



The Dean of the Faculty of Arts honors outstanding students in student activities in the first semester of the current academic year

Prof. Hanan Kamel, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, honored outstanding students who won first places in various competitions, which were held during the first semester of the academic year 2023/2024, under the auspices of Prof. Mohamed Diaa, President of the University....

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The President of Ain Shams University honors distinguished students at the festival concluding student activities for the first semester

The President of Ain Shams University, witnessed the closing festival of student activities for the first semester, which was held by the Education and Student Sector. The festival included artistic performances by the Oun Choir, and the Harmony Araby Choir............

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Ain Shams University Council honors the work team of the Egyptian Center for the International Institute for Distance Education for winning the Leadership Award in the Digitization of Higher Education

The Ain Shams University Council honored, at its session held on Monday, December 25, the work team of the Egyptian Center for the International Institute for Distance Education, for winning the Leadership Award in the Digitization of Higher Education...................

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Ain Shams University Council honors Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, former Vice President of the University for Education and Student Affairs, in appreciation of his pioneering efforts and contributions to the development of the education and student sector

Ain Shams University Board, headed by Prof. Mohamed Dia, President of the University, honored Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud, former Vice President for Education and Student Affairs, in appreciation of his pioneering efforts and contributions to develop the education sector.

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The Dean of the Faculty of Arts honors the top graduates of the 2022 and 2023 batches

Under the patronage of Prof. Mohamed Diaa Zain El-Abedeen, President of Ain Shams University, Prof. Hanan Kamel, Dean of the Faculty of Arts honored the top students of the 2021/2022 batch and the 2022/2023 batch, at an academic ceremony, in the faculty’s conference hall.

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Honors from the Council of the Faculty of Engineering

The Council of the Faculty of Engineering honored the students of the choral team and the faculty’s music team, and the team that won first place in the global competition of the American Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Society was also honored..........

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The Supreme Council for Postgraduate Studies and Research honors Prof. Ayman Saleh, former Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research

The Supreme Council for Postgraduate Studies and Research honored during its August session, Prof. Ayman Saleh, former Vice President of Ain Shams University for Postgraduate Studies and Research, where he was presented the shield of honor in appreciation of his efforts.

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Ain Shams University Board honors Dr. Hesham Abdel Salam Omran and the painter Amr Fahmy

Ain Shams University Board honored Dr. Hesham Abdel Salam Omran, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University, for receiving the UNESCO-Al Fozan International Award for Young Scientists Researchers for this year..............................

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