Staff Transfer
The professors may be transferred from one discipline to another in the same faculty or institute, and the transfer of faculty staff from one department to another in the same faculty or institute by a decision of the university board based on the proposal of the faculty board and after taking the opinion of the department board or the board of the concerned departments. They may also be transferred from a faculty or institute to another faculty or institute in the same university by a decision of the University Council after taking the opinion of the Councils of the two faculties or the institutes and the board of the respective department in each.
Faculty staff may be transferred from one university to another from universities subject to this law after the approval of the two boards of the two universities and taking the opinion of the boards of faculties or institutes and the boards of the concerned departments.
The transfer decision may not be submitted to the University Board until after the opinion of the Permanent Scientific Committee concerned with the transfer of professors from one specialization to another and the transfer of assistant professors from one department to another.
Faculty staff may be assigned for a specified period from one university to another or to perform another public function by a decision of the university president based on the approval of the board of the competent faculty after taking the opinion of the board of the concerned department.
Secondment is executed by a decision of the University President after taking the opinion of the Faculty Board or the concerned Institute.
The Secondmentis for a period of two years renewable once by a decision of the university president concerned, and the university board may renew the secondment for another term.
The secondment may be renewed for two years, renewable only once, except in cases required by a national interest. The secondment may be renewed twice and the salary is paid by the counter party. However, in special circumstances, the university may pay its salary and the secondment period shall be calculated as a bonus or pension. The teaching staff is seconded to it, and is treated in respect of his seniority and the allowances due to him as if he was in the university and generally retains all the characteristics of his job.
In cases where a national interest is required, the Prime Minister may renew it again or more based on the offer of the minister concerned with higher education.
The employment of the second degree may be filled when the secondment is unpaid for at least three years for professors and at least one year for the rest of the teaching staff. The number of seconded posts shall not exceed one fifth of the total number of posts assigned to each class in the college or institute, it is not permissible to fill the position of the secondment with another secondment.
If the employee returned to his job at the university, fill the job without his degree or fill his original job in a personal capacity, provided that his condition is settled in the first job without his degree.
Faculty staff may be assigned for a limited period from a university or any other university by the board of the department and the faculty and with the approval of the head of the university. The assignmentis considered a secondment without pay, subject to the provisions of the secondment.
Scientific full-time leave
Professors may be licensed for a scientific leave within or outside the Republic for one year at a salary only after spending six years in the professor, even those who take their place with no license in the license for more than one professor in each department and after the approval of the scientific or technical curriculum. It is issued by a decision of the University President after the approval of the Board of Graduate Studies.