Personal Details:

- Family Name: Hamed

- Name: Ossama Ashraf Ahmed

- Gender: Male

- Date of Birth: 25-10-1977

- Place of Birth: Cairo, Egypt

- Nationality: Egyptian

- Registration:

Full registration with the Ministry of Health, Egypt.

Full registration with the Egyptian Medical Syndicate, No.: 147525

- Address: Home: 9 Emarate eldemerdash  Cairo, Egypt.

Work: Department     of    Internal    Medicine, (Gastroenterology,  hepatology  and  endoscopy)   Ain

Shams University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Abbasyia Square, Cairo, Egypt.

- Marital Status: married having three children

- E-mail: dros1977@hotmail.com

Ossama_ashraf@med.asu.edu.eg. dr.ossamaashrafahmed@gmail.com

- Telephone numbers:

Home: +2 (02) 26358335; +2 (02) 24851199

Mobile phone: +2 (010) 6154809

- Current Position: Professor of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt starting from December 2019 till now.

- Educational Background:

Secondary school: Elnasr English School (1995)

- Medical school:

Faculty of Medicine- Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (1995-2001)

- C) Qualifications & Degrees:


1- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (M.B.B.Ch) - December 2001

Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Grade: Excellent with Honor