Clinical Research Center

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About Us

MASRI-CRC is dedicated to carry out clinical human research, it is well centered inside Ain Shams University Hospitals and integrated with harmony and collaboration with all departments and Hospitals.

MASRI-CRC is committed to improve health outcomes and to enhance and expand the magnitude of high-quality clinical research and has a mission to protect the rights, safety, dignity, and well-being of research participants and to facilitate and promote ethical research that is of potential benefit to participants, science, and society.

MASRI-CRC help all through the clinical trial pathway raising the awareness about the importance of clinical trial, consulting about research design and help the first-time investigator in designing and conducting the research. Once the research conducting, MASRI-CRC helps in ensuring that the trial is conducting according to GCP principles.


The World Federation
of Hemophilia (WFH)
Centogen Naval Medical Research





AbbVie* Agios Pharmaceuticals ALLERGEN Hoffmann-La Roche
Global Blood Therapeutics,
Alnylam pharmaceutical Apo-pharma Archigen biotech limited
Arena* AstraZeneca* Boehringer Ingelheim DAIICHI SANKYO INC
European Organization for
Research and Treatment
of Cancer - EORTC
EVA pharma Forma Therapeutics  Gilead Sciences
Hamilton Health Sciences IMARA Institute of Medical Biology Chinse
Academy of Medical Sciences
International Cancer
Research Group
IPSEN PHARMA SAS Jamjoom Pharma Jhonson and jhonson Marcyrl Pharmaceuticals
Medtronic plc Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp* MINAPHARM Natural wellness
Nestle Novartis Pfizer Pharco Pharmaceuticals
Pharm-Olam International. Royal Link Pharma Russian Direct Investment
Fund (RDIF)
Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sanofi AVENTIS Shionogi & Co., Ltd. U.S. Agency for International
The Science, Technology & Innovation
Funding Authority (STDF)

Synteract and Forma Therapeutics Vifor International Ltd. Astellas Abbott Collaboration
Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), University College London (UCL)

The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center is one of the world’s most respected centers devoted exclusively to cancer patient care, research, education and prevention.

National cancer institute National hepatology institute


Research and publications

1. Hamdy M, El-Beshlawy A, Veríssimo MPA, Kanter J, Inusa B, Williams S, Lee D, Temin NT, Fradette C, Tricta F, Ebeid FSE, Kwiatkowski JL, Elalfy MS. Deferiprone versus deferoxamine for transfusional iron overload in sickle cell disease and other anemias: Pediatric subgroup analysis of the randomized, open-label FIRST study. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2024 Jan;71(1):e30711.

2. Elalfy MS, Hamdy M, Adly A, Ebeid FSE, Temin NT, Rozova A, Lee D, Fradette C, Tricta F. Efficacy and safety of early-start deferiprone in infants and young children with transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia: Evidence for iron shuttling to transferrin in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial (START). Am J Hematol. 2023 Sep;98(9):1415-1424.

3. Ebeid FSE. The implementation of automated red blood cell exchange (erythrocytapheresis) as a treatment modality in sickle cell disease patients: Single center experience. Transfus Apher Sci. 2023 Aug;62(4):103719

4. Elalfy MS, Hamdy M, El-Beshlawy A, Ebeid FSE, Badr M, Kanter J, Inusa B, Adly AAM, Williams S, Kilinc Y, Lee D, Fradette C, Rozova A, Temin NT, Tricta F, Kwiatkowski JL. Deferiprone for transfusional iron overload in sickle cell disease and other anemias: open-label study of up to 3 years. Blood Adv. 2023 Feb 28;7(4):611-619.

5. Tantawy A, El-Sherif N, Makkeyah S, Eldeen NS, Farghal NBE, Soliman N, Ebeid FSE. Sleep disordered breathing and its relation to stroke and pulmonary hypertension in children with sickle cell disease: a single-center cross-sectional study. Ann Hematol. 2023 Jan 16. doi: 10.1007/s00277-023-05099-4.
6. Tantawy AAG, Elsherif NHK, Ebeid FS, El-Gamal RAE, Ismail EAR, Kenny MA, Morcos MBE. Evaluation of the effect of eltrombopag therapy on the platelet collagen receptor glycoprotein VI (GPVI) expression and soluble GPVI levels in young patients with immune thrombocytopenia. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 07 Dec 2022, 55(2):243-251
7. El-Sayed MH, Ebeid FSE, Zekri AR, Massetto B, Kersey K, Zhang F, Gaggar A, Elsayed W, El-Haddad A. Ledipasvir-sofosbuvir in Adolescents with Chronic Hepatitis C and Hematological Malignancies Undergoing Chemotherapy. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition: May 2022; 74 (5): 626-630.
8. Kwiatkowski JL, Hamdy M, El-Beshlawy A, Ebeid FSE, Badr M, Alshehri A, Kanter J, Inusa B, Adly AAM, Williams S, Kilinc Y, Lee D, Tricta F, Elalfy MS. Deferiprone vs deferoxamine for transfusional iron overload in SCD and other anemias: a randomized, open-label noninferiority study. Blood Adv 2022; 6 (4): 1243–1254.
9. Mukkada S, Bhakta N, Chantada GL, Chen Y, Vedaraju Y, Faughnan L, Homsi MR, Muniz-Talavera H, Ranadive R, Metzger M, Friedrich P, Agulnik A, Jeha S, Lam C, Dalvi R, Hessissen L, Moreira DC, Santana VM, Sullivan M, Bouffet E, Caniza MA, Devidas M, Pritchard-Jones K, Rodriguez-Galindo C; Global Registry of COVID-19 in Childhood Cancer. Global characteristics and outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children and adolescents with cancer (GRCCC): a cohort study. Lancet Oncol. 2021 Oct;22(10):1416-1426.
10. Specialist Panel on Chronic Hepatitis B in the Middle East (2012): A review of chronic hepatitis B epidemiology and management issues in selected countries in the Middle East. J Viral Hepat; 19(1):9-22.
11. Waked I, Esmat G, Elsharkawy A, et al (2020). Screening and Treatment Program to Eliminate Hepatitis C in Egypt. N Engl J Med;382(12):1166-1174.

More Research and publications

Strategies and Guidelines

1. Doss W, Mohamed M, Esmat G, El Sayed M, Fontanet A, Cooper S, et al. Egyptian national control strategy for viral hepatitis 2008– 2012. Arab Republic of Egypt, Ministry of Health and Population, National Committee for the Control of Viral Hepatitis. 2008.

2. Plan of Action for the Prevention, Care & Treatment of Viral Hepatitis, Egypt 2014-2018.

3. World Health Organisation Guidelines (BOOKS):

a. Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection, April 2014.

b. Guidelines for the Prevention, Care and Treatment of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis B Infection, March 2015.

c. Guidelines for the screening, care and treatment of persons with hepatitis C infection, updated version April 2016.

d. Guidelines on Hepatitis B and C testing Feb 2017.

e. Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Persons Diagnosed with chronic hepatitis C virus infection July 2018.

f. Guidelines for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of Hepatitis B Virus: Guidelines on Antiviral Prophyl- axis in Pregnancy July 2020.

4. Published Newsletters:

a. El-Sayed, M. Treatment of Children and Adolescents is Essential to Fulfil the WHO Elimination Goals.

b. Doss W and El-Sayed MH. The Road to Elimination of HCV in Egypt.

c. El-Sayed MH. Egypt’s Program to Treat Expatriates with HCV.

Oral Presentation


2. Kwiatkowski JL, Elalfy MS, Fradette C, Hamdy M, El-Beshlawy A, Ebeid FSE, Monica Verissimo MPD, Badr MA, Abdulrahman A, Kanter J, Inusa BPD, Bejaoui M, Williams S, Kilinc Y, Tsang Y, Stilman A, Rozova A, Sinclair J, Shaw D, Chan T, Temin NT, Lee D, Spino M, Tricta F: Randomized Controlled Trial of the Efficacy and Safety of Deferiprone in Iron-Overloaded Patients with Sickle Cell Disease or Other Anemias. Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 618.

3. Tantawy AAG, Adly AA, Ebeid FSE, Ismail EA, Hussein MM, Shaarawy RM, Kamel RA. Surfactant protein D as a marker for pulmonary complications in pediatric patients with sickle cell disease: relation to lung function tests function tests. Highlights of Past EHA - HOPE Cairo 2018, 27th Sep 2018, Abstract: 4178010.

4. ElAlfy MS, El-Sherif NH, Ebeid FS, Ismail EA, Darwish YW, Ibrahim AS, Abo Elfotoh K, Shokrey NA, Alajeil DN. Renal iron deposition by magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric β-thalassemia major patients: relation to renal biomarkers, total body iron and chelation therapy. 16th Thalassemia International Federation, 17-19th Nov 2017, Greece.


1. Ebeid F, Karm El-Din L, Hanan El-Gamal, Sabra N, AboZayed A, Makkeyah S. ALL-648 The Effectiveness of Ambition Development Program Among Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. ABSTRACTS | ACUTE LYMPHOBLASTIC LEUKEMIA| VOLUME 23, SUPPLEMENT 1, S258-S259, SEPTEMBER 2. DOI:

2. Ebeid FS, Gamal Y, Makkeyah S, S. Matbouly, N.H. Aly, A.T. Mousa, N. Bahaa, H.E Ibrahim, N.H. Elsherif. REVIEW OF NUTRITION SUPPORT PRACTICES IN PEDIATRIC HSCT RECIPIENTS: A NEWLY ESTABLISHED CENTER. EBMT2023, Paris. General ePoster, Sunday, April 23, 08:30 - 18:00, Paediatric Issues, P665

3. S.M Makkeyah, N.H. El-Sherif, F.S. Ebeid, S.M AbdelKader, M.W Tolba, S.M Sayed. MANAGEMENT OF PEDIATRIC SINUSOIDAL OBSTRUCTION SYNDROME/VENO-OCCLUSIVE DISEASE IN A RESOURCE-LIMITED SETTING: A CASE REPORT. EBMT2023, Paris. General ePoster, Sunday, April 23, 08:30 - 18:00, Non-infectious Early Complications, P512

4. NH Elsherif, S Makkeyah, S Matbouly1, N H Aly, AT Mousa, N Bahaa, F SE Ebeid. Establishing a Pediatric hematopoietic stem cell transplantation program in a limited-resources country: a successful journey in a University Center. EBMT2023, Paris. General ePoster, Sunday, April 23, 08:30 - 18:00, P083

5. Ebeid F, Gendy YE, Mehanna N, Aly N, Elaziz SA, Emam E. ALL-066 Safety and Efficacy of Turmeric in Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Clin Lymphoma Myeloma Leuk. 2022 Oct;22 Suppl 2:S192. doi: 10.1016/S2152-2650(22)01179-X. PMID: 36163722.

6. El Sayed M, Ebeid F, Abd El Kader SM, El-Shorbay F, Ragab I. PB1942: HEPATIC MANIFESTATIONS OF CHILDHOOD HEMOPHAGOCYTIC LYMPHOHISTOCYTOSIS. Hemasphere. 2022 Jun 23;6(Suppl ):1818-1819. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000850608.73978.c7. PMCID: PMC9431727.

7. Inusa, B; Hamdy, M; El-Beshlawy, A; Ebeid F, Kwiatkowski, J; Kanter, J; Williams, S; Lee, D; Temin, N; Fradette, C8; Tricta, F; Elalfy, M. S120: RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL OF THE EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF DEFERIPRONE: SUBGROUP ANALYSIS OF PEDIATRIC PATIENTS IN IRON-OVERLOADED PATIENTS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE AND OTHER ANEMIAS, HemaSphere: January 2022 - Volume 6 - Issue - p 10-11. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000821448.70992.5a

8. Elalfy, M1; El-Beshlawy, A2; Adly, A1; Ebeid, F1; Fradette, C3; Lee, D3; Temin, N3; Tricta, F3; Rozova, A3; Hamdy, M4 S123: SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF EARLY-START DEFERIPRONE IN INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN WITH BETA-THALASSEMIA (START STUDY), HemaSphere: January 2022 - Volume 6 - Issue - p 12-13 doi:10.1097/01.HS9.0000821460.57070.77

9. Inusa, B1; Hamdy, M2; El-Beshlawy, A3; Ebeid, F4; Kwiatkowski, J5; Kanter, J6; Williams, S7; Lee, D8; Temin, N8; Fradette, C8; Tricta, F8; Elalfy, M4 S115: LONG-TERM EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF DEFERIPRONE FOR PATIENTS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE OR OTHER ANEMIAS, HemaSphere: January 2022 - Volume 6-Issue-p 8. doi: 10.1097/01.HS9.0000821428.

10. Ebeid F, Adly A, Makkeyah S, Mostafa S, Ragab I. COVID-19 in Children with Cancer: What We Learned from the First Wave. Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia September 2021; S267, Poster ALL-098

11. Mohsen Saleh Elalfy, Amira Adly, Fatma Soliman Elsayed Ebeid, Amal El-Beshlawy, Neveen Salama, Mona Hamdy; A Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial Using Either Deferiprone or Deferasirox after an Early Start of Deferiprone or Placebo in Young Children Newly Diagnosed with Transfusion-Dependent Beta-Thalassemia. Blood 2021; 138 (Supplement 1): 3071. doi:

12. Mohsen Saleh Elalfy, Amal El-Beshlawy, Amira Adly, Fatma Soliman Elsayed Ebeid, Caroline Fradette, David Lee, Noemi T Temin, Fernando Tricta, Anna Rozova, Mona Hamdy; Safety and Efficacy of Early-Start Deferiprone in Infants and Young Children with Beta-Thalassemia (START study). Blood 2021; 138 (Supplement 1): 3070. doi:

12. Elalfy MS, Kenny MA, Saed FZ, Ebeid FS. Alloimmunization in Egyptian children with sickle cell disease. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Oct;114(Supplement_1):hcab113-023.

13. Elalfy MS, Ebeid FS, Ibrahim MA, Hussein HM. Evaluation of brain iron content in Egyptian Patients with Sickle cell disease and its impact on Neurocognitive functions. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Oct;114(Supplement_1):hcab113-026.

14. El-Sayed MH, Ebeid FS, El-Din AM, Mostafa RH, El-Monem Mohammed BK. Assessment of Mother-to-Child transmission of Hepatitis C Virus in Egyptian Pregnant Women. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Oct;114(Supplement_1):hcab113-015.

15. Ibrahim GS, Ebeid FS, Ibrahim HG. Non-invasive Quantitative MRI assessment of brain iron overload in patients with BThalassemia and Sickle cell disease. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Oct;114(Supplement_1):hcab106-023.

16. El-Sayed MH, Habiby ME, Mohammed DM, Ebeid FS. Neurocognitive Dysfunctions in Adolescents with Chronic HCV infection. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 2021 Oct;114(Supplement_1):hcab113-017.

17. Verissimo MP, Elalfy MS, Hamdy M, El-Beshlawy A, Ebeid F, Kanter J, Williams S, Lee D, Tricta F, Kwiatkowski JL. LONG-TERM SAFETY AND EFFICACY OF DEFERIPRONE FOR THE TREATMENT OF CHRONICALLY TRANSFUSED, IRON-OVERLOADED PATIENTS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE OR OTHER ANEMIAS. Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy. 2021 Oct 1;43:S23-4.

18. Ebeid F, Adly A, Makkeyah S, Mostafa S, Ragab I. ALL-098: COVID-19 in Children with Cancer: What We Learned from the First Wave. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia. 2021 Sep 1;21:S267.

19. Ibrahim WE, Ebeid FSE, Mohamed RM. The Role of Pre-B-cell Colony- Enhancing Factor in Egyptian Children with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 2020, Vol. 113, Suppl. 1. Page i208

20. Elalfy MS, Tantawy AA, B.M. Badreldin BM, Ebeid FSE, Mekawy MA, Mohammad YA. Frequency and Etiology of Nosebleeds among Children in Pediatric Out-Patient Clinic of Ain Shams University Hospitals. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 2020, Vol. 113, Suppl. 1. Page i212

21. Elalfy MS, Khalid Allam K, Ibrahim A, Mosaad B, Ebeid FSE: Pancreatic Iron Deposition Following the Role of Iron Loading Among Transfusion Dependent Sickle Cell Disease Egyptian Children and Young Adults. Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 4828.

22. El-Sayed M, Said Z, Ebeid F, Mahmoud O, El-sharif A, Ashour M, Selim S. Humoral Immune Response to HBV Vaccination Post-Chemotherapy in Pediatric Oncology Patients. clinical-lymphoma-myeloma 2019; 19 (SUPPLEMENT 1, S178)

23. Ebeid FSE.The Implementation of automated erythrocytaphersis in Egyptian children with SCD: Ain shams University’s experience. 19th International Congress of the Egyptian Society of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology (ESPHO), Cairo, Egypt.


25. Elalfy MS, Ebeid FSE, El Gendy Y, Islam E, Amna K. Metabolic Profile & Body Composition in Egyptian Children with Transfusion-Dependent Egyptian B-Thalassemia. Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 4903.

26. Galila M., Fatma E., Sherif I., Iman R., Khaled Y.. Functional And Survival Outcome Of Egyptian Children And Adolescents With Malignant Bone Tumors: An Experience In A Setting Of Limited Health Resource. Forum of Clinical Oncology 2019. 3918;9(1): 3-9

27. Mokhtar GM, Ebeid FSE, Ishak SAI, Ragab IA, Yousef KAS: Functional and Survival Outcome of Egyptian Children and Adolescents With Malignant Bone Tumors: An Experience In A Setting Of Limited Health Ressource. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 2018, Vol. 111, Suppl. 1. Page 176

28. ElAlfy MSE, Ebeid FSE, Kamal TMK, Eissa DSE, Ismail EAI, Mohamed SHM. Angiotensinogen M235T polymorphism is a genetic determinant of cerebrovascular and cardiopulmonary morbidity in Egyptian adolescents with sickle cell disease. Abstract: 4160146, the Poster Session: Thursday, September 27, 2018 from 18:30 - 19:30. Highlights of Past EHA - HOPE Cairo 2018

29. Ragab IA, Ebeid FSE, Labib JH, Roushdy AM, Elhabashi SA. Plasma Steady State Level of Asymmetric Dimethylarginine inUncomplicated children with Sickle cell disease. 16th Annual Meeting of Saudi Society of Hematology VII Pan Arab Hematology Association CongressAdvances and Challenges in Hematology. Jumada II 09-10, 1439/February 24-25, 2018. Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

30. El-Sayed MH, Ebeid FSE, Zekri A, Massetto B, Kersey K, Osinusi A, Zhang F, Brainard DM, Elsayed W, El-Haddad A. Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir For 12 Weeks Is Safe and Effective in Adolescents With Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection and Hematological Malignancies Undergoing Chemotherapy. Presented at the International Liver Congress™, 11–15 April 2018, Paris, France.

31. Elalfy MS, Elsedfy HH, Ebeid FSE, Hamza MT, Fawzy GM. EFFECT OF HYDROXYUREA ON SPERMATOGENSIS IN EGYPTIAN PATIENTS WITH THALASSEMIA INTERMEDIA16th Thalassemia International Federation, 17-19th Nov 2017, Greece.

32. Elalfy MS, Adly AA, Ebeid FSE, Eissa DS, Ismail EA, Mohammed YH, Saad AS, Ahmed ME. CD4+CD28null T LYMPHOCYTES IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE 16th Thalassemia International Federation, 17-19th Nov 2017, Greece.

33. ElAlfy MS, Adly AA, Ebeid FSE, Eissa DS, Ismail EA, Mohammed YH, Saad YS, Ahmed ME. ROLE OF NATURAL KILLER CELLS AND INTERFERON-GAMMA IN CHILDREN AND ADOLESECNTS WITH SICKLE CELL DISEASE16th Thalassemia International Federation, 17-19th Nov 2017, Greece.

34. El-Sayed M, Said Z, Abou elmagd EA, Salama E, Ebeid F. HIGH RISK OF HBV INFECTION IN VACCINATED POLYTRANSFUSED CHILDREN. Topic: Transfusion medicine. Final Abstract Code: PB2236. 22nd EHA Congress. June 22-25 in Madrid

35. Tantawy AAG, Ebeid FSE, Adly AAM, El-Ghoroury E, Mostafa M. The influence of thiopurine methyltransferase gene polymorphism on Egyptian children with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. E-Poster at 48th Congress of the International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP), October 19-22, 2016 in Dublin, Ireland.

36. Tantawy AAG, Ebeid FSE, Elsherif NHK. Trends in survival after diagnosis of malignancy of Egyptian adolescent patients (10 years single centre experience). Poster; Pediatric Blood & cancer 2012 (59), 6:1094.


Prof Fatma Ebeid


* 16th Jan 2022, Jul 2021, Feb 2021, Jan 2021 Jul 2020, and 22nd Dec 2019: Certificate of appreciation in Honour of achievement in international publication that support Ain Shams University world ranking. ASU

* 2022: Certificate of appreciation for active excellent contribution in Pediatric BMT, Certificate of appreciation for active contribution in the scientific research field and Certificate of appreciation for active contribution in the scientific research field with the Quality Team. ASU

* 2022: Certificate of appreciation in Doctor Day from Cairo Medical Syndicate

* 28th March 2020: Certificate of appreciation the ESPHO for SCD Research and support

* 23rd Feb 2020: Certificate of appreciation for the active contribution and role in raising the awareness for voluntary blood donation and provide safe blood for those in need. Shoryan ASU

* 27th March 2019: Certificate of appreciation the ESPHO for role in the Pediatric Hematology Oncology and providing care of patients.

* 26th March 2015: Certificate of achievement in recognition of the breakthrough research in the field of Pediatric Hematology Oncology during the year 2014-2015 from ESPHO.

* 2015: Certificate of appreciation in Achiever Day for awarded master’s degree from Cairo Medical Syndicate


Prof. Manal Hamdy El Sayed
Professor of Pediatric Medicine
Director of MASRI- CRC.
Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt

Professor of Pediatric Medicine, founder and Director of the Clinical Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University (MASRI-CRC), Cairo. A founding member of the Egyptian National Committee for Control of Viral Hepatitis charged with development and implementation of the world’s largest HCV elimination program. Secretary general of the Egyptian Liver Care Society, an NGO supporting liver transplant recipients and treatment of children with viral hepatitis. Board member of the European Study of Liver Disease International Liver Foundation (EILF) and the International Coalition for Elimination of Hepatitis B (ICE-HBV) and among the board of directors of the Global Hepatitis Fund (Geneva)
RG score 37.98, H-index 26

Prof. Fatma Ebeid, PhD, MD, FRCPCH
Professor of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and BMT
Executive Director of MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University
Cairo, Egypt

Dr Fatma Ebeid, professor of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant with almost nineteen years of experience in the field in one of the largest referral centers in our country and in Africa and MENA region. Dr. Ebeid is a member of national and international professional bodies/research groups and has collaborated with many national and international academic parties and non-profit organizations and had many international and national scientific publications. Dr. Ebeid had special interest in the inherited anemias and bone marrow failure disorders especially the SCD and currently she is the responsible physician running the SCD clinic at Ain Shams University, Egypt. Dr Ebeid assists in the establishment of the first pediatric BMT unit in ASU in Dec 2005.

As the executive director of MASRI- CRC; Dr Ebeid is responsible for ensuring that the clinical trial and their associated trial-related medical decisions are properly conducted according to the investigational plan and all applicable regulations, interact with regulatory bodies as relevant to clinical operations. Dr. Ebeid had around fifteen years’ experience in conducting multi-center international clinical studies. Dr. Ebeid has had experience in the international clinical trial since 2007 and since then she participated in around thirty international multicenter clinical trials, many academic projects and many investigators initiated clinical research. Dr Ebeid designed the first SOPs for MASRI-CRC which regulated the clinical research in faculty of medicine Ain Shams university as well as all the faculties and institutes affiliated to ASU.



Dr Noran Saber
Executive Director Deputy and Head of Coordinators at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Dr Saber started her clinical research career since 2019.
At first, she was assigned as main coordinator at MASRI-CRC.
She is promoted to a position as Executive Director Deputy and Head of Coordinators at MASRI- CRC since 2022

Dr Nada Gad, MSc., MBBCH.
Assistant Lecturer of Pediatrics at the National Centre for Radiation Research and Technology

Senior Clinical Research Coordinator at MASRI-CRC.
Dr. Gad is a motivated pediatrician with good experience in the research field. She is a Phd researcher at Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University. She is skilled in developing research protocols and coordinating clinical trials with excellent organizational and communication skills.

Dr Dina El Ebiary
Pharm-D and BCCP Holder
Head of Pharmacy and Senior Clinical Pharmacist at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Dr El Ebiary is a 10 Years experienced clinical pharmacist, she helps doctors and other medical experts prescribe medications to patients who require treatment. Including almost 4 Years experience in clinical research and assigned as Main Pharmacist at several Clinical studies

Dr Youssef Aboshady
Clinical Pharmacist at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Dr Aboshady Started his career as Clinical research Pharmacist since 2022
Assigned as a second clinical pharmacist at many clinical studies since his debut
As Clinical Research Pharmacist he plans, prepares and helps carry out clinical trials to test new or existing investigational products

Sama Abdelfattah
Research Coordinator at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Abdelfattah assists in the conduct of clinical trials as specified by the study protocol under the supervision of designated Principal Investigator and departmental management.
Performs data entry and data review to ensure study quality

Doha Maged
Quality Assurance Coordinator at MASRI- CRC
Diploma in Bioinformatics
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

As a quality coordinator, she organizes and oversees an organization's quality control procedures, setting up quality monitoring tools, ensuring efficiency support the manager in various QA tasks.

Enas Mohsen
Research Coordinator and Lab Specialist at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

Mohsen is assigned as Lab Specialist at many clinical trials since her debut.
She schedules, prepares and carries out lab tests for patients in trials in a precise technique to make sure that results will be accurate.

Hamdy El Emam
Nursing Officer at MASRI- CRC
Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt

El Emam started his career as Research Nursing Specialist since 2016
He has been assigned as Primary Nurse at many clinical trials since her debu


Clinical Trials

1. GBT440-034: A Phase 3, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Multicentre Study of Voxelotor (GBT440) in Pediatric Participants with Sickle Cell Disease and an Open label study in Infants with Sickle Cell disease (HOPE kids 2).

2. GBT440-032: A Phase 3, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of Voxelotor (GBT440) in Pediatric Participants with Sickle Cell Disease (HOPE Kids 2).

3. GBT2104-131: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Inclacumab in Participants with Sickle Cell Disease Experiencing Vasoocclusive Crises. Global Blood Therapeutics (Pfizer), Inc.

4. HIK-SPH-2021-01: Safety and Effectiveness of Generic Fingolimod (Sphingomod®, Hikma) in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis in Egypt.


6. FREYR Study: Multicentre Cross-sectional Study to Assess the Frequency of FGFR alterations in patients with Urothelial Carcinoma in the Middle East, North Africa, and Russia. Johnson & Johnson.

7. APD334-202: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group Study to Assessthe Efficacy and Safety of Oral Etrasimod as Induction and Maintenance Therapy for Moderately to Severely Active Crohn's Disease.

8. M14-430: Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled maintenance andlong term extension study of the efficacy and safety of upadacitinib (ABT-494) in subjects with crohn’s disease who completed the studies M14-431 or M14-433.

9. Precious study: A non-interventional prospective study on the treatment patterns& clinical outcomes in Africa Middle East, for patient with HR+ve/HER-veMetastatic Breast cancer who have received Palbociclib combination treatment.

10. Pan Arab Multicenter Retrospective Study on Kawasaki Disease’s Prevalence and Related Cardiac Complications

11. Research collaboration with Abbott: Abbott Diagnostics Collaborative Research: Abbott / Pandemic Defense Site in Egypt.

12. Collaboration with the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center: Prognostic effects of direct acting antiviral (DAA) therapy on immune cells balance in chronic hepatitis C

13. Collaboration with WHO and Faculty of Pharmacy Cairo University: NCT05854511: Pharmacokinetics, safety, efficacy and acceptability study of daclatsvir plus sofobuvir in children weighing 14-35 kilograms with chronic Hepatitis C virus infection.

14. The Use of Defibrotide in Egyptian Children with Sinusoidal Obstruction Syndrome / Veno-occlusive Disease. Application for the off-label/unlicensed or exceptional situation use of Jazz Pharmaceuticals Medicinal Products.

15. A Study of Ataluren in Egyptian Patients with Nonsense Mutation Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (nmDMD).

16. 013-01: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MK-4482 for the Prevention of COVID-19 (Laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection With Symptoms) in Adults Residing With a Person With COVID-19.

17. CAIN457A2310: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-and active controlled multicenter trial to demonstrate efficacy of subcutaneous secukinumab compared to placebo and etanercept (in a single-blinded arm) after twelve weeks of treatment, and to assess the safety, tolerability, and long-term efficacy in subjects from 6 to less than 18 years of age with severe chronic plaque psoriasis.

18. CLEE011A3201C: A phase II randomized study of the combination of Ribociclib plus goserelin acetate with Hormonal Therapy versus physician choice chemotherapy in premenopausal or perimenopausal patients with hormone receptor positive/ HER2-negative inoperable locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer - RIGHT Choice Study”.

19. H21-837: Multi-country, cross-sectional and retrospective chart reviEw study for aSSEssiNg sympToms severIty and quALity of life in population of routinely treated Atopic Dermatitis patients with systemic and non-systemic treatment - The ESSENTIAL AD Study.

20. H21-837: multi-country, cross-sectional and retrospective chart reviEw study for aSSEssiNgsympTomsseverIty and quALity of life in population of routinely treated Atopic Dermatitis patients with systemic and non-systemic treatment - The ESSENTIAL AD Study.

21. 013-01: A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of MK-4482 for the Prevention of COVID-19 (Laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Infection With Symptoms) in Adults Residing With a Person With COVID-19.

22. F901318/0032: An open-label single-arm Phase IIb study of F901318 as treatment of invasive fungal infections due to Lomentosporaprolificans, Scedosporium spp., Aspergillus spp., and other resistant fungi in patients lacking suitable alternative treatment options.

23. AT-03A-001: A Phase 2 Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of AT-527 in Subjects with Moderate COVID-19.

24. BDMD-06-2018: Biomarkers for inborn errors of metabolism: an international multicenter observational longituidenal b study.

25. BAP 06-2018: Biomarker for Alport disease:

26. DU176b-C-U313: An observational study evaluating treatment with EdoxabanTosylate in children from 38 weeks gestational age to less than 18 year of age with cardiac events at risk of thromboembolic events.

27. M14-431: Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Induction Study of the efficacy and safety of Upadaccitinab (ABT0494) in subjects with moderately to severely active Crohn’s Disease have inadequately responded to or are intolerant to biological therapy.

28. M16-000:A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled 52-Week Maintenance and an Open-Label Extension Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Risankizumab in Subjects with Crohn's Disease Who Responded to Induction Treatment in M16-006 or M15-991 Incorporating Administrative Change 1 and Amendments 1 and 2

29. M15-991:A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Induction Study to study to assess the efficacy and safety of Risanizumab in subjects with moderately to severely active Crohen’s disease who failed prior biologic treatment.

30. OBS15591: GLOBAL AWARE – Emerging Markets (EM) (Adults With Atopic Dermatitis Reporting on Their Experience in Emerging Markets).

31. LPS15396: A multicenter, multinational prospective interventional single arm Phase IV study evaluating the clinical efficacy and safety of 26 weeks of treatment with insulin glargine 300U/ml (Gla-300) inpatients with Type 2 diabetesmellitus uncontrooled on basal insulin (ARTEMIS).

32. AGB 002: A Randomized, Double-blind, Multi-center, Multi-national Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy, Safety, and Immunogenicity of SAIT101 Versus Rituximab as a First-line Immunotherapy Treatment in Patients with Low Tumor Burden Follicular Lymphoma.

33. D5136C00009: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Parallel-Group, Multicentre, Phase III Study to Evaluate the Effect of Ticagrelor versus Placebo in Reducing the Rate of Vaso-Occlusive Crises in Paediatric Patients with Sickle Cell Disease (HESTIA3)

34. CTQJ230A12001: Multi-center cross-sectional epidemiological study to characterize the prevalence and distribution of lipoprotein(a) levels among patients with established cardiovascular disease

35. GBT440-031: A phase 3, Double-blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Multicenter study of GBT440 administered orally to Patients with Sickle cell disease

36. GS-US-337-1904: A Phase 2, Open-label Study to Investigate the Efficacy and Safety of Ledipasvir/Sofosbuvir Fixed Dose Combination in the Treatment of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection in Pediatric Subjects Undergoing Cancer Chemotherapy

37. PHAR_SPASMO_001: A Prospective, Open Label, Interventional Phase IV Study for the Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of Spasmodigestin® in Patients with Functional Dyspepsia.

38. Collaboration with Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), University College London (UCL): Partnership to cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) in mono- and HIV/HCV co-infected pregnant women And prevent VERTical HCV transmission

39. Collaboration with Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), University College London (UCL): Gilead Sciences and Medical Research Council (MRC) Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)-University College London (UCL): ENHANCE Projects

40. CNTO1959CRD3005: A Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Parallel-group, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Guselkumab in Participants with Fistulizing, Perianal Crohn’s Disease.

41. MOM-M281-006: Efficacy and Safety of M281 in Adults with Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study with a Long-term Open-label Extension.

42. F9013180041: A Phase III, adjudicator-blinded, randomised study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of treatment with olorofim versus treatment with AmBisome® followed by standard of care (SOC) in patients with invasive fungal disease (IFD) caused by Aspergillus species.

Registration of all masters and MD thesis as well as investigators-initiated research:

All research conducted at Ain Shams University Faculty of Medicine (ASU-FOM) from all the departments of ASU-FOM, ASU affiliated faculties and institutions as well as any research collaborating institutions.