

university conference


Confucius Institute of Ain Shams University discusses "Chinese philosophy and its impact on relations with the Arab world in contemporary reality"

The Confucius Institute organized the first session of the Confucius Salon entitled "Chinese philosophy and its impact on relations with the Arab world". The first axis discussed the impact of Chinese philosophy and thought on China's vision towards Arab countries......

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The President of Ain Shams University and the Head of the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate inaugurated the activities of the 27th International Conference on Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine

The President of Ain Shams University and the Head of the Egyptian Doctors Syndicate inaugurated the activities of the 27th International Conference on Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Faculty of Medicine ASOGIC 27, which is held under the auspices of Prof. Awad Tag El-Din.

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The Partnerships in the agricultural sector within the activities of the 12th Annual Ain Shams University Conference

The university plays a pivotal role in producing knowledge and developing human competencies, while other institutions, whether governmental or private, seek to achieve their development and economic goals, within the activities of the 12th Ain Shams University Conference.

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The Faculty of Environmental Research honors Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zeid, former Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources

In honor of the successful partners who contributed to raising the name of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Environmental Research, Prof. Noha Donia honored Dr. Mahmoud Abu Zaid, one of the founders of the faculty, former minister of irrigation and water resources...

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The future of the biotechnology industry in the field of bio-production, health and bio-tissue engineering within the activities of Ain Shams University conference

Within the activities of the 11th Annual Ain Shams University International conference, a biotechnology session was held in field of bio-production, health and bio-tissue engineering, in cooperation with the Faculty of Biotechnology at October University for Modern Sciences

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Ain Shams University organizes a joint session of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and the Technical University of Berlin TU Berlin, Germany, within the activities of the university conference

Under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education, Ain Shams University held the its 11th conference. The second day of the events witnessed the organization of the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, a joint session with the Technical University of Berlin.

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The President of Ain Shams University and the Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities inaugurate the activities of the first annual conference of the Scientific Association for Measurement and Evaluation within the activities of the 11th Annual Ain Shams University International Conference

The President of the University, Secretary General of the Association of Arab Universities, inaugurated the activities of the first annual conference of the Scientific Association for Measurement and Evaluation - Association of Arab Universities.....................

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Under the auspices of the Minister of Higher Education... Ain Shams University organizes a joint session for the Career center at the university and the Union for the Mediterranean within the activities of the university conference

The conference activities witnessed the organization of the University Career Center for a joint session with the Union for the Mediterranean, in the presence of the Assistant Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Strategic Planning................

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