



The harvest of the Ain Shams University convoy to the cities of Halayeb, Shalateen, and Abu Ramad within the presidential initiative "A Decent Life"

Ain Shams University's comprehensive development convoy for the Red Sea Governorate succeeded in serving citizens in the cities of Halayeb, Shalatin, and Abu Ramad, the number of beneficiaries of the free medical service reached 1185 citizens who were examined........

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The Faculty of Girls launches a comprehensive development convoy to the village of Arab Al-Qumaie in Al-Saf at Giza Governorate

The Community Service and Environmental Development Sector at the Faculty of Girls organized the comprehensive development convoy to the village of Arab Al-Qumaie in Al-Saf at Giza Governorate. The convoy included cadres of faculty staff in various disciplines......

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Ain Shams University Medical Council honors the comprehensive development convoy in Qena Governorate, in the center and city of Al Waqf

The Council of the Faculty of Medicine honored the Comprehensive Development Convoy Team in Qena Governorate, in the presence of the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and the Vice Dean for Community Service and Environmental Development.................

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The Faculty of Education honors the participants by organizing the comprehensive development convoy in the village of Tahanoub - Shebin El-Qanater Center in Qalyubia Governorate

Under the auspices of the University President, Vice President for Community Affairs, Acting Dean of the Faculty, and Vice Dean for Community Affairs, all participants in the comprehensive development convoy in the village of Tahanoub in Qalyubia Governorate were honored

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The Harvest of Ain Shams University developmental convoy to serve the people of the endowment center, Qena governorate, as part of the presidential initiative "A Decent Life"

The comprehensive development convoy of Ain Shams University for Qena Governorate succeeded, over the course of 4 days, in serving the citizens of the village of Al-Qalamina, the endowment center in Qena Governorate, within the presidential initiative "A decent life"

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The activities of the second day of the comprehensive development convoy of Ain Shams University in Qena Governorate

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, under the supervision of Assistant Secretary of the University for Community and Environmental Affairs, Ain Shams University's development convoy continued its work for the second day in a row...

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Mr. Suhail Hamza, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service and Environmental Development, inspects the work on the first day of the Ain Shams University convoy

Mr. Suhail Hamza, Assistant Secretary of the University for Community Service, checks the work on the first day of the development convoy of Ain Shams University to serve the people of the village of Qalamina, which will last until the 29th of this December..............

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The governor of Qena inspects the work of the comprehensive development convoy of Ain Shams University to serve the people of the village of Qalamina

Major General Pilot Staff Officer Ashraf Al-Dawdy, Governor of Qena, made an inspection tour inside of the development convoy of Ain Shams University in the Family Medicine Unit. He was received by Mr. Suhail Hamza, Secretary General of Ain Shams University.............

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