

Postdoctoral scholarship for the year 2021

Postdoctoral scholarship for the year 2021 to develop skills and expertise in systems analysis and in the field of international, interdisciplinary research

The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University announces the availability of a post-doctoral scholarship for the year 2021 to develop skills and expertise in systems analysis and in the field of multi-disciplinary international research, including advanced methodology, technological, economic and environmental challenges, including pollution, risk analysis, energy, ecosystem management and natural resources, including Water

Within the framework of cooperation with the International Institute for Technological Systems Applications, the Academy of Scientific Research and the Institute announce a project with Peking University for a postdoctoral grant for 2021 to develop skills and experiences in systems analysis and in the field of international interdisciplinary research for qualified post-doctoral researchers in the following areas: Advanced methodology, technological, economic and environmental challenges including pollution, risk analysis, energy and management of ecosystems and natural resources including water, the candidate will gain first-hand experience in applying systems analysis to real-world problems and issues. The candidate shall access to a network of international cooperation in a distinguished scientific field that can help enhance career prospects in the future.

To apply for these scholarships, please:

The applicants shall submit a research proposal in one of the institute’s multiple research fields (to find out the appropriate field of research, please visit the institute’s website www.iiasa.ac.at)

Each applicant shall designate at least one faculty member from each institution to agree to work as a host supervisor for the applicant.

Applicants shall obtain a doctorate degree not less than five years. Due to the requirements of the China National Committee for Post-Doctoral Affairs Administration, applicants over the age of 35 and those holding official positions or positions in the teaching staff will not be considered.

IIASA does not conduct laboratory research and therefore the institute does not have laboratories. However, the scholarship requires attendance in the institute.

The first year must be spent at PKU and the second year at IIASA

The deadline for completing the form to apply for the scholarship online is 04/30/2021

Please view the conditions for the post-doctoral scholarship through the following link:
