

The Ain Shams University newsletter for the first half of September 2024

The Ain Shams University website launched the new version of the bulletin for the first half of September 2024, which deals with the most important news of Ain Shams University, its activities, and the services it provides to students, faculty staff, and the external community.

The issuance of the bulletin comes under the auspices of Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, President of Ain Shams University, and Prof. Rasha Ismail, Director of the Electronic Portal and Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences for Graduate Studies and Research.

Among the most important news contained in the bulletin for the first half of September 2024:

The University President announces the winning team of the Faculty of Engineering in the University Logo Redesign Competition

Receiving a delegation from the National Council for Higher Education

Recommendations of the "Adult Education in Emergencies and Crises" Conference

11 recommendations during the first conference on endocrinology and diabetes

Harmony Arab Choir wins the title of Egypt Got Talent 2024

To view the electronic newsletter for the first half of September 2024, you can enter the following link:


To view the previous bulletins, you can visit the university’s website at the following link:


Or visit the Ain Shams University news channel on YouTube through the following link:
