



Ain Shams University provides 25 scholarships at a cost of 2 million pounds to students of STEM schools.

Under the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi,President of Ain Shams University allocated 25 scholarships to students of STEM schools at a total cost of 2 million pounds annually, borne by the university and some civil society institutions supporting the university

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President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s initiative to provide 200 scholarships for graduates to study in the new private universities

Minister of Higher Education announced the provision of 200 scholarships to graduates of faculties of engineering and faculties of computers and information; to study in private universities (King Salman International, Galala, El Alamein International, and New Mansoura)

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The President of Ain Shams University meets outstanding researchers who have received a scholarship from the Ministry of Social Solidarity

President of the University, met with five outstanding researchers in the Faculties of Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy, Science, and Agriculture who were granted a grant from the Ministry of Social Solidarity within the cooperation protocol signed with the Ministry.

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Six research papers win a grant from the Ministry of Social Solidarity for “Super Incubators"

The university hosted the selection committee for the best postgraduate research to obtain a grant from the Ministry of Social Solidarity to support and fund outstanding students, where a scientific seminar was held to present the research submitted by 20 researchers.

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The Vice Presidents of the University congratulate the outstanding students who received the Excellence Scholarship offered by the Ministry of Social Solidarity

The Vice President for Students and Education Affairs and the Vice President for Community Service and Development Affairs met with the outstanding students of the university and those who received the monthly excellence grant, provided by the Ministry of Social Solidarity

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The announcement of three scholarships offered by the Science and Technology Development Fund (STDF)

STDF offers three scholarships, namely the Egyptian-Spanish Joint Technology Cooperation Program, the Experts and Auditors Grant and the Centers of Excellence in Urban Governance, and they come within the framework of the full proposals for programs of centers of excellence

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50 disabled students at the university participate in the Armed Forces Computer Rehabilitation Center scholarship

Under the patronage of Dr. El-Metini , the University President and Vice President for Education and Student Affairs , 50 students participated in the first batch of the Students with Disabilities Service Center (audio-kinetic-visual) headed by Director of the Center.

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The university president meets the international students in the presence of the ambassador, secretary general of the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development

President of the University, and Vice President for Student Affairs met with Ambassador Muhammed Khalil, Secretary General of the Egyptian Agency for Partnership for Development, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Secretary General of the Agency, and students from Africa

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