

مركز توظيف جامعة عين شمس


Prof. Ghada Farouk invites students and graduates of Ain Shams University to attend the fourth edition of "Ain Shams University's Largest Employment Forum 2025"

Prof. Ghada Farouk invites students and graduates of Ain Shams University to attend the fourth edition of "Ain Shams University's Largest Employment Forum 2025", scheduled to be held on Tuesday and Wednesday, February 25 - 26, 2025, organized by the ASU Career Center.

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Statistics of ASU Career Center, at Ain Shams University during the year 2023

The total number of students and graduates who benefited from all the various programs, of the ASU Career Center at Ain Shams University during the year was more than 17,500, and the total number of corporate partners in various sectors was more than 550................

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