

Student Unions


For the first time... Ain Shams University Students Union and the Faculty of Business Students Union organize the first forum for student unions in Sharm El-Sheikh under the slogan "With Youth We Build the New Republic"

In continuation of Ain Shams University’s enlightened vision, and under the patronage of the President of University, the first forum of student unions at Ain Shams University concluded its activities that lasted for five days in the Youth City in Sharm El - Sheikh.

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Ain Shams University delegation participates in the New Republic Universities Student Union Leaders Forum 2030 program

On the sidelines of the meeting of heads and deputies of student unions in Egyptian universities, a delegation from the Student Union Council of Ain Shams University participated in the New Republic Universities Student Union Leaders Forum 2030 program at Assiut University

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The start of receiving appeals against candidates for student union elections at Ain Shams University

The appeals against candidates for student union elections at Ain Shams University have begun, according to the timetable for student union elections, to receive appeals against candidates for student union elections at universities..................................

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The Student Union elections begin at Ain Shams University

Under the auspices of The President of Ain Shams University, the university began on Thursday morning, at nine o'clock in the morning to open the door for nominations, withdrawal and submission of forms for student union elections in the various faculties of the university.

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Tomorrow…The student union elections starts at Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University, headed by Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, President of the University, announced today the completion of the university’s preparations to start the student union elections for the academic year 2024/2025, which will start on Thursday, November 14.

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The activities of the second day of the Student Families Festival

The activities of the Student Families Festival for the academic year 2023-2024 continue for the second day in a row. The second day witnessed a number of events, including the poetry recitation competition, which resulted in the Faculty of Girls getting first place....

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The start of the activities of the forum for preparing media cadres for students at Ain Shams University

Within the framework of the university’s keenness, and the Students for Egypt family to play a role in developing student activities, the University Students’ Union and the Students for Egypt family organized a forum for preparing media cadres for students............

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Ain Shams University is witnessing a state of student momentum in preparation for the first round of the student union elections marathon for university faculties

Ain Shams University is witnessing a state of student momentum in preparation for the first round of student union elections in faculties today, where 882 male and female students compete for membership in the Union Members Conference and the positions of secretaries…..

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