



Ain Shams University accredited winners of its 2024 Individual Physics Awards

As part of the university's commitment to promote scientific research, Dr. Hani Nazmy, Assistant Professor in the Physics Department at the Faculty of Education, received the Prof. Latifa Al-Houti Award for Best Research Submitted by Assistant Professor of Physics for 2024.

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Ain Shams University announces results of the Holy Quran Competition

Ain Shams University concluded the Quran Competition, organized by the Education and Student Sector and the Cultural Activities Department of the Youth Welfare. The competition saw outstanding participation from students of the faculties, who competed in several categories.

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The President of Ain Shams University honors students of the Faculty of Science who won first places in the “SOLE 2025” Technology Competition

Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of the University, honored students of the Applied Biotechnology Program at the Faculty of Science, for winning first places in the “ SOLE 2025 ” competition, which is considered one of the most prominent scientific competitions in Egypt.

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Ain Shams University wins second place in Orange Egypt's Artificial Intelligence Hackathon

Ain Shams University has achieved a new accomplishment with the Innovation Team at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center winning second place in Orange Egypt's Artificial Intelligence Hackathon, with the participation of ASU – iHub Center and ASU Career Center.

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The President of Ain Shams University honors students who won first place in the conclusion of the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University Moot Court Competition in the field of media law

President of Ain Shams University received the students who won first place in the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University’s Price Competition, in the presence of Prof. Sherweit El-Ahmady, where he congratulated the students on this achievement.

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Ain Shams University wins first place in the Middle East regional qualifiers for the Oxford University Moot Court Competition in the field of media law

These qualifiers came in implementation of the cooperation agreement concluded by Ain Shams University with the Faculty of Law at the University of Oxford, under which the Faculty of Law became the regional partner of the University of Oxford in the field of moot trials.

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The Qatfa Project Team wins the Gen Z Competition and receives EGP 3 million in Funding

حصل فريق مشروع (قطفة)‏‎ ‎من جامعة عين شمس على تمويل 3 مليون جنيه في ‏مسابقة‎ Gen Z‏، جاء ذلك بحضور رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الذي أعلن عن الفرق الفائزة ‏وتعهد بتمويل كل مشروع بـ 3 مليون جنيه، ويعتبر مشروع (قطفة) عبارة عن مواد طبيعية تُطيل العمر الافتراضي للفاكهة والخضروات .

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The President of Ain Shams University witnesses the celebration of renewing the accreditation of the Faculty of Medicine for the third time by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education

The President of Ain Shams University witnessed the celebration organized by the Faculty of Medicine on the occasion of renewing its accreditation for the third time by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education.......................

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