

The Academy of Scientific Research announces the beginning of receiving abstracts for applied research projects

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology announces the beginning of receiving abstracts for applied research projects and economic technological solutions for transferring and localizing technology and promoting the deepening of local manufacturing in the field of water desalination to bring advanced technologies to Egypt through knowledge and cooperation with international partners in addition to localizing manufacturing of the main water desalination components.

This announcement comes within the TTPD/DLM program that was launched in February 2023, and all interested Egyptian universities (governmental/private/private), research institutions, and research and development units affiliated with industries and companies working in the relevant field can view the details and fill out the application form. Through the following link: http://www.asrt.sci.eg/open-calls/ttpd-dlm-water-desalination/

The TTPD/DLM program is within the framework of the activities of the Technological Development Sector and is one of the Academy’s executive programs to achieve the objectives of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy in Egypt 2030, which attaches utmost importance to the production, transfer and localization of technology, within the Academy’s third executive plan 2022-2026, which aims to strengthen the partnership between academia and industry, to achieve economic growth and help the state reduce the import bill, enhance the competitiveness of national industry, and deepen local manufacturing. The TTPD/DLM program includes some areas such as electric vehicles, food and agricultural machinery and technology, bio industrial technology, water desalination, and renewable energy. According to national priorities.