

الحياة في البر

  • الحياة في البرّ
  • Policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies
  • معهد البحوث الزراعية فى المناطق القاحلة
  • كلية زراعة
  • كلية الدراسات العليا للبحوث البيئية
  • القوافل
  • مشروع شمس
  • تدوير المخلفات

الهدف الخامس عشر من أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأُمم المتحدة هو الحياة في البرّ.

«حماية النظم الإيكولوجية البرية وترميمها وتعزيز استخدامها على نحو مستدام، وإدارة الغابات على نحو مستدام، ومكافحة التصحر، ووقف تدهور الأراضي وعكس مساره، ووقف فقدان التنوع البيولوجي.»يحدد هذا الهدف غاياتً للحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي للغابات والصحراء والأنظمة الإيكولوجية الجبلية كنسبة مئوية من مجموع الكتلة الأرضية. ويمكن الوصول إلى «عالم محايد من تدهور الأراضي» عن طريق استعادة الغابات المتدهورة والأراضي المفقودة بسبب الجفاف والفيضانات. ويدعو الهدف 15 إلى إيلاء مزيد من الاهتمام لمنع غزو الأنواع الغريبة والمزيد من الحماية للحياة البرية المهددة بالانقراض.

Ain Shams University


Policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies


Ain Shams University vision

Sustainability is a basic value at Ain Shams University. One key driver of Ain Shams University’s Supplier Code of Conduct is to ensure that our suppliers understand and are aligned with our sustainability values. We encourage our suppliers to continuously work to implement sustainable development principles like the ones in our Supplier Code in their own operations and in their supply chain.

At Ain Shams University, environmental commitment is a fundamental part of our business philosophy. The University recognizes that the protection of human health and the environment is a sound business

The Sustainable Food Policy has been developed by the University catering team. The policy reflects the principles of the University’s Purchasing strategy, sustainability goals, Providing healthy, seasonal, local and responsibly sourced food for staff, students and visitors is critical to the University’s drive to maintain its status The University’s supplying services and products need to reflect its core values and provide opportunities into the wider institutional culture and practice, supporting positive experiences of living, working and learning at the University for students, staff, partners and visitors.


  • Promote a procurement attitude of buying locally to support producers.
  • Ensure that sustainability standards are included in specifications to providers and used in the award of all contracts.
  • Priorities to products and services that can be manufactured, used and disposed of in an environmental and socially responsible way.


  • Use only fresh, locally sourced eggs, meat, milk in all food preparation meals.
  • provide free access to drinking water inside the university to students and visitors, use water bottles can be refilled.
  • Provide a broad range of produce from sustainable resources for students and on hospitality menus.
  • food packaging for items prepared on site is biodegradable, compostable or recyclable.
  • work closely with suppliers to further our sustainable food agenda.
  • food waste is collected for anaerobic digestion by waste treatment units belongs to the university

practice that conserves resources and safeguards employees, customers, the general public and the environment.