



The success of the experimental application of the Correct electronic examination system in the midterm exams at the Faculty of Arts

Prof. Dr. Hanan Kamel, Acting Dean of the Faculty of Arts, and Prof. Dr. Mr. Abdullah, Director of the Electronic Measurement and Evaluation Unit, checked the "Midterm" exams with the new electronic system, which started in the seventh week until the ninth week of study.

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The success of the evacuation experiment for the building of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Childhood and the Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, Prof. Dr. Howayda Al-Jabali, Dean of the Graduate School of Childhood Studies and Prof. Dr. Noha Samir organized a fake evacuation experiment................

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Ain Shams University participates in the university scholarship program offered by the American Agency for public and experimental high school students and STEM schools

Under the auspices of the President of the University, and the Vice President for Education Affairs, Ain Shams University participates in the university scholarship program offered by the American Agency for public and experimental high school students and STEM schools

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Conducting an evacuation experiment at the Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University

The Faculty of Archeology organized a lecture on the objectives of Crisis and Disaster Management Unit, in which Professor Abdel Ghaffar Fouad, Assistant Director of the Civil Defense Department for Technical Affairs, gave a lecture on the types of crises and disasters...

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Cooperation between the Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research, Ain Shams University and Germany in the field of integrated water management

Within the framework of prior cooperation between the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research and the German Cologne University of Applied Sciences, steps have been taken to activate that cooperation as there is ongoing cooperation in urban water security

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Training on the use of the interactive whiteboard in the Faculty of Girls

The first training sessions on the use of the interactive whiteboard were held in one of the faculty’s smart classrooms, which was organized by the e-learning unit, and the e-learning unit continues to hold these sessions for the faculty staff of the faculty..........

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A successful evacuation test at the Faculty of Girls

The Faculty of Girls carried out a successful experimental evacuation process, which lasted 3 minutes, as a literary building was completely evacuated from the faculty staff and the teaching assistants, students, administrators, and workers..........................

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A successful evacuation experience for the buildings of the Faculty of Science in preparation for the launch of the examinations work

Today, the Faculty of Science conducted a successful evacuation experiment for the faculty buildings, in order to ensure the readiness of all the departments concerned to deal with any emergency that may arise during the examination process in the presence of students.

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