

Prime Minister


The Qatfa Project Team wins the Gen Z Competition and receives EGP 3 million in Funding

حصل فريق مشروع (قطفة)‏‎ ‎من جامعة عين شمس على تمويل 3 مليون جنيه في ‏مسابقة‎ Gen Z‏، جاء ذلك بحضور رئيس مجلس الوزراء، الذي أعلن عن الفرق الفائزة ‏وتعهد بتمويل كل مشروع بـ 3 مليون جنيه، ويعتبر مشروع (قطفة) عبارة عن مواد طبيعية تُطيل العمر الافتراضي للفاكهة والخضروات .

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The Prime Minister witnesses a number of events during the celebration of the launch of the ISESCO Year of Youth, and the university presidency participates in attendance as part of the delegation of Egyptian universities.

During his participation on behalf of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, in the celebration of the launch of the “ICESCO Year of Youth,” Dr. Mostafa Madbouly witnessed a number of events during the celebration that was organized by the Islamic World Educational.

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In the presence of the Prime Minister... Prof. Ghada Farouk, Acting President of the University, signs a partnership memorandum on cooperation to improve the integration of persons with disabilities

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly witnessed the signing of a partnership memorandum on cooperation to improve the integration of persons with disabilities between 10 entities through the project to improve access to information in Egypt using DAISY Multimedia Publications technology.

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The Auditing and Financial Consulting Center at Ain Shams University participates in the economic feasibility study for the establishment of the city of Tarbol under the investment cities system

The permanent committee for studying applications for the establishment of new investment zones approved the request submitted by the “GV Investments LLC.”, to establish the city of Tarbol, in preparation for the issuance of the decision of the establishment of the zone.

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In the implementation of the assignments of the Prime Minister… A meeting of the Ministers of Higher Education and Housing and the Governors of Cairo and Giza to discuss mechanisms for developing the visual image of the Ring Road

For the assignments of the Prime Minister to develop the visual image of the Ring Road in light of the procedures for the opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum, Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education, held a meeting with Dr. Assem El-Gazzar, Minister of Housing.

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Ain Shams University congratulates His Excellency the President of the Republic on the occasion of the Sinai Liberation Day

President of Ain Shams University, Vice President for Student Affairs, Vice President for Postgraduate Studies, Vice President for Community Affairs, extends their sincere congratulations to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi, on the celebration of the Sinai Liberation Day

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Prepared by the Faculties of Engineering at Cairo and Ain Shams Universities... The Prime Minister reviews proposals for developing the visual image of the Ring Road

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister, held a meeting today to review proposals for developing the visual image of the ring road, in the presence of the Minister of Higher Education and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Ain Shams University...................

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The Prime Minister participates in the conference of the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects and a remarkable attendance at the projects of the Faculty of Environmental Studies and Research

Dr. Mostafa Madbouly participated in the activities of the National Initiative for Smart Green Projects, and the projects of the Faculty of Environmental Studies whose Deanship is headed by Dr. Noha Samir Donia - received great attention from the Prime Minister.......

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