

Evacuation experiment


A successful evacuation experiment at the Faculty of Specific Education

The Faculty of Specific Education organized a successful evacuation experiment, under the auspices of Prof. Mohamed Diaa and Prof. Osama El-Sayed, Dean of the Faculty, in cooperation between the Crisis and Disaster Unit and the Civil Defense Department at the University.

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The Faculty of Education conducts a successful evacuation experiment to enhance safety and civil protection

The Faculty of Education organized a comprehensive evacuation experiment on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, aimed at enhancing safety and civil protection measures among the faculty staff. The event was held under the auspices of the President of the University............

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Successful evacuation experiment at the female student dormitory of Ain Shams University

The female student dormitory at Ain Shams University conducted a successful evacuation drill in coordination with the university's Civil Defense Department, under the patronage of the President of the University and the Vice President for Community Service..........

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The evacuation experiment for administrative buildings at Ain Shams University

Ain Shams University organized an evacuation experiment for the old and new administrative building in coordination with the Civil Defense and Occupational Safety and Health Departments under the auspices of President of the University, and the Civil Defense Department.

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A qualification program for safety and civil protection and a distinguished evacuation experiment implemented by the university’s civil defense at the Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education organized an evacuation experiment for the biological and geological sciences building, in order to prepare in the event of any emergency. The evacuation experiment comes as a vital step to deal with emergency situations.......................

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A successful evacuation experiment at the Faculty of Arts

The Community Service and Environmental Development Affairs Sector at the Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University, organized a successful evacuation experiment for the faculty building in coordination with the Civil Defense Department..................................

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The University's Civil Defense implements a civil defense qualification program and a distinguished evacuation experiment with the Faculty of Education

In the Faculty of Education, an evacuation experiment was carried out. This evacuation experiment comes as a vital step in achieving these goals, as these experiments are considered crucial moments to evaluate the Faculty’s readiness in dealing with emergencies.......

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The success of the evacuation experiment for the building of the Faculty of Graduate Studies for Childhood and the Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Mahmoud El-Meteini, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Dr. Ghada Farouk, Prof. Dr. Howayda Al-Jabali, Dean of the Graduate School of Childhood Studies and Prof. Dr. Noha Samir organized a fake evacuation experiment................

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