

CDIO Syllabus Center for Energy Excellence workshop

2020-03-29 To 2020-04-02
Ain Shams University
CDIO Syllabus Center for Energy Excellence workshop

The Center of Excellence in Energy and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) project, in cooperation with partner universities, Ain Shams, Mansoura and Aswan, is organizing a workshop for engineering leaders and gentlemen of faculty at the three universities to present and explain the CDIO Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate - CDIO Workshop, as implemented in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. For technology. The workshop will be held at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University from March 29 to April 2, 2020

The general objective of the workshop is to improve the capacity of partner universities in the Energy Excellence Center to enable them to produce skilled graduates and high-level applied research in the energy field, as well as to enhance educational culture based on solving local and global problems, and to improve application skills for Egyptian engineers by integrating and enhancing the use of knowledge The basic application and aligning the Egyptian educational experience with the energy needs of the government and private sectors.

The CDIO curriculum aims to address the gap between the status quo and the situation that we seek to achieve in engineering education in Egypt, by emphasizing project-based learning skills necessary to successfully implement new products and systems.

The primary innovation of the CDIO curriculum is its focus on designing the educational experience about engineering problems that are compatible with the engineering process in the real world, namely: 1) clearly defining an engineering problem 2) defining clear specifications for the project 3) identifying potential solutions 4) choosing a high-potential design, 5 ) Detailed design procedure 6) Manufacturing with cost constraints and resource conservation goals 7) System testing and optimization, and 8) End-of-life considerations such as recycling. Each step is taken in a team context to match how the engineers work.

CDIO workshop designer and lecturer: Professor Mats Hanson, Honorary Professor, Stockholm Sweden Institute and Skolkovo Institute of Technology Moscow, Russia Stockholm Sweden and Skolkovo Institute KTH

The workshop targets course coordinators and trainers, preferably including at least one assistant teacher who helps in teaching the course, teachers assistant (TA), college and university leaders, college and department agents, program coordinators and industry representatives

With the participation of academic professors who participate in engineering education, university leaders: deans, agents, department heads, program coordinators, assistant teachers and undergraduate students, are participating by partner universities.

Participants in the workshop will be able to apply CDIO 1-12 standards in the local university environment, explore local and global opportunities and take initiatives for change - from ideas to implementation and impact as well as adopting the CDIO curriculum in university programs and courses.

Incorporating the elements of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship into existing or new courses and joint activities in the curriculum in addition to working alongside university leadership, researchers, professors and students to develop and deliver world-class education.

Conditions for admission to a five-day workshop include: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily, complete commitment to attendance, participants must adhere to active and active participation and contributions throughout the five days of the workshop, without absenteeism or partial attendance. The side universities participating in the CDIO workshops are part of the mentoring assistance provided by MIT to enhance the integration of the CDIO curriculum in engineering college courses. Participants will also be required to complete some preparatory work before attending the workshop: including identifying areas in which you can apply / implement the CDIO curriculum.

The workshop is designed in the form of assignments assigned to each team and related to the background of the participants in the team and their preferences in addition to lectures and working sessions.

Those who wish to join the workshop must provide a proof of the name, place of work and title to confirm the commitment to attend all days of the workshop by 5 full days.

A summary of the reasons for participating in the workshop and how you plan to implement / use the CDIO curriculum at your university.

For course coordinators and trainers, the application must have a formal commitment to implement CDIO in its course in the fall of 2020. It is preferable that at least one assistant teacher attends the course assist in teaching the course.

Participants from the universities of Mansoura and Aswan should also determine whether they attended the preparatory training course through the Energy Excellence Center in their universities.

It is worth noting that the Energy Excellence Center project will assume responsibility for all logistical requirements for the workshop.

The application to attend a CDIO workshop before March 4, 2020 is submitted through the following link: