



Extending the period of applying to the 29th batch of the International Publication Reward

Within the framework of the graduate studies sector’s support for faculty staff and the teaching assistants in publishing research internationally, the Sector announced the extension of the Appling period for the international publication reward (batch 29) until August 10

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Applying for the International Publication Reward for the 29th batch is now open

The Graduate Studies and Research Sector, headed by Prof. Dr. Ayman Saleh, announced the availability of applying to the International Publication Award (batch 29) for research published from January 1 to June 30, 2021, on the university’s website as of 4 July.......

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Next September, the first batch of the Faculty of Archeology will be accepted at Ain Shams University

Prof.Dr. Mamdouh Al-Damati, The Dean of the Faculty of Archeology at Ain Shams University announced start studying at the Faculty of Archeology at Ain Shams University next September with the beginning of the new academic year, and added that a few students will be accepted

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Opening the door to apply for the third batch of the professional diploma specializing in remote sensing and geographic information systems

The door has been opened for admission to the third batch of the professional diploma specializing in remote sensing and geographic information systems , which is the first of its kind in Egypt and the Middle East , approved by the Supreme Council of Universities....

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Acceptance of a new batch in military colleges, institutes, and public and private universities, of those holding higher qualifications, batch of October 2020

The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and the Minister of Defense and Military Production approved the announcement of accepting a new batch of admission to military colleges and institutes from the secondary school, Al-Azhar and equivalent certificates.......

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Acceptance of a new batch of medical doctors with master's and doctoral degrees to work in the armed forces

Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces and Minister of Defense and Military Production approved announcement of the acceptance of a new batch of medical doctors with master's and doctoral degrees to be assigned to work in the armed forces in a military capacity in January 2021

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The start of acceptance of the second batch of students of the Faculty of Engineering for the Energy Excellence Center grant

The Center for Energy Excellence, funded by (USAID) and implemented by Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced the start of acceptance of the second batch of students of engineering faculties applying to study in the Energy Engineering Program at Ain Shams University

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President of Ain Shams University attends the graduation ceremony of the first batch of the Faculty of Armed Forces Medicine

The university delegation headed by President of the University participated in the graduation ceremony of the first batch of the Faculty of Medicine in the Armed Forces, batch of Marshal Mohammed Abdul Ghani Al- Gamsi, in the presence of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi.

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