



Vice President of Ain Shams University receives the Blended Learning Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities

The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs received the Blended Learning Committee at the Supreme Council of Universities, which included Prof. Dr. Rami Iskandar, Director of the National E-Learning Center, and Dr. Nancy El-Demerdash, Deputy Director of the Center

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Prof. Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar recommends providing support to the new private universities emanating from public universities

The Minister of Planning and Economic Development held a meeting with Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, in the presence of a number of leaders of the two ministries, to discuss the details of the investment plan of the Ministry of Higher Education

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The Supreme Council of Universities confirms the resumption of the study and the conduct of exams, amid strict precautionary measures

The Supreme Council of Universities held its regular meeting, on Saturday 20 February 2021, headed by Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and in the presence of Dr. Tarek Shawky, Minister of Education and Technical Education at Helwan University...

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The Supreme Council of Universities announces strict precautionary measures for universities and institutes to conduct postponed examinations

The Supreme Council of Universities confirmed conducting postponed examinations for the first semester of the current academic year, which universities and institutes will resume next Saturday, February 27th, will be carried out under strict precautionary measures.

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University cities at Ain Shams University announce the dates for resettling students residing in University Dormitories

University dormitories announced the dates for resettling students in university cities, in line with the decision of the Supreme Council of Universities to start the second semester, and to complete the postponed examinations from the first semester on Saturday, February 27

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Ain Shams University students participate in the Conference on Building Entrepreneurial Capabilities for Egyptian University Students

Students of Ain Shams University participated in the student conference held at the headquarters of the American University in Cairo during the period from 13 to 14 February, under the title (Building the Entrepreneurial Capabilities of Egyptian University Students)...

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The Minister of Higher Education chairs the meeting of the Board of Faculty Members Welfare Fund in Universities, Institutes and Research Centers

Board of Directors of Faculty Members Welfare Fund in Universities, Institutes and Research Centers held a meeting, which included discussing the steps for the development of the Fund's work, and the mechanisms for providing health and social care services to faculty members

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Dean of the Environmental Studies Institute: New programs will be added and the regulations amended after they are approved by the Supreme Council of Universities

Dean of the Institute of Environmental Studies stated in an interview with the public program wave that decision to convert Environmental Studies and Research Institute, after approval by the Supreme Council of Universities, to a faculty is the result of intensive efforts

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