

Master of Science in Chemistry


I- Organic Chemistry Group
C 611 Physical Organic Chemistry
(a) Pericyclic Reactions:
Selected examples - Interpretation of the thermal and photochemical modes in terms of some theories and concept.
(b) Organic Reaction Mechanisms: Types of reaction mechanisms - Quantitative treatment of the effect of structure on reactivity.
(c) Methods of Determining Mechanisms: Non kinetic methods - Kinetic methods: Electrophilic aromatic substitution – Nucleophilic aromatic substitutions - Aliphatic nucleophilic substitution - Elimination reactions - Addition to carbon - Carbon multiple bond - Nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl functional group - Molecular rearrangement.

C 612 Organic Spectroscopy
(a) Infrared Spectroscopy:
Introduction - Infrared absorption process - Vibrating diatomic molecule - Vibrational coupling - Use of correlation charts and tables.
(b) Ultraviolet Spectroscopy: Preface on molecular absorption - Electronic excitation and types of electronic transitions - Types of bands in UV spectrum and their properties-Characteristic features of electronic spectra - Characteristic absorption of organic compounds.
(c) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: HNMR- CNMR - New dimensions in NMR.
(d) Mass Spectroscopy: Introduction - Factors controlling general fragmentation modes -Cleavage associated with common functional groups - Aromatic compounds - Heterocyclic compounds.

C 613 Chemistry of Free Radicals and Heterocyclic Rings
(a) Chemistry of Free Radicals:
Introduction - Characterization and classification of radical reactions - Factors governing radical reactions - Production of radicals - Halogen substitution reactions - Photochemical reactions.
(b) Heterocyclic Rings: Introduction - Classification of heterocycles - Ring synthesis cyclization reactions - Retro synthesis analysis.

C 614 Advanced Organic Synthesis
(a) Organic Reactions:
Rearrangements - Reduction – Oxidation.
(b) Polymers: Classification – Reactions and mechanism.
(c) Natural Products: Sesquiterpenoids – Carotenoids – Extraction and elucidation of structure.

C 615 Selective Topics*
(a) Aromaticity:
Chemical characters of aromatic compounds - Different theories applied to account of stability of aromatic compounds - Huckel’s rule -Aromatic and nonaromatic annulenes - Monocyclic aromatic and antiaromatic ions - Annulenes and fulvenes and their related derivatives - Aromatic and nonaromatic heterocyclic systems with one and two heteroatoms - Aromatic and nonaromatic polycyclic systems - Homoaromatic systems.
(b) Organic Photochemistry: Get acquainted with photochemistry - Intramolecular reactions of olefinic bonds - Intramolecular reactions of the carbonyl group - Intermolecular cycloaddition reactions.
(c) Organometallic Compounds: Elements of group one - Elements of group two -Elements of group three.
(d) Instrumental: Electronic absorption spectroscopy - Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy - Mass spectrometry.
* These topics are subjected to partial/total annual change

II- Inorganic Chemistry Group
C 621 Coordination Chemistry

(a) Mechanisms of Inorganic Reactions in Solution: Introduction - Geometry of coordination compounds - Substitution reactions of octahedral complexes - Factors affecting substitution rates - The valence bond theory - The electrostatic crystal field theory - Substitution reactions without the cleavage the M-L bond - Stereochemical changes in octahedral complexes - Substitution reactions of square planer complexes - The trans effect.
(b) Determination of Formation Constants of Complexes: Fundamental concepts - Calculation of formation constants - Experimental methods for studying equilibria - Factors affecting stability constants - Application of stability constants.
(c) Advances in Organometallic Chemistry: Introduction - Metal Carbonyls-Reactivity of organometallic compounds-Oxidative addition and reductive elimination reactions-Applications

C 622 Radiochemistry and Separation Techniques
(a) Radiochemistry:
Radio activity and nuclear power - Fundamental particles - Isotope effects and separation of isotopes – Applications - Radioactive traces in analytical chemistry - Effect of radiation on solids.
(b) Separation techniques: Solvent extraction - Some definition simple molecules - Pseudo molecule systems - Coordinately unsolvated salts - Coordinately solvated salts - Complex metal acids - Factors affecting extraction of metal chelates - Synergism.
(c) Bioinorganic Chemistry: Historical background - Current relevance and perspectives - Some general principles - The dioxygen molecules - O2: uptake - Transport and storage of an inorganic natural product - The bio-inorganic chemistry of the quintessential toxic metals - Biochemical behavior of inorganic radionuclides: Radiation risks and medical benefits - Chemotherapy with compounds of some nonessential elements.

C 623 Electrochemistry and Electrochemical Analysis
(a) Electrochemistry:
Review basic principles electrochemical aspects relevant to electro - analytical techniques - Classical de-polarography - Modern voltammetry (Controlled - Potential) - Controlled current voltammetry (Chronopotentiometry - Hydrodynamic voltammetry - Electronic circuitry and instrumentation.
(b) Electrochemical Analysis: Potentiometric analysis - Conductometric analysis - Coulometric analysis - Electrodeposition
C 624 Group Theory and Computer Programming
(a) Group theory: Symmetry - Selection rules - Introduction of infrared and Raman - Laser in chemistry.
(b) Computer Programming: Languages (Basic and Fortran) Organization - Modeling chemistry problems - Statistical data analysis - Problem solvers using tool kits - Applications in chemistry.

C 625 Spectroscopic Methods for Structural and Analytical Chemistry
(a) Spectroscopic Methods for structural chemistry:
Characterization of coordination compounds by UV-VIS, ESR, NMR, IR and Raman - Mossbauer spectroscopy.
(b) Structural and Analytical Chemistry: Atomic absorption spectroscopy - Atomic emission spectroscopy - Luminescence spectroscopy.

III - Physical Chemistry Group
C 631 Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics and Reaction Kinetics
(a) Advanced Chemical Thermodynamics:
Maxwell relation - Entropy relations -Thermodynamics treatment of multicomponent systems – Probabilities - Boltzmann’s law -General thermodynamic functions - Thermal molar energy - Free energy - Applications of statistical thermodynamics.
(b) Reaction Kinetics: Experimental techniques in reaction kinetics - Theories of elementary reactions - Reactions in solutions - Chain reactions - Inorganic reaction mechanism.

C 632 Surface Chemistry and Catalysts
(a) Surface Chemistry:
Introduction - Absorption theories - The physical adsorption of gases by Microporous Solids - Heat of absorption - Surface area determination - Pore size distribution from type IV isotherm - Surface acidity - Theoretical background - Methods of measurement.
(b) Catalysts: Introduction definitions - Catalyst preparation and manufacture - Supported metal catalysts - Determination of particle size of supported metal catalysts - Hydrogen spillover - Reactor design - Resistances to chemical reaction - Applications - Optional.

C 633 Advanced Electrochemistry and its Applications
(a) Advanced Electrochemistry:
Electroplating of metals - Electroplating of alloys – Electroless (autocatalytic) depositions - Powder coating (Electrostatic) - Electro-organic chemistry.
(b) Corrosion of Metals: Introduction - Basic principles and scientific approach - Corrosion monitoring and corrosion rate measurement - Some selective topics - Corrosion protection - Passivation phenomenon.

C 634 Quantum Chemistry and Computer Programming
(a) Quantum Chemistry:
Quantum mechanics and the behavior of submicroscopic systems-Basic postulates of quantum mechanics - Schrodinger equation - Electromagnetic radiation - Rotational and vibrational motions - Diatomic molecules.
(b) Computer Programming: Fortran programming - Flow charts – Application.

C 635 Selective Topics
(a) Chemistry of Cement and silicates:
General introduction - Hydration of tricalcium silicate and -Dicalcium silicate from 5 to 50C - Slag and slag Cements - Pozzolanas and Pozzolanic cements.
(b) Physical Chemistry of Polymers: Structure of polymers - Structure measurements and testing - Structure - Properties relationship in polymers.