

Welcome to Ain Shams University

The Scholarships Welfare Office

  • About Office
  • Vision & Mission
  • Office Objectives
  • Proposal for a work plan
  • Seminars
  • Seminars Announcements
  • Scholarships Announcements
  • Office Programs
  • Office Activities
  • Office Contacts

About Office

Within the framework of Ain Shams University's keenness to develop the scientific and practical capabilities of faculty staff and researchers with master's and doctoral degrees in all university faculties, Ain Shams University decided to establish an office for the care of envoys to maximize the benefit from the experiences of envoys while obtaining academic degrees from foreign universities outside the Arab Republic of Egypt, to become Ain Shams University with a global competitive advantage within the framework of an innovative system in education, research, and knowledge and to serve the university's relentless endeavors to achieve tangible progress in the university's global ranking. The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University is keen for the envoy to be a high-level ambassador for the country and the university at the international level.
The Scholarship Welfare Office achieves the vision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, which aims to maximize the benefit from scholarships at the university and community levels by helping to integrate returning cadres and ensuring the university's active participation in the annual plan for scholarships and joint scholarship programs offered by the Central Administration for Scholarships.


Maximizing the benefit from the scientific and practical experiences of the envoys while obtaining academic degrees from foreign universities to become a strong competitor in the field of scientific research locally and globally, with the need for the envoy to be a high-level ambassador of Ain Shams University.


The office seeks to take care of everything related to the envoys in all stages of scholarship, starting from identifying the different programs of missions and scholarship programs and the procedures for preparing and applying for a scholarship, passing through the follow-up of the envoys abroad until their return to benefit from their experiences, ideas, and proposals in achieving the strategy of Ain Shams University that is consistent with Egypt's vision 2030 .

Objectives of the Scholarship Welfare Office

The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University was established to achieve a set of goals, the most important of which are:

1. Announcement of scholarships and grants received from all donors, especially those targeting scientific missions and training, which are suitable for members of the teaching assistants and faculty staff at the university.

2. Participate in setting up mechanisms to link the goals of the university with the specializations of the scholarships that the university wishes to send students on, through active participation in workshops and technical sessions that will be held with the General Administration of Scholarships to determine the specializations and fields included in the annual scholarship plan.

3. Determine the databases of the envoys and link them to the main databases in the General Administration of Missions at the Ministry.

4. Follow up on the integration plans that were included in the envoy's plan when traveling and identify the obstacles facing the integration plans at the university level.

5. Communicating with the research authorities and linking the envoys with the available opportunities to help obtain the necessary funding to complete and develop their research in the country.

6. Holding scientific and cultural workshops and seminars for the returning envoys to transfer scientific and living experiences and experiences to the new envoys and others in the university community within the university or in coordination with the corresponding offices in other universities as well as in the central administration of scholarships.

7. Communicating and coordinating with the concerned departments inside and outside the university to overcome any difficulties facing the envoys during the mission period or after returning to the homeland.

8. Communicating and coordinating with the scholarship students before returning home to link them to funding opportunities and projects inside the country and within the university to facilitate the integration process for the students before returning home to ensure continuity and sustainability.

9. Provide and develop the level of professional performance of the envoys after their return from the missions to achieve maximum benefit from them.

10. Increasing and activating scientific and research links and agreements between Ain Shams University and academic institutions in other countries.

11. Encouraging new and innovative ideas that contribute to the development of education and scientific research.

Proposal for a work plan for the Scholarship Welfare Office

• The Scholarship Welfare Office is in full coordination with the current departments concerned with universities, including international offices, to avoid conflicting specializations or duplication of tasks, and within the framework of the normal tasks undertaken by postgraduate studies and research affairs.

• A separate database is also being created for former faculty staff at the university and those currently working in prominent academic positions in external academic and scientific bodies. It is suggested to offer special invitations to them for scientific cooperation with the university in scientific research projects and international scientific publishing, as well as to ensure that they are invited to attend scientific conferences and meetings held by the various scientific departments of the university.

• Formation of workshops for the envoys who share the same inter disciplines in the various faculties of the university to present joint projects or programs between the faculties and departments.

• Providing the material capabilities of dealing devices that serve the returnees through communication with the responsible departments.

• Working to establish scientific schools similar to what exists in those countries and conduct joint and complementary research that serves the surrounding or national community.

• Considering and updating the faculties' bylaws to keep pace with recent scientific developments and trends, and to develop new specializations in these bylaws, similar to what exists in universities ranked at the highest levels globally.

• Attempting to link these disciplines and scientific research to industry and the axes of sustainable development.

Continuous seminars organized by the Scholarship Welfare Office on a regular basis

* The ideal ways to obtain scholarships for master's and doctoral studies abroad: This program includes a series of seminars dealing with various topics presented by the Scholarship Welfare Office weekly to postgraduate students at Ain Shams University.

* Methods of applying for post-doctoral grants: These seminars are held periodically for fellow faculty staff of the university's faculties and institutes (a monthly symposium in which scientists and researchers from prestigious international universities are hosted to provide advice to fellow faculty staff at Ain Shams University). Two seminars have been hosted so far, one of which is for scientific missions in Germany with Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wahed - Head of the Virology Laboratory at the University of Leipzig in Germany and the University of Göttingen previously.

* Specialized seminars for faculties of humanities and social sciences: These seminars deal with various aspects of studying the humanities and social sciences abroad, such as the seminar for studying law abroad.

* Methods of preparing a CV to apply for scholarships and missions.

* Methods of writing research proposals to apply for scholarships and missions.

* An introductory seminar for the Fulbright Commission's programs in Egypt.

* An introductory seminar for the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation grant programs: The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University coordinated with the Ambassador of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Egypt, Prof. Moamen Hanafi, to present an introductory seminar through which the mechanisms for applying for the various grants offered by this institution are identified to the faculty members and their assistants at Ain Shams University. The seminar was shown through the Zoom application on the link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81574466870?pwd=Z3cyenhjbGtwRG1OTzQvZVNvK2xTZz09 on May 29, 2021.

* An introductory seminar for the current advertisement for scholarships: This seminar aims to encourage faculty members and their assistants at Ain Shams University to apply and to answer all their inquiries before the closing date for applications for this advertisement on May 30, 2021.

* An introductory seminar for Fulbright scholarships for research and study in the United States of America, at Ain Shams University.

* An introductory seminar for the sixth announcement of the Higher Education Initiative program for postgraduate scholarships for professionals for the academic year 2021/2022.

* The best ways to search for foreign supervisors and collect their emails.

* Skills and criteria for selecting a foreign supervisor.

* Secrets and details of correspondence with supervisors and writing e-mails.

* Scholarship and its importance in building the future.

* Preparation for the IELTS test in cooperation with the British Council.

Announcements of introductory seminars about exams, scholarships,
and various missions program

The Scholarship Welfare Office announced a set of seminars presented by various parties inside and outside the Arab Republic of Egypt regarding applying to scholarships and various missions programs and preparing for language tests. The following is a description of some of these seminars shown in the following table:

The number of participants from the university

Title of the seminar/workshop



An introductory seminar for the Higher Education Initiative program for postgraduate scholarships for professionals in cooperation with USAID

The central administration for missions


Postgraduate seminar for students of Ain Shams University in cooperation with the University of Kansas.

University of Kansas, USA


Studying in America step by step: applying to universities and obtaining funding

Chicago State University


Fulbright Seminar for Post-Doctoral Programs and Literature and Arts Programs.

Fulbright Commission


Seminar of the central management of missions to present the annual plan for missions 2021-2022, the first part

The central administration for missions


A detailed seminar for the IELTS exam, at the Faculty of Arts

Ain Shams University in cooperation with the British Council


A detailed seminar for the IELTS exam, Faculty of Al-Alsun

Ain Shams University in cooperation with the British Council


A detailed seminar for the IELTS exam at the College of Nursing

Ain Shams University in cooperation with the British Council


A detailed course for the IELTS exam online

British Council


Postgraduate seminar in Spain

The Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain, in cooperation with the Central Administration for Scholarships


An introductory seminar for Cornell University's Ph.D. scholarships in the field of electrical and computer engineering

Cornell University


Kyasho University Scholarship Symposium in Law, Mathematics, Engineering, Design, Computer and Information Sciences, Biological Environment, Natural Resources, and Humanities

Kyashu University


Study in the United States of America



Work and study in Finland

Egyptian scientists


Opportunities available for Ph.D. studies and conditions and mechanisms for applying to the European Organization for Nuclear Sciences

The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology in cooperation with the European Organization for Nuclear Sciences


Grants provided by the Hungarian Temps Authority

The central administration for missions

Announcements of scholarships and missions submitted by the Central Administration
for missions and other parties

* Scholarships offered by King Abdulaziz University for master and doctoral studies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

* Scholarships offered by the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan for the academic year 2021/2022.

* Ph.D. scholarship offered by the University of Calgary, Canada, for the academic year 2021/2022.

* PhD scholarships offered by Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, for the academic year 2021/2022.

* Ph.D. scholarships and post-doctoral assignments offered by the Hasso Plattner Institute in Germany for the academic year 2021/2022.

* Scholarships offered by the Korean Advanced University of Science and Technology KAIST for the academic year 2021/2022.

* Scholarships offered by the University of Milan Studies for the academic year 2021/2022.

* The unified announcement of the scholarship plan for the first part of the fifth year 2021/2022 of the eighth five-year plan 2017-2022 includes the Egyptian-Japanese Education Initiative (EJEP).

* The initiative of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to provide 200 scholarships for graduates of the Faculties of Engineering, Computers, and Information Sciences to study in new private universities.

* Postdoctoral scholarships in cooperation between the Academy of Scientific Research and the Library of Alexandria.

* Ph.D. scholarships in cooperation with the European Organization for Nuclear Sciences in Switzerland and the Academy of Scientific Research.

* Announcement of scholarships offered by the Richard Blaschka Program for the academic year 2022/2023.

* Joint Erasmus Mundus Scholarship.

* A funded opportunity to conduct doctoral research in the laboratories of the European Organization for Nuclear Sciences through cooperation concluded between the Academy and the organization and with joint financial support between the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology and the supporting bodies of the European Organization for Nuclear Sciences.

* Announcement of competitive scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023 offered to the Arab Republic of Egypt by the State of Hungary (Temps Authority) according to the executive program (Master's stage).

* Announcing competitive scholarships for the academic year 2022/2023 offered to the Arab Republic of Egypt by the State of Hungary according to the Executive Program for the Ph.D.

* IST Institute of Science and Technology Scholarships in Austria for Ph.D

* Seventh Announcement of the Higher Education Initiative Program for Postgraduate Scholarships for Professionals.

* For training in the field of liver surgery and transplantation in France.

* Scholarships provided by Erasmus programs for the academic year 2022/2023

* Announcement of scholarships offered by the Republic of Austria for the academic year 2022/2023

* Scholarships provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

* Fulbright scholarships for training professionals

* Scholarships offered by Shen University in the fields of engineering, medicine, science, nursing, law, management, humanities and social sciences, languages, physics, and other disciplines for the academic year 2022-2023.

Programs that have been activated in the Scholarships Welfare Office

* Database of Envoys during 2016-2021.

* Communication program with faculty staff who are on scholarships abroad in various programs: periodic communication with faculty staff who are on scholarships outside the Arab Republic of Egypt by phone to congratulate them on various occasions, check on their progress in their various academic programs, and make sure that there are no problems related to study leave procedures at the university or in The central administration of scholarships, which demonstrates the university's keenness to communicate with them and its interest in them in order to achieve psychological support that raises their morale and sense of belonging to the university.

* Cultural Ambassador Program: Encouraging faculty staff to be a high-level ambassador to transfer the culture of the Egyptian people abroad and transfer the cultures of other peoples to confirm the idea of cultural representation in all countries of the world and encourage colleagues to apply for grants and scholarships in these countries in a way that guarantees the university’s advancement and progress in programs different, some of the photos that faculty staff shared in the framework of this program are available through the website https://photos.app.goo.gl/97CXPj8hBoV8PJc28

* Success Stories Program on Scholarships Abroad: This program aims to raise the scientific level of members of missions and scholarships by benefiting from successful experiences that have gone through the same stages. The office will provide a different model on a monthly basis in different fields.

* A qualifying program before traveling for scholarships: Training programs are held before traveling for the gentlemen accepted in the various scholarships and grants announcements in order to increase their experience in dealing with different situations before traveling, including psychological rehabilitation and providing effective communication to other colleagues from Ain Shams University in the same scholarship countries To help them prepare before traveling and during their arrival in the scholarship country.

* Communication Program with the General Administration of Various Missions and Scholarships: This program aims to facilitate faculty staff to obtain information and answer their inquiries in a short time through direct communication with responsible officials to ensure a speedy response and to facilitate faculty staff.

* Communicating with the faculties to coordinate in circulating the various advertisements and in obtaining responses to the cultural relations regarding the vacations of faculty staff who are on scholarships abroad: This aims to speed up the announcement of scholarships and missions and to facilitate and complete the procedures at the university as soon as possible.

Although the office periodically announces its various activities through social networking sites to the participating faculty staff, we also write to the colleges' vice deans to circulate the announcements. Finally, and in order to reduce the time for the announcement to reach the faculty staff, the heads of the departments were contacted directly to make it easier for the deputies and to reduce the communication circle through to the faculty staff benefiting from the advertisement.

* Follow-up programs for the gentlemen admitted to the missions in order to quickly complete their procedures for the university and the central management of the scholarships.

* Follow-up programs for the various missions and scholarships provided by the Central Administration for Scholarships.

* Technical support programs for scholarship applicants: through which all means of technical support are provided to the faculty staff of Ain Shams University, including changing the dates of personal interviews and trait exams in special circumstances.

* Programs for correspondence envoys to support the university in the classification.

Cooperation with other units and centers at Ain Shams University

* Coordinating with Prof. Rasha Ismail - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Computer and Information Sciences – at Ain Shams University and responsible for managing the university's website on the international information network, to announce scholarships, missions, and various workshops through the university's website so that these announcements are available to faculty staff permanently on the university's website and including ensures a better ranking of the university website after increasing the number of visitors to the site.

* Coordinating with Prof. Tamer Al-Nadi in charge of the project management unit at the university to assist faculty staff and their assistants to review research proposals before submitting them to the central administration of missions or various granting agencies.

* Coordinating with Dr. Jawhari Al-Saeed Attia and Dr. Ahmed Al-Banna, directors of the International Publication and International Classification Units, to organize a symposium for envoys outside the Arab Republic of Egypt to benefit from them in raising the level of the university in classification at the international level.

* Coordinating with Prof. Nevin Assem, Director of the Training and Development Center at Ain Shams University, to announce the various seminars and programs offered by the Scholarships Welfare Office at Ain Shams University through the center's website and issuance of certificates (for those who wish).

* Coordinating with the faculties' vice deans regarding the preparation of monthly seminars in each faculty to raise awareness of the various scholarship programs.

Cooperation with other bodies and institutions

* Coordinating with the Fulbright Commission to host introductory seminars on the various programs offered by the Commission in cooperation with the international relations sector at the university.

* Coordination with the cultural offices of the Arab Republic of Egypt abroad.

* Coordinating with the University of Kansas in the United States of America to hold an introductory seminar on the various programs offered by the university and how to obtain study scholarships.

* Coordinating with the British Council to hold monthly workshops in the faculties and institutes of Ain Shams University to prepare for the IELTS test.

Dr. Abdalla Mohamed SamyManager of Scholarships Office

Contact Us

The Scholarship Welfare Office at Ain Shams University has created its pages on social networking sites to announce scholarships, missions, workshops, and seminars for faculty staff and their assistants.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ASUstudyabroadmission

Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/RE8f9ZfR6DJmzmq

WhatsApp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BE6POJmgWGVFj48Z4xLPau

Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/Z0DsW5cxxR5jNGFk

Adding another Telegram group to answer any inquiries related to the various announcements and seminars organized by the Scholarship Welfare Office.

Telegram (Hotline): https://t.me/joinchat/R51Pl1KAApdlYjc0

Adding a Telegram channel that allows direct interaction and comment with the various announcements, seminars, and information provided by the Scholarship Welfare Office.

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/asuabdrd