

month of Ramadan


Al-Rahman table at Ain Shams University

In a new tradition, Ain Shams University holds the Table of Rahman daily throughout the month of Ramadan, in the garage of the Faculty of Business, through the self-efforts of faculty staff and university employees, under the auspices of President of the University.

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Ain Shams University announces official working hours during Ramadan

The President of Ain Shams University, issued a decision regarding the official working hours that apply from the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, to be from nine in the morning until one in the afternoon, with no errands or permissions allowed during this month.

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A great turnout from the people of Maryam tree area in Matariya district, for the comprehensive awareness convoy of Ain Shams University

The Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research organized a comprehensive awareness convoy to the Maryam tree area in Al-Matareya district with the participation of faculties from Ain Shams University, which included the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Childhood

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Exchange leave for employees at Ain Shams University during the month of Ramadan

In reception for the month of Ramadan, and in line with the precautionary measures to confront Coronavirus, President of the University issued a set of decisions for Ramadan, whereby employees of university's public administration and its units are granted reciprocal leave

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On the occasion of Ramadan ... Ain Shams University launches a food convoy to the cities of Shalateen, Halayeb and Abu Ramad in the Red Sea Governorate

The University's Community Service and Environmental Development Sector organized a comprehensive food convoy for the people of the cities of Shalateen, Halayeb and Abu Ramad in the Red Sea Governorate, where 7,000 cartons containing various food and supplies were presented

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A reward on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan for the employees of Ain Shams University

The university president issued a decision to pay a reward on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, amounting to 1000 pounds, to (employees- workers - temporary employment - military education - guest house) of the university in all its faculties and administration

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Ain Shams University announces working hours during the holy month of Ramadan

President of the University decided to implement the decision to divide the days of work in exchange in all departments of the university in accordance with the precautionary measures applied to confront the Corona virus, the working hours in are from 9:00 am until 1:00 pm.

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