



Ain Shams University congratulates the winners of the state awards and the awards of bodies and individuals from the Academy of Scientific Research for this year

The President of Ain Shams University, the Vice President for Community Service Affairs, and the University Awards Office congratulate the winners of the state awards and the awards of bodies and individuals from the Academy of Scientific Research for this year........

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Hosting of Ain Shams University and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at ASU-iHub, for the final qualifiers for the Egypt Summit Competition for Community Investment Projects, in partnership with Hult Prize, sponsored by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Ain Shams University, headed by Prof. Mahmoud El-Meteini and Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, hosted the finalists for the Egypt Summit Competition for Community Investment Projects, which is organized by the Innovators Support Fund in partnership with Hult Prize..........

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The appointment of Prof. Hisham Anwar Abdel Rahim, as Director of Ain Shams Specialist Hospital

Prof. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, issued a decision of appointing Prof. Hisham Anwar Abdel Rahim Mohamed, Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, to work as Director of Ain Shams Specialized Hospital, from 3/5/2023.........

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Participation of Ain Shams University in the Health Care Fund of the Ministry of Higher Education

With the leadership of Prof. Mahmoud El-Meteini, the subscription was approved for all faculty staff (including those over 70 years ) , as well as university workers in the Health Care Fund of the Ministry of Higher Education, in cooperation with Misr Insurance Company...

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Finalist for the Faculty of Law innovates competition

The final activities of the Innovate Rights competition, which preceded many stages, including the presence of the contestants and members of the pioneers of innovation clubs, concluded the innovation camp that was held at the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center.....

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The theatrical performance of students of the Faculty of Computer and Information Science attracts journalist Bassem Sadek, who writes an article about them in Al-Ahram newspaper

The theatrical show presented by the students of the Faculty of Computers and Information Science, attracted journalist Bassem Sadiq, so he wrote an article about it in Al-Ahram newspaper, which issued today. The article appeared at the head of page 13 of the newspaper.

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A great event at Ain Shams University... Article by journalist Khaled Al-Najjar in Al-Akhbar newspaper

Ain Shams University, and the insistence of its president, Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, brought to mind the value of education, and medicine in Egypt. The name of Ain Shams University, El-Meteini restored its luster to prove that Egypt possesses capabilities and experiences.

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Al-Watan newspaper singles out on its pages a comprehensive report of the success of Ain Shams Specialist Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams in introducing lung transplantation in Egypt and the Arab world

Al-Watan newspaper published on its pages a comprehensive report on the success of Ain Shams Specialized Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine in introducing lung transplantation in Egypt, opening the door of hope for millions of patients with pulmonary failure..........

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