

Diplomas Programs


Ain Shams University offers, through the graduate studies sector in each faculty, precise and distinctive specializations that may be unique to them from many other universities, enabling them to excel in scientific research.

Faculty of Medicine

Diploma specializations

Department of Pharmacology
Diploma in Pharmacology

Department of Clinical Pathology
Diploma in Clinical Pathology

Department of Parasitology
Diploma in Parasitology

Department of Geriatric Medicine and Health and Age Sciences
Diploma in Geriatric Medicine and Health and Age Sciences

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Diploma in Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Department of Diagnostic Radiology
Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology

Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Diploma in Forensic Medicine
Diploma in Clinical Toxicology
Diploma in Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Department of Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Diploma in Physical Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation

Department of Community Medicine and Public Health
Diploma in Community Medicine and Public Health
Diploma in Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Diploma in Epidemiology
Diploma in Quality of Health Care

Department of General Surgery
Diploma in General Surgery

Department of General Internal Medicine
Diploma in General Internal Medicine

Department of Otorhinolaryngology
Diploma in Otorhinolaryngology

Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
Diploma in Neurology and Psychiatry

Department of Ophthalmology
Diploma in Ophthalmology

Chest Diseases Department
Diploma in Chest Diseases

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Department of Tropical Medicine
Diploma in Tropical Medicine
Diploma in Infectious Diseases and Fever

Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management
Diploma in Anesthesia

Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology
Diploma in Dermatology, Venereology and Andrology

Department of Family Medicine
Diploma in Family Medicine

Department of Pediatrics
 Diploma in Pediatrics

  • Department of Medical Education
    Diploma in Medical Educatio

Professional Diplomas specializations  

Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
Professional Diploma in Infection Control

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Professional Diploma in Reproductive Healt

Department of Community, Environmental and Industrial Medicine
Professional Diploma in Applied Quality in Health Care
Professional Diploma in Medical Statistics

Department of Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Management
Professional Diploma in Resuscitatio

Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
Professional Diploma in Psychiatric Practice

Department of Family Medicine
Professional Diploma in Family Medicine

Department of Clinical Pathology
Professional Diploma in Hospital Infection Control

Professional Diploma in Cardiac Electrophysiology and Cardiac Pacemakers

Postgraduate Guide for credit

Diplomas Specializations:

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Microbiology and Immunology

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Biotechnology

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Drugs

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Biochemical and Biological Analysis

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Drug Quality Control and Assurance

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Pharmaceutical Technology and Quality Assurance

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Clinical Pharmacy

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Hospital Pharmacy


Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma Specialization:

Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology

Diploma in Prosthodontics

Diploma in Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine

Diploma in Periodontics

Diploma in Fixed Prosthodontics

Diploma in Endodontics

Diploma in Pediatric Dentistry

Diploma in Public Health Prosthodontics and Community Dentistry

Diploma in Conservative Treatment

Contact Method   Faculty of science Research plan


Diploma Specializations:


Science Computer

Dynamics Space

Applied Mathematics for Environmental Science

Mathematical Statistics and its Applications




Physics Radiation

Electromagnetics and Electronics



Chemistry Organic Applied

Chemistry Analytical


Geology Petroleum

Geology Mining and Engineering

Applications and Hydrogeology


Plant of Applications Advanced Physiology, Molecular Genetics and Tissue Culture

Economic and Medicinal Plants

Environmental Plant

Plant Genetic Engineering


Laboratory Diagnostic Techniques of Tissues and Fluids


Entomology Applied

Medical Entomology


Biochemistry Nutritional

Molecular Biology and Molecular Diagnostics

Biochemical Analysis


Geophysics Applied



Microbiology Diagnostic

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Professional Diploma Specializations:

Medical Surgical Nursing

Professional Diploma in Central Sterilization Technology

Critical Care and Emergency Nursing

Maternity and Gynecology Nursing

Professional Diploma in Sexual Health

Pediatric Nursing

Professional Diploma in Special Needs Child Care

Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

Professional Diploma in Psychological Counseling

Professional Diploma in Substance Abuse and Drugs

Community Health Nursing

Professional Diploma in Elderly Health Care<

Professional Diploma in Health Rehabilitation

Nursing Management

Professional Diploma in Human Resources Management

Professional Diploma in Hospital Management

General Diplomas

Professional Diploma in First Aid

Professional Diploma in Quality Assurance

Professional Diploma in Infection Control

Professional Diploma in Health Guidance and Education

Professional Diploma in Clinical Education

Higher Diploma Specializations:

Internal surgical nursing

  1. Diploma in Critical Care Nursing
  1. Diploma in Operations and Surgery Nursing
  1. Diploma in Oncology Nursing
  1. Diploma in Kidney and Renal Dialysis Nursing

Critical Care and Emergency Nursing

  1. Diploma degree in nursing, organ transplantation and stem cells
  1. Diploma degree in emergency and trauma nursing

Maternity and Gynecology Nursing

  1. Diploma degree in midwifery
  1. Diploma degree in Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing

Pediatric nursing

Diploma degree in neonatal nursing

Diploma degree in nursing critically ill children

Diploma degree in nursing children with blood diseases and cancer

Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health

Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health

Community Health Nursing

Diploma in Community and Environmental Health Nursing

Diploma in School Health Nursing

  1. Diploma in Occupational Health Nursing
  1. Diploma in Family Health Nursing

Diploma degree in geriatric health nursing

Nursing administration

Diploma degree in health and educational facilities management

To know more information about programs, Click here

Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma, Specialized Studies Track:

Department of Physics and Engineering Mathematics

Diploma (Qualifying Year) Engineering Mathematics
Diploma (Qualifying Year) Engineering Mechanics

Department of Civil Engineering


Department of Irrigation and Hydraulics

Postgraduate Diploma in Water and Environment Engineering

Department of Public Works

Postgraduate Diploma in Sanitary Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Inter-Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Solid Waste Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Water and Drainage Engineering for Industry
Postgraduate Diploma in Road and Traffic Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Surveying
Postgraduate Diploma in Digital Maps and Geoinformatics
Postgraduate Diploma in Geodetic and Satellite Surveying
Postgraduate Diploma in Railway Engineering

Department of Architecture

History, Theories and Architectural Criticism
Interdisciplinary Studies and Building Technology
Project Development and Management

Department of Urban Planning

Urban Planning and Environment
Design and Site Coordination

Department of Electrical Power and Machines Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Armament and Protection Equipment
Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Power Systems
Postgraduate Diploma in Electrical Machine Control
Postgraduate Diploma in Renewable Energy

Department of Electronics and Communications Engineering


Department of Computer and Systems Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Control Systems
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Control Systems
Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Software Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma

Department of Design and Production Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Mechanical Design
Postgraduate Diploma in Metalworking
Postgraduate Diploma in Metal Forming
Postgraduate Diploma in Numerical Control
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Engineering
Postgraduate Diploma in Quality Control
Postgraduate Diploma in Product Development and Innovation
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Operations Administration

Department of Mechanical Power Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Internal Combustion Engines
Postgraduate Diploma in Air Conditioning and Ventilation
Postgraduate Diploma in New and Renewable Energy
Postgraduate Diploma in Industrial Furnaces
Postgraduate Diploma in Pumping Engineering

Department of Automotive Engineering

Postgraduate Diploma in Maintenance Operation Administration

Department of Mechatronics

Postgraduate Diploma in Mechatronic Equipment Design

Diploma, Interdisciplinary studies track:

IMAERC Equal Resource Cities Program
The participating specializations in the program include the following scientific departments:
Urban Planning Department
Architectural Engineering Department
Electrical Power and Machines Engineering Department
Public Works Department
Irrigation and Hydraulics Department
Design and Production Engineering Department

JAMILA New and Renewable Energy Program
The program is the result of cooperation between researchers from three departments
1-Electronics and Communications Engineering
2-Electrical Power and Machines Engineering
3-Mechanical Power Engineering

Science in Engineering Project Administration

Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma Specialization:
Diploma in Basic Business Computing Analysis (Basic Cloud Computing)
Diploma in Advanced Business Computing Analysis (Advanced Cloud Computing)
Diploma in Basic Bioinformatics
Diploma in Advanced Bioinformatics
Diploma in Specialized Computer Games Application Development
Diploma in Specialized Computer Applications Development and Accounting
Advanced Computer Applications Development and Accounting
Diploma in Information Technology and Business (2-year diploma)

Diploma Specialization - Educational track:

General Diploma in Education

One-year system (morning study) (regular - distance learning)
Two-year system (evening study)

Professional Diploma in Education

(School Quality and Accreditation - School Administration - Educational Leadership - International Education - Curricula and Teaching Methods "All Specializations" - Educational Technology in Specialization - Educational Technology and Preparation of Educational Materials - Strategic Planning and Economics of Education - Adult Education and Human Development - Educational Informatics - Psychological Measurement - School Psychological Service - Special Education - Communication Disorders (Speech) - Integration of People with Special Needs - Psychological Counseling - Kindergartens)

Special Diploma in Education

(Comparative Education - International Education - Educational Administration - Principles of Education - Adult Education and Sustainable Development - Strategic Planning and Economics of Education - Mental Health - Educational Psychology - Special Education - Curricula and Teaching Methods (All Specializations) - Educational Technology in the Specialization - Educational Technology and Preparation of Educational Materials)

Diploma Specialization - Specialized track:

General Diploma in Teacher Preparation in Literature

(Arabic Language and Islamic Studies - English Language - French Language - German Language - History - Geography - Philosophy - Sociology)

Special Diploma in Teacher Preparation in Literature

(Arabic Language and Islamic Studies -  English Language (Literature) - English Language (Linguistics) - French Language (Literature) - French Language (Linguistics) - German Language (Literature) - German Language (Linguistics) - Modern and Contemporary History - Islamic and Medieval History - Ancient Egyptian History -  Greek and Roman History - Geography - Philosophy - Sociology)

Preparing the teacher in science Diploma:

General Diploma Programs for Teacher Preparation in Science

(Applied and pure mathematics - statistics and computer science - physics - chemistry - botany - zoology - geology)

Special Diploma Programs for Teacher Preparation in Science

(Pure Mathematics - Applied Mathematics - Statistics - Theoretical Physics - Nuclear Physics - Solid State Physics - Organic Chemistry - Inorganic Chemistry - Botany - Zoology - Geology)

Professional diploma Specialization:

School Quality and Accreditation

Educational Informatics

School Administration

Psychological Measurement

Educational Leadership

School Psychological Service

International Education

Special Education

Curricula and Teaching Methods (All Specializations)

Communication Disorders

Educational Technology in Specialization

Integration of People with Special Needs

Educational Technology and Preparation of Educational Materials

Psychological Counseling

Strategic Planning and Economics of Education


Adult Education and Human Development


Featured Programs

- Professional Diploma Program to Prepare Teachers for Schools of Excellence in Science and Technology (STEM)

- Professional Diploma Program to Prepare Leaders for Schools of Excellence in Science and Technology (STEM)

- Program for Teaching Arabic to Non-Native Speakers

Diploma  Specializations:

Postgraduate Diploma in Literature

Diploma in Professional Translation Studies

Postgraduate Diploma in Linguistics

Postgraduate Diploma in Written Translation (Advanced Program)

Postgraduate Diploma in Computational Linguistics

Postgraduate Diploma in Translation Technology (Advanced Program)

Postgraduate Diploma in Translation

Postgraduate Diploma in Written and Interpreting Translation (Advanced Program)

Postgraduate Diploma in Arabic Language for Non-Native Speakers

Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma Specialization:

Diploma in Business Administration

(Organization and work methods - Banking studies - Investment and finance - Business administration - Hospital administration - Marketing - Crisis management - Industrial business administration - small projects - Cooperative business administration - Islamic banks - Advertising)

Accounting and Auditing Field

(Taxes - Auditing - Costs - Financial Accounting - Governmental Accounting - Accounting Information Systems - Accounting for Specialized Financial Institutions)

Diploma in Economics

(Global Economy and International Relations - Managerial Economics)

Diploma in Statistics, Mathematics and Insurance

(Quantitative Methods - Computers in Business Fields)


Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma Specializations:

General Diploma in Theater Criticism

Special Diploma in Theater Criticism

General Diploma in Film Criticism

Special Diploma in Film Criticism

Diploma in Translation in Persian

Diploma in Translation in Hebrew

General Diploma in Libraries and Information

Special Diploma in Libraries and Information

Diploma in Psychological Service

Diploma in Geographic Information Systems

Diploma in Social Development


Program structure   Conditions of enrollment   Program description   Program Goals

Diploma Specializations:

General Diploma in Educational Sciences

General Diploma in Psychological Sciences

General Diploma in Special Education Sciences

Literary Departments

Professional Diploma Specializations:

Department of Psychology

Diploma in Clinical Psychology
Diploma in Psychology of People with Special Needs

Department of Geography

Diploma in Interdisciplinary Geoinformatics

Department of Sociology

Diploma in Women and Development
Diploma in Population and Development
Diploma in Civil Society and Development
Diploma in Radio

Scientific Departments

Diploma Specializations:

Department of Physics

Diploma in Radiation Physics

Department of Chemistry

Diploma in Applied Chemistry

Botany Department

Diploma in Biotechnology

Diploma in Medical Microbiology

Department of Zoology

Diploma in Microtechnology and Laboratory Testing

Department of Biochemistry and Nutrition

Diploma in Nutrition and Dietary Planning
Diploma in Nutrition for the Elderly
Diploma in Therapeutic Nutrition

Educational Departments

Diploma Specializations:

Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

General Diploma in Education (for non-educators)

Professional Diploma Specializations:

Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

Diploma in teaching an academic subject: (Arabic - English - French - History - Geography - Philosophy and Sociology - Psychology - Chemistry - Physics - Biology / Geology - Mathematics - Home Economics)
Diploma in teaching an academic subject for people with special needs in the specialty
Diploma in planning and developing educational curricula and programs
Diploma in preparing Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers
Diploma in preparing for adult teachers
Diploma in educational guidance and supervision
Diploma in environmental education
Diploma in preparing English language teachers in the primary stage

Department of Educational Foundations

Diploma in School Administration
Diploma in Education Quality Management
Diploma in Education Policies and Planning

Department of Psychology (Educational)

Diploma in School Psychology
Diploma in Psychological Counseling
Diploma in Special Education
Diploma in Psychological and Educational Evaluation and Measurement

Department of Educational and Information Technology

Diploma in Educational Technology

Child Education Department

Advanced Professional Diploma in Education for Professional
Advanced Professional Diploma in Education for Non-Professionals

Diploma Specializations:

Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

Diploma in teaching an academic subject: (Arabic - English - French - History - Geography - Philosophy and Sociology - Psychology - Chemistry - Physics - Biology / Geology - Mathematics - Home Economics)
Diploma in teaching an academic subject for people with special needs in the specialty
Diploma in planning and developing educational curricula and programs
Diploma in preparing Arabic language teachers for non-native speakers
Diploma in preparing for the adult teachers
Diploma in educational guidance and supervision
Diploma in environmental education

Department of Educational Foundations

Diploma in Comparative Education and Educational Administration
Diploma in Principles of Education

Department of Psychology (Educational)

Diploma in Psychology (Educational)
Diploma in Mental Health
Diploma in Special Education
Diploma in Psychological and Educational Evaluation and Measurement

Department of Educational and Information Technology

Diploma in Educational Technology

Child Education Department

Diploma in Child Education

The Faculty of Girls of Arts, Sciences and Education grants interdisciplinary postgraduate degrees according to the specializations of each department:

Department of French Language and Literature and Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Diploma in French Language for Special Purposes.

Interdisciplinary Track:

Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences (Department of Mathematics - Mathematics and Actuarial Sciences)

Interdisciplinary Diploma in French Language for Special Purposes Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods and Department of French Language and Literature.


Diploma Specialization:

Diploma in Private Law

Diploma in Administrative Sciences

Diploma in Public Law

Diploma in International Trade Law

Diploma in Economics and Finance

Diploma in International Relations

Diploma in International Law

Diploma in Procedural Law

Diploma in Comparative Law

Diploma in Civil Law

Diploma in Criminal Law

Professional Training Diploma in Arbitration

Diploma in Islamic Sharia

Advanced Professional Diploma in Arbitration

Diploma in Philosophy of Law and its History


دليل الدراسات العليا للساعات المعتمدة

Diploma Specialization:

Diploma in Protected Agriculture for Vegetable Crops

Orchards - Agricultural Economics - Plant Protection - Plant Diseases

Diploma in Land Cultivation

Soils - Crops - Orchards - Agricultural Engineering

Diploma in Biotechnology

Genetics - Agricultural Biochemistry - Agricultural Microbiology - Food Science

Food and Dairy Quality Control

Food Science

Diploma in Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural Economics

Diploma in Animal Production

Animal Production - Agricultural Economics

Diploma in Poultry Production

Poultry Production

Diploma in Bee and Worm Production Technology

Silk - Plant Protection - Agricultural Economics

Diploma Specializations:

Department of Pediatric Medical Studies

Diploma in Occupational Therapy

Department of Psychological Studies

Professional Diploma in Behavior Modification for Children with Special Needs
Professional Diploma in Early Intervention and Integration of Children with Special Needs
Professional Diploma in Language Development Problems for Children

Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Diploma Specializations:

Diploma in Environmental Humanities

Diploma in Educational Sciences and Environmental Media

Diploma in Environmental Economics, Legal and Administrative Sciences

Diploma in Basic Environmental Sciences

Diploma in Environmental Medical Sciences

Diploma in Environmental Engineering Sciences

Diploma in Environmental Agricultural Sciences

Newly developed programs according to the credit hour system for diploma:

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environmental Humanities

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environmental Education and Communication

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environmental Economics, Legal and Administrative Sciences

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in basic environmental sciences

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environment and Public Health

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environmental Engineering

Diploma in Environmental Sciences in Environmental Agriculture

Diploma in Biodiversity and Resource Conservation

Postgraduate Guide for credit hour

Doploma Specialization:

Salt and dry farming Technology Program

Protected cultivation Technology in Arid areas Program

Biotechnology and Food Safety in Arid area Program.

Program for Bio engineering systems in arid area.

Livestock husbandry in arid area Program

Professional Diploma in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (in cooperation with the National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences)

General conditions for admission and registration:

* Students must apply for enrollment in the diploma according to the admission procedures established by the university.

* A student holding a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from a university recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities is accepted into the program without any conditions, whether related to the graduation grade or the time elapsed since obtaining the bachelor's degree.

* The student must provide the required documents and forms to the university's graduate studies office.

* The student may choose appropriate courses from the elective courses in addition to the mandatory ones, fills out the course registration forms, and has them approved by the academic advisor and the diploma board.

* A student is not considered enrolled in any course unless the tuition fees are paid.

* Registration is mandatory for students to be allowed to attend and have courses counted toward their degree.

* A student who does not complete registration by the end of the second week of the fall and spring semesters, or by the end of the first week of the summer semester, is not allowed to attend classes.

Graduation Requirements:

- The student is awarded the Advanced Professional Diploma in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems after completing all the following requirements:

* Completing all the credit hours required in the study program (mandatory and elective) according to the study plan with a general grade of no less than (C), and the general grade is calculated based on the calculation of the grade point average (GPA).

* All tuition fees must be paid

* The student is awarded a certificate of course grades in Arabic and English according to his request, and with the fees stipulated in the financial regulations of the diploma.

- Duration of study in the diploma: from one to three years.

- Number of study hours: 36 credit hours.

Professional Diploma in Quality Management and Accreditation Systems in Educational Institutions

General conditions for admission and registration

* The student shall apply for enrollment in the diploma according to the admission procedures established by the university.

* The student holding a bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from a university recognized by the Supreme Council of Universities is accepted into the program without any conditions on the time elapsed since obtaining the bachelor's degree.

* The student shall provide the required documents and forms to the university's graduate studies office.

* The student selects the appropriate courses, fills out the course registration forms, and has them approved by the academic advisor and the diploma board.

* The student shall not be considered enrolled in any course unless the tuition fees are paid.

* The registration is mandatory for students to be allowed to attend and have courses counted toward their degree.

* The student who does not complete registration by the end of the second week of the fall and spring semesters, or by the end of the first week of the summer semester, is not allowed to attend classes.

Graduation requirements:

- The student is awarded a professional diploma in quality management and accreditation systems in educational institutions after completing all the following requirements:

* All credit hours required in the study program (compulsory and elective) must be completed according to the study plan with a general grade of no less than (C), and the general grade is calculated on the basis of calculating the grade point average (GPA).

* Full tuition fees must be paid

* The student is granted a certificate of course grades in Arabic and English according to his request.

- Diploma study duration: One year.

- Number of study hours: 24 credit hours.

Diploma Specialization:

Department of Ancient Egyptian Antiquities

(Ancient Egyptian Antiquities - Papyrus Studies and Ancient Egyptian Inscriptions - Papyrus Studies and Aramaic Inscriptions)

Department of Greek and Roman Antiquities

(Greco-Roman Antiquities - Papyrus Studies and Greek and Latin Inscriptions)

Department of Islamic Antiquities

(Islamic Antiquities - Papyrological Studies and Arabic Inscriptions)

Department of Archaeology and Excavation

Archaeology and Excavation

Department of Museums and Archaeological Sites Management

Museums and Archaeological Sites Management

General Diploma in Restoration and Maintenance of Antiquities

Specialized Diploma in Restoration and Maintenance of Organic Antiquities

Specialized Diploma in Restoration and Maintenance of Inorganic Antiquities

Specialized Diploma in Architectural Restoration and Preservation of Buildings and Archaeological Sites