

Heritage Preservation


The rehabilitation of Heritage Buildings and Their Urban Surroundings... A Symposium at the Faculty of Archaeology

The Faculty of Archaeology held a symposium: Rehabilitation of Heritage Buildings and Their Urban Surroundings, hosting the engineer. Moaz Abu Zeid, founder of Verform Company, and an architectural consultant specializing in the rehabilitation of heritage buildings.

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Listing of IWNW magazine, issued by the Faculty of Archaeology, in the DOAJ database

IWNW magazine, issued by the Faculty of Archeology, Ain Shams University, has been listed within the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), which is one of the largest open access platforms in the world and the Middle East...........................................

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Ain Shams University receives the President of the University of Korean Cultural Heritage to discuss ways of joint cooperation

The leaders of Ain Shams University received the President of the University of Korean Cultural Heritage Kim Yongmo and his accompanying delegation, to discuss ways of cooperation between the two sides in the fields of research and academic cooperation ................

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