Dr. Amany Mohamed Maher, PhD.
Consultant of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
Executive Director of MASRI Biobank
Egyptian Biobank Network (EBA) Steering Committee Member
Chair of the Quality WG
Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams Research Institute (MASRI)
Mobile: 01014064009
ORCID: 0000-0002-5300-1010
Publication Name: Amany M. Maher
Research group: Biobank, Biochemistry
Specialization: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Dr. Amany M. Maher is a Consultant of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology in Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams Research Institue-MASRI. She is the Executive Director of MASRI Cancer Biobank. She is a Member of the steering Committee of National Egyptian Biobank Network (EBA) and Chair of the Quality WG.
She is an expert in Scientific Research and Biobanking Sciences. She has experienced skills in Biobanking Sciences through attending many training activities in WHO, BCNet, IARC, BBMRI- ERIC and ISBER. She had been trained on biobanking ISO-Accreditation in ISBER. She had also attended a workshop training on biobanking and Molecular techniques in Fudan Cancer Hospital in Shanghai, China.
Dr. Maher is member of the ISO/TC/MC 276 (Biobanking and Biotechnology) Committee (ISO-20387) in the Egyptian Organization for Standardization (EOS) and Member in the African Organization for Standardization (ARSO) in Technical Committee TC83, WG2-Biotechnology Committee. She serves as a Technical Assessor of ISO-20387 of Biobanking in Egyptian Accreditation Council (EGAC).
She is also an active member in multiple of International organizations including BCNet-WHO, ISBER, BBMRI, ESBB, ARSO and Canadian Repository Network (CTRNet).
She published number of National and International peer reviewed manuscripts in different subjects and is also a Reviewer in International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Information Sciences (IJICIS).
Also, she had collaborate in editing of book chapter named “Biobank Digitalization in Low-Middle Income Countries (LMICs): current and future technological development” in a Springer Nature publications under the name of “Digitization of Medicine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries”.
Dr. Maher is the coordinator of MASRI Cancer Biobank course in BGICC (Breast- Gynecological & Immunooncology International Cancer conference) since 2017 till now, and the coordinator of MASRI Bioinformatics, Metabolomics and Proteomics course in IGULC (The International Gastrointestinal, liver & Uro-Oncology Conference) (IGILUC) since 2016 up till now.
Dr. Maher had attended several Bioinformatics workshop, summer and winter schools in Nile University. She has gained a training certificate in Next Generation Sequencing and 16S rRNA Microbiome analysis (2021) from H3ABioNet and African Genomic Medicine Training Initiative (AGMT) (2022) also from H3ABioNet. She was a teaching assistant (TA) of the bioinformatics course (Introduction to Bioinformatics (IBT) 2020 and 2022) in collaboration with H3ABionet the Pan African Bioinformatics Network of H3Africa for 3 months that was held in MASRI.
She also manages and coordinate all training and outreach programmes that the Computational Biology Unit at MASRI is involved in, Duties include, but are not limited to, managing the following programme in MASRI: The Pan African Bioinformatics Networks for H3Africa - H3ABioNet, This projects/grants is aiming at building both bioinformatics and data science capacity within Africa.
Dr. Maher is collaborating in many research projects funded by The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) and Science, Technology & Innovation Funding Authority (STDF) with other academic parties. She is supervising many ongoing research thesis (Masters and PhDs) in MASRI. Dr. Maher had many scientific publications nationally and internationally.