

First week from Aug 2022


New study programs at the Faculty of Archeology

The Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences announce early applying for faculty programs


The Faculty of Archeology continues the summer training for its students


Vacant jobs at the Faculty of Archeology


Assigning Prof. Dr. Yassen El-Shazly as Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law for Postgraduate Studies and Research Affairs


The Minister of Higher Education decides to extend the applying period for aptitude tests until Thursday, August 11th



A high-level delegation of Ain Shams University professors participates in the activities of the National Jojoba Harvest Day


Joint cooperation between the Faculty of Specific Education of Ain Shams University and the Faculty of Specific Education of Menoufia University
The Board of the Faculty of Specific Education honors the winners of the innovation competition
New work fields for language students in tourism and an explanation of the International Opera Program at the Faculty of Al-Alsun
A delegation from the Supreme Council of Universities inspects the aptitude tests at the Faculty of Specific Education
Renewal of the secondment of Dr. Weam Mahmoud, Deputy Director of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Development Affairs at Ain Shams University
Honoring the 29th batch and the exceptional batch of recipients of the international publishing Reward at Ain Shams University
Assigning Prof. Dr. Hossam Tantawy as Acting Dean of the Faculty of Archeology
The Vice President of Ain Shams University for Education and Student Affairs witnesses a day of creativity for students of the Faculty of Specific Education
Dr. Muhammad Rabie Nasser Award (Fifth round) in the fields of Medical Sciences, Artificial Intelligence Application, and Applied Engineering Sciences
IBM honors the best project for first-year students at the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences
The second day of the instant literacy exams at the Faculty of Education

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