

Prof. Dr. Mohamed Awad Tag El Din


State Award in Medical Sciences 2006
Date of birth: 23/10/1945 Born in Cairo governorate

* Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery - Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University in 1968
* Diploma of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1972
* Diploma of Internal Medicine - Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University 1972
* Doctor of Medicine Branch of Chest Diseases - Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University in 1976
Career progression:
* Demonstrator, Department of Special Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1973
* Assistant Lecturer of Chest Diseases, Department of Special Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1973
* Lecturer of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1976
* Professor, Department of Chest Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, 1986
* Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University for Education and Students Affairs in 192
* Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, 1997
* President of Ain Shams University in 2001
* Minister of Health and Population 2002.

Academic posts:
* Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine for Education and Student Affairs, Ain Shams University
* Vice President of Ain Shams University for Graduate Studies and Research
* President of Ain Shams University
* Minister of Health and Population

General specialization: PhD in medicine
* Specialization: Chest Diseases 
Scientific Production:
* Supervised 57 Master Thesis
* Supervised 30 Ph.D.
* Participated in 11 local scientific conferences (1995-1997)
* Participated in 10 international scientific conferences (1996-2006)
* Published many scientific works
* Member of the editorial board of the magazine of the World Health Organization for the Eastern Mediterranean Region
* Member of the editorial board of several medical journals
* Member of the International Aerosol Association Conferences in the United States, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and France.
* Several local medical conferences (eleven conferences from 1995-1997)
* Ten international conferences outside Egypt in 1996-2006.

Membership of scientific societies:
* Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Medical Association of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
* Secretary General and Member of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Medical Association for Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
* Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Scientific Medical Association of the Egyptian Society of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
Member of the European Association of Respiratory Diseases
* Member of the British Society of the chest
* Member of the French Association of the chest and tuberculosis
Member of the World Association of Aerosol Medicine (Board Member)
Member of the World Society for the Study of Lung Cancer
* Member of the British intensive care association
* Founding member of the European Society of Chest Diseases

Contributions and scientific activities:
* President of the Egyptian Association of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis
* President of the Scientific and Clinical Association, Ain Shams University
* Member of the Specialized National Councils
* Vice Chairman of the Medical Sector Committee (Supreme Council of Universities)
* Member of the Court of Scientific Values
* Effective contribution to the life of the university is the establishment of several departments of internal and endocrinology departments of medical schools at Al-Azhar University - Suez Canal Medicine.
* Participate in the training and education of doctors' cadres in different stages, especially graduate students in the areas of accurate such as optical fiber binoculars of the respiratory system and laparoscopy and respiratory functions and respiratory dysfunction. These exercises included Egyptian and foreign doctors from different universities
* Participating in the preparation and organization and dissemination of research and lectures at the conferences of the Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams
* Contribute to the radical and comprehensive development of the preparation of the university teacher and increase the opportunities for training and education for faculty members and assistant teachers through further strengthening scientific and cooperative relations with a number of countries
* The radical and comprehensive development of the university information network
* Contribute to the establishment and support of the Chairman of the Board of the Center for Photovoltaic Energy University
* Establishment of the first unit of respiratory dysfunction during sleep.
* Supervision of the establishment of the first unit of intensive care for respiratory diseases Ain Shams Specialist Hospital
* Supervising the establishment of intensive care units for respiratory patients in Al-Abbasiya hospital, respiration units and optical fiber endoscopes in several hospitals of the Ministry of Health
* Chairman of the Executive Council of the Council of Arab Ministers of Health for two consecutive sessions
* Council of Arab Ministers of Health
* Member of the Executive Office of the World Health Organization (Geneva) from 2002-2004
* Member of the General Assembly of the World Health Organization from 2002 to 2005
* Advisor to the World Health Organization
* The actual suspension of the family system in about 750 medical sites
* Accurate follow-up and radical development in blood transfusion services
* Work to get rid of poliomyelitis completely
* Support the pharmaceutical industry

Scientific Awards:
* Obtained the Sulaiman Abaza Prize from the Egyptian Medical Association for Thoracic Diseases and a commemorative medal for excellence in the Diploma of Chest Diseases and Exercise at the level of Egypt 1972
* Received the doctorate award for Ain Shams University and the certificate of appreciation and shield of the Syndicate of Doctors of Egypt 1984-1990
* Received a Shield and Certificate of Appreciation from the Cairo Medical Syndicate in recognition of the educational role and contribution to continuing medical education and medical convoys
* Received a Shield and Certificate of Appreciation from Ain Shams University, 2002
* Received an estimate from the governorates of the New Valley Aswan - Matrouh - Port Said - Suez - Ismailia - Red Sea - North Sinai - to the distinguished role in medical convoys and the service and education of doctors and contribute to the treatment of citizens
* Received an appreciation from different universities in Egypt
* He received a shield and a certificate of appreciation and recognition from the World Health Organization for the great role and excellence in the eradication of poliomyelitis from Egypt as well as contribute to the control of this disease in other countries
* Received the Certificate of Appreciation and Shield of the World Health Organization for the big role and contribute to campaigns and laws to reduce smoking in Egypt