

Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid


He reached the highest scientific ranks after great fatigue and hardship... He defied all the spatial and temporal conditions to finally be crowned with prizes he deservedly deserved... He is Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid Abdel Ghani Radwan, who hails from the Beheira Governorate from Kom Hamada area, the village of Al-Braigat.

He is one of the righteous sons of Ain Shams University. He began his career as a teaching assistant in the Horticulture Department at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University from 9/11/1982 to 30/6/1986, then became an assistant teacher in the Horticulture Department at the Faculty of Agriculture from 30/6/1986 to 24/9/1990. And then a teacher in the Department of Horticulture at the Faculty of Agriculture from 9/24/1990 to 11/27/1995, and became an assistant professor from 11/27/1995 to 2/26/2001, and then a professor from 02/26/2001 until now.

His scientific merit and his activity in the department were enough to qualify him to assume the position of Head of the Horticulture Department at the Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University from 1/8/2010 to 10/11/2014, then Dean of the College of Agriculture from 11/11/2014 to 18/12/2016, and from After that, he held the position of Vice President of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs since 12/19/2016, and remained as Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs from 17/2/2017 until 2/5/2017, then as Vice President for Education and Student Affairs From 1/8/2018 to 31/12/2018.


The activity and work of Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid was not limited to Ain Shams University, as he proved his worth and effort in community work. He became a consultant to the World Organization for Child Protection starting from 11/2/2019, and a member of the Literacy and Adult Education Committee of the Supreme Council of Universities formed by a decision of the Supreme Council of Universities. He has also been a Goodwill Ambassador for the Organization of Arab Peoples and Parliaments since 11/3/2017, in addition to being a member of the Permanent Scientific Committee to promote the members of the Research Authority at the Desert Research Center for Plant Production by Ministerial Decision No. (94) dated 5/1/2019 for my term (2015-2018) and (2018-2021) with experience in the agricultural fields by Ministerial Resolution No. (1644) dated 11/29/2018.

He is also a member of the Standing Committee for Public Mobilization and Statistics for the year 2018/2019 at Ain Shams University by Presidential Decision No. (287) on 3/17/2018, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center at Ain Shams University by University President Decision No. (1286) on 11/28 / 2017.

Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid is the head of the disciplinary board for faculty members at Ain Shams University by the decision of the president of the university No. (1171) on 11/1/2017, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Skills Development and Employment at Ain Shams University by the decision of the university president on 3/14/2017. Member of the Standing Committee for Leadership Jobs at the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in accordance with Ministerial Resolution No. (1136) for the year 2017, Member of the Standing Committee for Leadership Jobs at Ain Shams University, by decision of the University President No. (233) on February 21, 2017, member of the Standing Committee for Leadership Jobs at Ain Shams University by decision President of the University No. (33) on 4/1/2017.


Also, Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid, Chairman of the Agricultural Sector Programs Committee and a member of the Board of Directors of the Arab Union for Training in the Council of Arab Economic Unity in the League of Arab States by Resolution No. (121) starting from July 2017 until June 2020, Assistant Secretary-General with the rank of Minister Plenipotentiary in the Arab Union for Training in the Council of Arab Economic Unity By Resolution No. (115) of the League of Arab States from August 2017 until June 2020.

Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid was assigned to follow up the special strategy to confront terrorist and extremist ideology at the Presidency of the Republic based on the assignment of the Minister of Higher Education on 2/2/2017, and to lead the team charged with evaluating economic, marketing and technical studies for the fisheries project in East Al-Tfri’a with the National Service in November 2018, in addition to He is a scientific advisor to the Egyptian Ministry of Defense - National Service Projects Organization - the National Company for Reclamation and Cultivation of Desert Lands in East Owainat to develop various horticultural programs and scientific consultations necessary for fruit crops in the farms of the armed forces.


Finally, last July, Ain Shams University, headed by Dr. Mahmoud El-Metini, President of the University, announced that Prof. Nazmi Abdel Hamid had received Ain Shams University Appreciation Award in Agricultural Sciences 2021.

Prof. Dr. Nazmi Abdel Hamid represents an honorable journey of scientific and societal giving, and one of the tributaries of continuous creativity.