

World Health Organization


"Protect your hearing... Take care of yourself" The Faculty of Medicine celebrates World Hearing Day

Coinciding with the World Hearing Day, the Audiology and Balance Unit at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, organized an awareness celebration on the importance of preserving of hearing, under the patronage of the President of the University.

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The launch of the activities of the 16th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Gynecology, and Immunological Diseases in the presence of the Minister of Health and the President of Ain Shams University

The University President participated in the 16th International Conference on Breast Cancer, Gynecology, and Immunological Diseases, under the slogan “Innovation and Enlightenment”, in cooperation with the Regional Office of the World Health Organization...............

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Ain Shams University Hospitals are illuminated in orange to celebrate World Patient Safety Day

In continuation of the celebration of World Patient Safety Day, the Faculty of Medicine organized events, which are held in cooperation with the Office of the Representative of the World Health Organization and determined by the World Health Organization on 17/9......

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Prof. Abdel Fattah Saoud witnesses the celebration of Masr Shorian El ATAA Association and the World Health Organization under the slogan "We live because you give"

The Vice President for Education and Student Affairs witnessed the celebration of Masr Shorian El ATAA Association, in cooperation with the World Health Organization, Egypt, on the World Blood Donation Day, which was held under the slogan "We live because you give."

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The World Health Organization congratulates Ain Shams University for the international accreditation of its electronic hospital

The Office of the World Health Organization in the Arab Republic of Egypt, headed by Dr. Naima Hassan Al-Quseir, sent a letter of thanks and appreciation to Ain Shams University, on the occasion of the international accreditation of Ain Shams University Electronic Hospital.

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Simulation model of the World Health Organization... within the ninth scientific conference

An introductory video of the World Health Organization simulation model, which is held within the framework of the ninth scientific conference of Ain Shams University, which is scheduled to start on April 6, under the auspices of president of Ain Shams University....

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Simulation of the World Health Organization at the Faculty of Dentistry

Students of Faculty of Dentistry organized a simulating model of the World Health Organization 'under patronage of Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry and Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs to discuss the current situation and the spread Epidemic diseases in the world

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