

Physics / Chemistry Program

  • Program Objectives
  • Progam academic reference standards
  • Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Benchmarking
  • Program Structure

Program Objectives

1. Demonstrate the ability to engage in an objective, interdisciplinary perspective

2.  Combine knowledge and thinking styles drawn from two or more disciplines

3.  Produce an interdisciplinary understanding of a complex problem or intellectual question related to critical thinking; problem solving, communication, practical technique and computing.

4. Stipulate modern educational facilities to encourage innovation, creativity and leadership among students.

5.  Establish a suitable environment to facilitate exchanging ideas between faculty and students.

6.  Provide expert consultancy for public in the field of physicsand chemistry.

7. Develop twin collaborative relations with national and international institutions at both educational and research levels.

8. Produce high quality scientific research and continues development to keep abreast of scientific and technical progress in the field of physics and chemsitry.

9. Solve common problems related to interdisciplinary perspective based on ethical and social issues, recognizenovel problems and investigate them practically.

10. Design and conduct experimental work, critically evaluate the outcomes, review and reporton practice.

11. To preduce a high-quality graduate with a professional, scientific and distinguished performance who is familiar with contemporary environmental and societal issues and has the ability to deal with them and propose appropriate solutions for them, able to work in several scientific fields in universities, ministries and companies.

Progam academic reference standards

General Attributes of the graduates of basic sciences programs:
The graduate of any program in basic sciences should be able to:

1. Recognize the role of basic sciences in the development of society.

2. Develop scientific approaches that meet community needs considerin economic, environmental, social, ethical, and safety requirements.

3. Utilize scientific facts and theories to analyze and interpret data of various sources.

4. Collect, analyze, and present data using appropriate formats and techniques and use information technology relevant to the field efficiently.

5. Participate effectively as a member in a team, recognize and respect the views and opinions of the other members, and be flexible for adaptation to work conditions.

6. Develop the skills and attitude necessary for lifelong and independent learning and participate effectively in research activities.

7. Deal with scientific data and communicate about specific subjects appropriately in Arabic, English or other languages.

 Attributes of the graduates of the physics and chemistry program 
In addition to the general attributes of the graduate of faculty of science, the graduate of the physics program should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a good basic knowledge of structural and functional aspects of physical systems at many spatial scales, from single molecule to the whole system.

2. Connect fundamental ideas about the physical behavior of matter and energy to system’s structure and function.

3 Understand hypotheses, new problem aspects and different methods for analyzing data.

4. Work within multidisciplinary team.

5.Work professionally and showing ethical responsibilities.

6. Make decisions based on the data acquired in the field and laboratory.

7.Know the importance of assessing risks and make good judgments about the risk factors.

8. Design and perform physical and chemical physics fields survey or laboratory Investigations.

Knowledge and Understanding
knowledge and understanding of the graduates of “basic sciences”. The graduates must acquire:

1.The related basic scientific facts, concepts, principles and techniques.

2. The relevant theories and their applications.

3. The processes and mechanisms supporting the structure and function of the specific topics.

4.The related terminology, nomenclature and classification systems.

5. The theories and methods applied for interpreting and analyzing data related to discipline.

6. The developmental progress of the program-related knowledge.

7. The relation between the studied topics and the environm.

Knowledge and understanding of the graduates of Physics and Chemsitryprogram.
The graduates must know and understand :

1.The characteristics and physical properties of matter.

2. Static and dynamic properties of fluids.

3. The basics of electricity.

4. Concepts of electromagnetism.

5. Principles of heat transfer and thermodynamics.

6. Theoretical and practical aspects of optics, nuclear physics and other related branches.

7. Application of advanced physical techniques.

8. Basics and mechanisms of energy transfer.

9. The principles, procedures and techniques used in chemical analysis, characterization and structural investigations of different chemical compounds.

10. The constitution and properties of the different chemical compounds, including the main synthetic pathways and the relation between the properties of individual atoms and molecules.

11. The importance of chemistry in other areas of science, technology and industry

Intellectual Skills
Intellectual Skills of the graduates of “basic sciences” The graduates must be able to:

1. Differentiate between subject-related theories and assess their concepts and principles.

2. Analyze, synthesize, assess and interpret qualitatively and quantitatively science relevant data.

3. Develop lines of argument and appropriate judgments in accordance with scientific theories and concepts.

4. Postulate and deduce mechanisms and procedures to handle scientific problems.

5. Construct several related and integrated information to confirm, make evidence and test hypotheses

6. Employ computation and data-processing skills in handling of chemical information and data analysis

7. Explain concepts and determine the efficiency of chemical systems by applyingthe mathematical expressions.

Intellectual Skills of the graduates of “Physics and Chemsity” program.
The graduates must be able to:

1. Apply mathematical tools and techniques to analyze and interpret experimental results.

2. Implant comprehensive physical knowledge and understanding as well as intellectual skills in research tasks.

3. Use the national standards for laboratory equipment which are essential for practical research work.

4. Present theoretical and experimental results in understandable forms such as tables and graphs.

Professional and Practical Skills
Professional and Practical Skills of the graduates of “basic sciences”. The graduatesmust be able to:

1. Plan, design, process and report on the investigated data, using appropriate techniques and considering scientific guidance.

2. Apply techniques and tools considering scientific ethics.

3. Solve problems using a range of formats and approaches.

4. Identify and criticize the different methods used in addressing subject related issues.

Professional and Practical Skills of the graduates of “physics and Chemsitry” program
The graduates must be able to:

1. Utilize theories of physics to interpret physical phenomena.

2. Apply appropriate physical principles to create and analyze system components.

3. Choose optimum solutions for physical problems based on analytical thinking

4. Conduct standard laboratory procedures involved in analytical and synthetic work.

General and Transferable Skills
The graduates of “physics” program must be able to:

1. Use information and communication technology effectively.

2. Identify roles and responsibilities, and their performing manner.

3. Think independently, set tasks and solve problems on scientific basis.

4. Work in groups effectively; manage time, collaborate and communicate with others positively.

5. Consider community linked problems, ethics and traditions.

6. Acquire self- and long life–learning.

7. Apply scientific models, systems, and tools effectively.

8. Deal with scientific patents considering property right.

9. Exhibit the sense of beauty and neatness

Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and Understanding
The graduates upon finalizing the physics and chemsityprogram are able to:

1- Describe the fundamental concepts, theories and principles of physics.

2- Illustrate an up-to-date knowledge of the major areas of physics and chemsity.

3- Find, outline, contrast and generalize current physics technologies as related to disciplines.

4- Recognize, specify, discuss and explain contemporary physics topics and their applications in several areas of the daily.

5- Outline the processes and mechanisms that have shaped the nature of modern physics.

6- Define sufficient knowledge for employment purposes and benefit from advanced programs for higher academic degrees.

7- Recognize ethical and legal topics related to the broader implications of advanced physics applications and their impact on the society and environment.

8- Develop core knowledge of the physics and chemical physics its applications at the cutting edge of physics and/or chemsitry.

9.Ability to recognize hazards, conduct experiments safely and to manage chemicals, including chemical wastes.

Intellectual Skills
The graduates of physics and Chemsitryprogram must be able to:

1- Formulate and tackle problems in physics applying knowledge and understating to address familiar and unfamiliar problems

2- Analyze a problem using correct guidelines and research evidence and adapt appropriate scientific and professional tools to solve it; distinguishing suitable theories be applied.

3- Apply and synthesize relevant knowledge to a range of complex situations and appreciate relationships with other areas subjects

4- Evaluate and confront different methodologies of problem solving, developmentand design, develop critiques of them and propose alternative approaches where suitable.

5- Analyze, synthesize, value, summarize and process information and data critically, including published research or reports.

6- Incorporate creativity and independence upon dealing with arguments and judgments in accordance with theories, concepts and principles

7- Integrate, evaluate and make application of concepts from appropriate disciplines.

8- Solve problems using principles and concepts according to scientific methodologies.

9- Hypothesize and presume different methods and processes to hold scientific problems.

10- Obtain and integrate information and process data to verify, construct evidences and, formulate and exanimate hypotheses.

11- Assemble theories and utilize and synthesis tools to describe, investigate the physical world and to infer and explain natural phenomena.

2- Concern, employ and devise appropriate physical principles to build and examine system components (computing facilities and/or a range of laboratory apparatus) in order to deal with physical problems.

3- Execute an experiment or investigation, analyse critically the results of it and draw valid conclusions including evaluation of the level of uncertainty in the results and comparison with expected outcomes, published results or theoretical predictions.

4- Decide finest solutions for physical problems based on analytical thoughts and judgments which are central to all project work and examinations.

Profesional and Practical Skills
The graduates of physics and Chemsitry program must be able to:

1- Arrange and design a plan according to scientific methods and procedures in order to investigate data.

2- Classify and categorize the appropriate techniques to investigate and process data.

3- Illustrate, outline, report and account on the data under investigation considering the scientific methods and procedures using technical language correctly.

4- Examine all available techniques and tools being abstracted, objective, unbiased and truthful in all aspects of their work and recognize the limits of their knowledge.

5- Use and utilize all available techniques and tools appreciating that to fabricate, falsify or misrepresent data or to commit plagiarism constitutes unethical scientific behaviour.

6- Examine and inspect the problems in order to get well-defined solutions.

7- Use all possible approaches and format to get a solution to problems especially open-ended problems.

8- Probe, explore and investigate different approaches to make progress on challenging problems.

9- Categorize, sort and review possible methods upon addressing subjects and their inter-related issues.

10- Classify, use and examine mathematical tools and techniques (analytical and computational) to investigate experimental results.

11- Analyze experimental results in view of mathematical theories and models.

12- Infer and interpret experimental results in accordance to theories and models.

13- Use the laboratory equipments in the laboratories that satisfy the national standards for laboratory equipments.

14- Show and distinguish theoretical and experimental results with clarity.

15- Illustrate, exhibit and classify results either theoretical, computational or experimental in tables of different formats in an understandable shape.

16- Diagram and chart all possible kind of graphs and drawings that present clearly theoretical and experimental data.

17. Plan, design and execute practical measurements, from the problem recognition stage to the evaluation and interpretation of results.

General and Transferable Skills
The graduates of Physics and Chemsitry program must be able to

1- Assess and interpret problems using qualitative and quantitative measurements, statistical, mathematical, and use of information technology.

2- Evaluate collected data, ensuring validity, accuracy, reliability and replicability.

3- Prepare and present data both orally and written and select the appropriate display formats and approaches for different issues and different audiences.

4- Employ the internet and electronic databases as a source of information and a mean of communication.

5- Examine and critically evaluate data to prepare reports.

6- Show a critical approach, research oriented attitude and a concern for safety in practical settings.

7- Perform experiemental work with the ability to adapt to unexpected results, and design new strategies to solve the problems.

8- Carry out, assemble, use and examine specialized electronic designs.

9- Troubleshoot, maintain and repair almost all types of electronic systems using the standard tools.

10- Discuss, examine and make the most of appropriate specifications for required devices.

11- Use, exercise and employ appropriate tools to measure system performance.

12- Utilize and develop project management methods.

13- Reflect critically upon their performance and practice.

14- Demonstrate awareness of the nature of intellectual property and contractual issues, appropriate codes of practice and industry standards, and quality issues.


1. Innovating interdisciplinary approaches in research areas essential for the community.

2. Self upgrading in preparing for decision making positions.

3. Engagement in untraditional projects on local , regional and international levels.

4. Collaborating actively in various research projects in physics and chemsitry.

5. Participation in community activities related to science and education.

6. Involvement in competitions on all levels.

Program Structure