Center objectives:
Provide advanced treatment service using the latest equipment and tools.
The teaching staff perform the therapeutic service according to a specific schedule for each of them.
Conducting scientific research and studies to raise the level of curative service.
Contribute to serving community members for a symbolic fee.
Making a 276 Special tray size for third band students with the Excellence Unit.
Serving 103 Special tray size for fourth band students, in the Distinguished Treatment Unit.
4,047 Periapical X-ray case work.
1298 panorama case work.
Making 158 cases of Cefalu X-ray.
The opening of the premium paid treatment unit affiliated to the College of Dentistry - Ain Shams University, which serves the community in treating all dental specialties under the supervision of faculty members in the faculty and with the latest equipment in treatment, and the finest materials used in the field of dentistry and this unit is fully functional and has devices and modern dental units.
A large number of patients visit the center daily.
Regular and transparent orthodontics.
Dental implants and bone implants.
Oral and maxillofacial surgeries.
Make fixed installations by computer.