

Welcome to Ain Shams University

About International Publishing


The importance of international Publication

International Publication technology has changed radically in recent years with the advent of computers, laser printers and the Internet. Researchers are now producing a large number of scientific papers. Large journals are becoming involved in research evaluation, interested in accepting high quality research and becoming more aware of the risks of accepting low-level research.

Therefore, universities are ranked globally according to several criteria, including the extent of the university's spread and its impact. This is especially measured in how much the university's scientific production is, in scientific research published in international journals and various contributions in scientific conferences, letters and scientific reports.

Hence the importance of international publication in upgrading the level of universities scientifically and globally.

The role of the university is to encourage faculty members and the assisting body, especially small researchers in different universities, to publish internationally in several areas



  • Rules of Publication
  • Work Procedures of the International Publication Award Committee
  • Procedures of the Unit in the Faculty
  • Members of the International Publication Committee
  • A diagram illustrating the framework of the International
  • Time plan for receiving research published between January and June 2017
  • Time plan to receive researches published in the period from July to December 2017

  • Statistics

  • Apply for the international publication of published researches

    During the period from January to June 2020, as from July 1 to July 31, 2020To download the form click here

  • To access the progress link click here