

Minister of Health


Ain Shams University holds its annual iftar ceremony, attended by the Presidential Advisor for Health Affairs, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Health, the Minister of Higher Education, and a select group of media leaders and public figures

Ain Shams University organized its annual iftar ceremony in a festive atmosphere. The event was held in front of Zaffaran Palace on the university's main campus, under the patronage of President of the University, and was attended by a group of leaders and public figures.

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In the presence of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, and President of Ain Shams University… The Faculty of Dentistry's annual Suhoor celebration

The Faculty of Dentistry at Ain Shams University organized its annual Ramadan Suhoor celebration, attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health, President of the University, Minister of Local Development, and President of the Canadian University in Cairo...

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The Minister of Health witnesses the launch of the 17th International Conference on Breast and Gynecological Tumors and Immunotherapy and the 5th International Conference on Chest Tumors at the Faculty of Medicine

Prof. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Health and Population, witnessed the launch of the 17th International Conference on Breast and Gynecological Tumors and Immunotherapy and the 5th Conference on Chest Tumors at the Faculty of Medicine.

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The Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Minister of Higher Education, Advisor to the President of the Republic, and President of Ain Shams University witness the University's celebration of the opening of new projects at Ain Shams University Hospitals

The opening ceremony of new projects at University Hospitals, represented by the opening of the free incubator at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital at a cost of 138 million, the children's emergency and blood and chemotherapy center at a cost of 187 million.

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The Ministers of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Health and Population, and the President of Ain Shams University inaugurate the stroke and cerebral hemorrhage unit...The first of its kind in the Middle East

The Minister of Health and Population, and the President of Ain Shams University opened the Stroke Unit at Ain Shams University Hospital, which is considered the first therapeutic unit of its kind in the Middle East for the treatment of stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

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A Ramadan night at Ain Shams University in the presence of the Advisor to the President of the Republic, the Minister of Health, the Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, and an elite group of public figures

the University organized a Ramadan Iftar night in the presence of Prof. Mohamed Awad Tag El-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health and Prevention Affairs, Prof. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Health and Population, and President of Ain Shams University.

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Ain Shams University Bulletin for the second half of January 2024

Ain Shams University website launched the new version of the bulletin of the second half of January 2024, which deals with the most important news of Ain Shams University, its activities, and the services it provides to students, faculty staff, and the external community.

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The launch of the activities of the 16th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Gynecology, and Immunological Diseases in the presence of the Minister of Health and the President of Ain Shams University

The University President participated in the 16th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Gynecology, and Immunological Diseases, under the slogan “Innovation and Enlightenment”, in cooperation with the Regional Office of the World Health Organization...............

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