



The Dangers of Addiction and Drug Substances... A Symposium at the Faculty of Al-Alsun in Cooperation with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Drug Abuse, headed by the Cabinet

The Education and Student Sector - the Youth Welfare Office, the Faculty of Al-Alsun, in cooperation with the Fund for Combating and Treating Addiction and Drug Abuse, headed by the Cabinet, organized a symposium entitled "The Dangers of Addiction and Drug Substances."

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Ain Shams University is studying amending the subscription of the families of faculty staff, teaching assistants and employees of the administrative body to the Medical Care Fund

The university administration is studying launching a proposal to amend the subscription of the families of employees of the administrative body to the Medical Care Fund, to provide distinguished medical services at reasonable prices through the university's hospitals.

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In celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, the Tahya Misr Fund and Ain Shams University offer university workers 6,000 boxes of Ramadan supplies for free

Under the auspices of the President of University, and within the cooperation between the Tahya Misr Fund and Ain Shams University, represented by the University President, and Education sectors, the two sectors are preparing to distribute 6,000 boxes of Ramadan supplies.

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A workshop on "Graphic Design and Design Fundamentals" at the Faculty of Al-Alsun

The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Unit at the Faculty of Al-Alsun, Ain Shams University, organized a workshop titled "Graphic Design and Design Fundamentals." The workshop aimed to equip students with fundamental knowledge about graphic design and its key principles.

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The Qatfa Project Team wins the Gen Z Competition and receives EGP 3 million in Funding

حصل فريق مشروع (قطفة)‏‎ ‎من جامعة عين شمس على تمويل 3 مليون جنيه في ‏مسابقة‎ Gen Z‏، جاء ذلك بحضور رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الذي أعلن عن الفرق الفائزة ‏وتعهد بتمويل كل مشروع بـ 3 مليون جنيه، ويعتبر مشروع (قطفة) عبارة عن مواد طبيعية تُطيل العمر الافتراضي للفاكهة والخضروات .

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The Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at Ain Shams University provides a number of funded project services

Within the framework of Ain Shams University's interest in enhancing the role of innovation to support the research process efficiently and to effectively exploit the resources available at the university, ASU- IHub Center provides real technical support for project.

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The Misr El Kheir Foundation, in cooperation with the Misr El Kheir Gesr Incubator, the United Nations Development Program, and the Innovators Support Fund, announces the first edition of the Innovation for Humanity Awards

Based on the role of Misr El Kheir Foundation in supporting scientific research, and innovation, Misr El Kheir Foundation, the United Nations Development Program, and the Innovators Support Fund, announces the first edition of the Innovation for Humanity Awards......

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The Vice President of Ain Shams University Receives a delegation of USAID

The Vice President of Ain Shams University received the Director of the University Scholarships Program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) at the American University in Cairo, where the meeting aimed to explore avenues of cooperation......

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