

In the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and President of Ain Shams University… The Faculty of Dentistry's annual Suhoor celebration

The Faculty of Dentistry at Ain Shams University organized its annual Ramadan Suhoor celebration, in the presence of Prof. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zein El Abidine, President of the University, Prof. Ahmed Zaki Badr, Minister of Local Development and former President of the University, Prof. Khaled Hamdy, President of the Canadian University of Egypt, Prof. Hossam El Mallah, Secretary of the Dental Sector Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities, Prof. Amani Osama Kamel, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Nazmy Abdel Hamid, Former Vice President of the University, Prof. Karim El Batouty, Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Tarek Youssef, Executive Director of University Hospitals, Prof. Neven Assem, CEO of the Innovation Sector, Prof. Walaa Hamed, Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development, Prof. Dalia El Qurashi, Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research, Prof. Reham Magdy, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and a group of deans, vice deans, department heads, and faculty members from the Faculty of Dentistry. 

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