night lighting depending on solar cell technology and replacement of lamps with LED type to reduce carbon emission and achieve aim toward a green university

- Does your university as a body have plans to upgrade existing buildings to higher energy efficiency? Yes.

  • Upgrading the building to incorporate sustainable operations and maintenance practices and switch to green cleaning products and methods through:
  1. Replace existing light system with LED one
  2. Depending on day light for the building by using transparent windows
  3. Ensuring the Dependence on natural ventilation are feasible alternatives to reduce heating and cooling loads.
  4. Upgrade HVAC and lighting sensors in appropriate locations.
  5. Planning for applying renewable energy in lightening and electricity generation
  6. Replace existing windows with high-performance windows appropriate for climate and exposure.
  7. Certain site renovations can improve the energy performance of the building
  8. Employ a green building rating system for existing buildings like LEED for Existing Buildings: Operations and Maintenance (LEED EBOM) or Green Globes for Existing Buildings to gage the building's level of performance.
  9. installing meters for electric, gas, water and other utilities. Smart meters and submeters are preferable to monitor real-time consumption, control demand and increase tenant accountability (cost control).
  10. Rely on energy-saving devices and use smart technologies
  • There some smart building, class rooms application at different Ain shams university campus, the standard for efficient energy ( Automated control system, Fire control system, smoking detectors, light and water sensors, LED lamp uses, central air conditions, smart technology ( screens, energy star computers, video conference, virtual classes




Faculty of Engineering Building , first floor building


University Ain Shams; Faculty of ALsun, smart classroom


University Ain Shams; Faculty of Woman smart room


University Ain Shams; Faculty of medicine