

Entomology program

  • Program objectives
  • The skills that the student acquires
  • Program features and employment opportunities
  • Entry conditions
  • Program Structure
  • Contact Method

Program objectives

1. to advance scientific knowledge in the field of entomology and to disseminate this knowledge through publication, teaching, and service.

2. The graduates of this program will be competitive and well-prepared for careers in academic, research, industrial, governmental and in professional fields.

3. To enhance the quality of human life and health and sustain our environmental resources through a better understanding of insects and related arthropods.

4. To have hands-on experience with biological research methods and tools.

5. To prepare students to be effective scientists and practitioners in entomology.

6. To establish a highly successful graduate program with a national and international reputation.

The skills that the student acquires

1. Teaching by the Entomology program reflects the broad nature of the departmental mission, ranging from basic aspects of insects ecology, morphology, parasitology, physiology, systematics and toxicology to applied subjects in apiculture, agricultural, medical and veterinary pest management.

2. The impact that insects have (both positive and negative) on human society, including human health, agriculture, and the environment.

3. Various research techniques including collection, mounting, preservation and identification of insects and study suitable technique for histological preparations as well as determination of proteins and enzymes.

4. Encourages students to develop as scholars in their academic fields including publication, participation in conferences, workshops, and short courses as appropriate.

5. Understand basic bio statistical aspects such as linear regression, correlation and analysis of variance and their employment in interpreting information related to insects.

6. Study the component of the environment and understand their effect on insect development and survival. The basic information and techniques related to recent advancements in biology, molecular biology, biotechnology, and genetic engineering.

7. The economic importance of insects, including direct and indirect interactions between insects and humans. As well as between insects and ecosystem.

8. Study the principles of population genetics that underlie the bases of modern entomology and how they control insect polymorphism.

Program features and employment opportunities

1. Provide students with up-to-date information and clear knowledge and understanding of the importance of insect as pests on crops and vectors of human and animal diseases.

2. Study role played by insects in economic, medical and molecular entomology.

3. Study methods involved in the control of insects including physical, chemical and biological and understand the mechanisms of insect resistant and the safe use of pesticides.

4. Acquire the essential knowledge in pollution, protection of the ecosystems, biological factors influencing the insect population and the role of insects as bio-indicators.

5. Be familiar with methods for diagnosing and preventing vector-borne diseases.

6. Recognize animal cell culturing, insect biotechnology and its application in medicine, industry and in bio-control

7. Define the conservation biology strategy, biodiversity of insects and understands their distribution in different bio-geographical regions as well as how to protect insect species from extinction.

8. Understand the cell theory of heredity, biological and molecular definitions, gene expression, applications of genetic engineering and bioinformatics and their application in vector-borne disease research.

9. Studying the role of insects in forensic science and crime investigation.

Entry conditions

The student must be successful in course 102 of the first level.
The student's GPA should not be less than 2.33.

Program Structure


Contact Method

Communicate with the program coordinator: Dr. Jewel Magdy Mohamed - 01007931502
