مرحبا بك في البوابة الالكترونية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

أ. د. نادية محمد حمدي الحفني

نبذه عن

Nadia M. Hamdy, Pharmaceutical Clinical Biochemistry Professor Head of the Advanced Biochemistry Research Lab (ABRL), Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University and “Cancer Pharmacogenomics Research Group” director. One of the Top 3% Scientists in Egypt and Africa in the Medical & Health Field for Pharmaceutical Biochemistry https://www.adscientificindex.com/scientist/nadia-hamdy/95437 Member of several finished and ongoing international and national projects funded by Erasmus +, PRIMA, ASRT, STDF. Earned the International Wendy Havran Honorary Mention Certificate Award in February 2023 and “Paola Sassone-Corsi” Top Presenter Award & Certificate in February 2021 at the Beyond Science Initiative International, Science and Society Awarded by ASU for first Best Scientific Project Research Topic 2021 & Honored by Women-of-Egypt 2020, 2022, and was selected among 100 women as 40over40 group Dec. 2023, Nov. 2020 by EVA and WOE. Winner of the ASRT and State Prizes for Individuals for the Year 2023 "Prof. Shawky El-Hanan Prize in Cancer" جائزة الدولة للأفراد ٢٠٢٣م اد/ شوقي حداد للأورام السرطانية Published 6 book chapters in Springer Nature, Elsevier, T&F, more than 91 international papers, h index 30. An academic guest and review editor for several international journals. Supervised 45 Ph.D. and MSCs thesis. Ambassador of the European and the Egyptian Associations of Cancer Research, ESMO, Biochemical Society & FEBS, International Federation of Clinical Chemistry IFCC, Member of the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineering ISPE MENA chapter ASRT, ASU, Higher Ministry of Education fellow since 2004. ASRT Fellow member of the National committee of Biochemistry and Molecular biology 2018-2021, President of the National committee of Drug/Medicines 2022-2025, and more and more.. activities... A scientific simple info writer and poems writer, published 10 poem books in Arabic. The founder of the “Biochemistry-for-All” group جروب "الكيمياء الحيوية للجميع"as well as the “Biochemistry Passion” page صفحة "شغف الكيمياء الحيوية"
  • الكلية: كلية الصيدلة
  • القسم: قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
  • التخصص العام : علوم صيدلية تخصص كيمياء حيوية
  • التخصص الدقيق: كيمياء حيوية اكلينيكية صيدلية
  • الدرجة الوظيفية: أستاذ دكتور
  • الحالة: قائم بالعمل
  • البريد الالكتروني الرسمي: nadia_hamdy@pharma.asu.edu.eg
  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar Link
  • Research Gate: Research Gate Link
  • Scopus: Scopus Link
  • H-index: 30
  • Orcid: https://www.orchid.org/0000-0003-2105-107X
  • Research Fields: Oncology (Leukemia, Breast, Pancreatic, and Bladder), Liver diseases (HCC, HCV, and NAFLD), Pharmacokinetics, Genomics, Obesity, D.M (type 2) with or without complications (CVD; HF, MI and neuropathy)


بوابة البحث العلمي





    • ماجستير
    • 2003
    • دكتوراه
    • 2007
    • بكالوريوس
    • 1998

التدرج الوظيفي

    • استاذ دكتور غير متفرغ
    • السنة : 2023
    • استاذ ورئيس قسم
    • السنة : 2019
    • أستاذ دكتور
    • السنة : 2017
    • استاذ مساعد
    • السنة : 2012
    • رئيس قسم
    • السنة : 2012
    • مدرس
    • السنة : 2007
    • مدرس مساعد
    • السنة : 2003
    • معيد
    • السنة : 1999

ورش العمل




October, 2019

Departments Head Technical and Financial Aspects Training Course

الدورة التدريبية لإعداد رؤساء الأقسام بجامعة عين شمس

الدورات التدريبية اللازمة للترقي بمركز تنمية قدرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالجامعة+

Fellowship and Leadership Development Center (FLDC) Courses at Ain Shams University    

+ EKB professional workshops delivered by Clarivate - Web of Science 2020-2021


CREDINTIALS AND TRAINING COURSES                        البرامج التدريبية المختلفة 

STATISTICAL COURSES by TRUST Research Center; Faculty of Medicine, ASU  الإحصاء الحيوي



July 2020

NIF & Equivalence Studies & HTA 101

July 2019

Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis

August 2018

Sample Size Calculation & Power of the Study

August 2018

Regression Analysis




Sept. 2021

“Strengthening Psychological Immunity” workshop By Dr. Ahmed AlAawar ورشة كيفية تقوية المناعة النفسية                 د. أحمد الأعور

July 2020

COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control; By AUC

June 2020

Human Cell Atlas: Mapping the Human Body One Cell at a Time;

By the Biochemical Society



June 2020

New Standards for Navigating Workplace Safety;

What Covid Taught Us; By NASP

June-July 2020

Your Next Venture; By ASRT

April-May 2020

Emotional Equations; By Dr. Ahmed Magdy





April 2020

Know Yourself                                                    إعرف ذاتك

Getting Through Tough Times 2; By Dr. Ahmed Magdy

Adapting to Remote Working: Embracing Agile Learning;

By AUC School of Business Executive Education Team

March 2020

Art of Persuasion                  خمس مفاتيح لفهم وإقناع الآخرين   

Maintaining our Inner-Peace at Times of Collective Stress

Getting Through Tough Times 1; By Dr. Ahmed Magdالتعامل مع الأوقات الصعبة 




Oct. 2021

She Talks Science Summit 2021; Outside The Box

May 2020

Mindfulness Summit                    قمة التركيز وإمتلاء الذهن

April 2020

Resilience Summitقمة المرونة                                                         

9-11th March 2020

Biosimilars and Biologics Symposium, by Fac. of Pharmacy, New Giza

22nd Jan. 2020

1st National Conference by Ministry of Health; Biosimilars Symposium, by MinaPharm in collaboration with FOPNGU المؤتمر المحلي الأول لوزارة الصحة    

12th Dec. 2019

International Women Success Summit, held in Egypt

19th Oct. 2019

4th ISPOR Egypt Chapter International Conference, By HTA

11–12th Sept. 2019

1st Women Health Conference  مؤتمر صحة المرأة الأول بجامعة الدول العربية

Feb. 2019

H.R Professional 3rd Congress      الملتقي الثالث لمحترفي الموارد البشرية



Medical Courses/Workshops                       ورش العمل الطبية الدولية

Nov. 2023

Crack the Code: Exploring R programming & RNA seq. analysis

DU Online

Dec. 2022

Flow Cytometry Hands On



July 2020

April 2020

Clinical Bioinformatics:

Clinical Sequencing for Rare Dis. Unlocking Genomics in Health-care, Lead Educator

University of Manchester

April 2020

Genetic Counselling


Jan-Oct 2020

Epigenetics Diploma

Center of Excellence

Feb. 2020

Apoptosis WS

Sept.-Oct. 2019

Precision Medicine in Practice

PM Advisors

June-July 2019

Research Ethics Training

IACET online course

March 2015

Stem Cell Workshop

Histology Dept., Fac. of Medicine, AlAzhar

March 2015

Regenerative Medicine

ESPCR, Cairo, Egypt.

Feb. 2015

Bioinformatics Basics

Fac. of Agriculture Res. Park, CU


Other Certificate(s)/Diploma(s) Earned     شهادات أو دبلومات في غير التخصص


HAZWOPER awareness level by OSHA

July 2023

Lean Manufacturing Certificate by LeanAcademy;

LeanActivity.com, Germany, online course

Dec. 2020

“Laboratory Safety” By OSHA (Occupational Safety and

Health Association Program) by NASP/IASP السلامة بالمعامل       

July 2020

Work Safely by Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA)

السلامة والصحة المهنية                                 

July 2020

Emotional Intelligence                                           الذكاء العاطفي/ المجتمعي

June 2020

Neuro Linguistic Programing; NLP البرمجة اللغوية العصبية                            

March-April 2020

Other Certificate(s)/Diploma(s) Earned     شهادات أو دبلومات في غير التخصص


Training of the Trainers TOT مدرب المدربين                                         

April 2020

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certificate; By GoLeanSixSigma.com

Feb-Oct. 2020

Public Speaking; Arrest Your Audiences

Feb. 2020

Design Thinking Course; By iHUB, ASU  تصميم التفكير                       

Jan. 2020

Entrepreneurship WS; By iHUB, ASU ريادة الأعمال                             


Voice Over and Radio Presenter Course     التقديم الإذاعي والدوبلاج            

August 2019



Design Your Life Course; By Dr. Ahmed AlAawar صمم حياتك                   

May 2019

The Regional and International Diploma for Preparing Arab Women

Feb. 2019

Leaders; By the Afro Asian Union for International Law and Disputes Settlement

دبلوم إعداد قيادات المرأة محليا ودوليا

Passion-to-Profit Course; Passion Point, By Eng. M.Tohamy

إعرف شغفك بالحياة

July 2017

المؤتمرات العلمية


Attending the 2nd World Youth Forum (wyfegypt) Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt,

3-5th Nov. 2018 حضور مؤتمر شباب العالم الرئاسي الثاني، نوفمبر ٢٠١٨م


COMMUNICATIONS 20 Conferences Papers              الأبحاث المشاركة بالمؤتمرات العلمية

10 National Conferences Papers            المحلية الأبحاث المشاركة بالمؤتمرات



INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ACTIVITY              الأبحاث المشاركة بالمؤتمرات الدولية

Oral Presentations (6)

  • Abdelsamad A, Nadia M. Hamdy, Langenbach MR, DCK24 Leipzig-Lateral Lymph node rectum cancer, 4.24 -08 Uhr- Abdelsamad, April 2024DCKLeipzig, Germany
  • El-Tabakh RM, …, Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., Adding Colchicine to Doxorubicin for Better Anti-tumor Efficacy and Less Associated-Toxicity in an in vivo Cancer Mouse Model; a Step Toward their Combined Use Clinically,

Canada, 9th Annual Int. Remote Conference Science & Society, March. 2nd-3rd, 2024.

  • Embarez DH, ….. , Nadia M. Hamdy, Two Novel Streptomyces Strains for Paracetamol-traces Bioremediation with Chemo-informatics & Safety Examination of the Potential Biologically Active Biodegradation Products,

Canada, 9th Annual Int. Remote Conference Science & Society, March. 2nd-3rd, 2024.

  • El-Sheikh N, … , Nadia M. Hamdy, Elevated Non-coding Nicotinamide Nucleotide Transhydrogenase-Antisense RNA1 relation to HSP90 in Colorectal Cancer Patients: The Story of Negative Correlation to hsa-miR-485-5p,

Canada, 8th Annual Int. Remote Conference Science & Society, Feb. 26th, 2023,



  • Mahmoud AE, …. , Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., ID-AC03122, Biochemical activity and docking of new isatin sulfonamide derivative(s) as potential anticancer agent(s),

Side, Antalya, Turkey, Int. Antalya Scientific Research And Innovative Studies Congress, 18-21 December 2021, https://www.izdas.org/antalyascience

  • Mahmoud MM, … , Nadia M. Hamdy, Circulating LncRNA LINC00511 from Newly Diagnosed Egyptian Breast Cancer Female Patients; A Tale of a Promising Diagnostic Molecular Biomarker,

Canada, 6th Annual Int. Remote Conference Science & Society, Feb. 20-21, 2021,



Posters (10)

  1. Ibraheem L, ……, Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., Targeted Gene Editing using CRISPR-Cas9 for Modulation of Liver Cancer Signaling Pathways: Promising in vitro Findings,

Cell Biol. 101: S1–S19 (2023) S11 P.17 https://doi.org/10.1139/bcb-2023-0300

Presented at the 18th Int. Conference by the Egyptian National Committee of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NCBMB) ASRT, AUC New Cairo, Egypt, Sep. 16th 2023.

  1. Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., Genetic variations and Haplotype in Long intergenic non-coding RNA 00511 (LINC00511) 1 Implication to Colorectal cancer Susceptibility and Prognosis; World Congress on Gastrointestinal Cancer, Spain, July 2023


  1. Anis A, ……, Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., The promising recipe sorafenib rosiglitazone and adipogenesis inducers cocktail for in vitro hepatocellular carcinoma differentiation induction besiege carcinogenesis [abstract poster]. In: Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting; Part 1 (Regular and Invited Abstracts); 2023 Apr 14-19; Orlando, FL. Philadelphia, USA. Session Category: Experimental and Molecular Therapeutics, Session Title: New Therapeutic Targeted Agents, Session Date: Monday Apr 17, 2023


  1. Nadia M. Hamdy & El-Shemy RAA, Inflammation/obesity genes ITLN1 (Rs952804) and cytokine receptor family protein CD295 (Rs6700986) SNPs and DNA damage in breast cancer (Poster). Joint Event on International Conference on BREAST CANCER & ANNUAL BIOPROCESSING OF ADVANCED CELLULAR THERAPIES CONGRESS. Dubai, UAE, 3rd – 4th December, 2018. https://DOI:10.4172/2324-9110-C6-024
  2. Mostafa AM, Hamdy NM, et al., Effect of vildagliptin on LXR-ABCA1/G1 cascade in pravastatin treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes (Poster Board # P436).

USA, Society of Toxicology (Sot) annual meeting, 13-17th March, 2016; Wednesday Morning, March 16 9:30 AM to 11:00 AM, CC Exhibit Hall, Poster Session: Cardiovascular Toxicology, https://www.toxicology.org/pubs/docs/Prog/2016Program.pdf

  1. Mostafa AM, Hamdy NM, et al., GLP-1 Mimetics/DPP-4 inhibitors: a new role in obesity-associated inflammation and cholesterol homeostasis (Poster Board # 204).

USA, Society of Toxicology (Sot) annual meeting, 22-26th March, 2015; Monday Morning, March 23 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, CC Exhibit Hall, Poster Session: Inflammation in Disease; Advancing Clinical and Translational Toxicology,


  1. EL-Mesallamy HO, … , Nadia M. Hamdy, et al., Lead Chemotypes for Allosteric Inhibition of Human Thymidylate Synthase:  A focus on some PDPA isosteres (Poster),

DUPHAT 2014.

  1. Nadia M Hamdy & Swellam MM; Clinical Implication of Afamin and its SNP rs4694619 G>C as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Breast Cancer (Poster; SUN-122, Page 107), FEBS Journal 281 (Suppl. 1) (2014) 65–783, CSI-02 – Inflammation & Disease,

France, 49th Int. Meeting of the FEBS-EMBO Conference, 30th August- 4th Sep., 2014,


  1. Sanad EF, Nadia M Hamdy, et al., Granzyme B/perforin system and serpinB9: impact on inflammation and insulin resistance in coronary atherosclerosis (Poster; SUN-180, Page 126), FEBS Journal 281 (Suppl. 1) (2014) 65–783, CSI-02 – Inflammation & Disease,

France, 49th Int. Meeting of the FEBS-EMBO Conference, 30th August- 4th Sep., 2014,


  1. el-Ahmady O, … , Hamdy N, et al., Comparison of Telomerase Activity and Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in Voided Urine and Bladder-Wash Samples as a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Bladder Cancer (Poster). Hamburg, Germany, 11TH Int. Hamburg Symposium on Tumor Markers 27-29th Jan. 2002.


Attending/Participating in WS; Inter/national and Virtual (On-line)

النشاط بورش العمل والسيمينارات  العلمية المحلية والدولية

  1. Lecturing aboutIn silico Bioinformatics” in the 4th International course on Basics of Flow Cytometry, 3rd, 2023, an IFCC event, Cairo, Egypt


النشاط بالمؤتمرات والندوات العلمية المحلية والدولية

Attending/Participating in Conferences; Inter/national and Virtual (On-line)

  1. Speaker at Theodor Bilharz Research Institute Annual International Conference

Feb. 28th, 2024, Cairo, Egypt

(Epi)genomics and Personalized Medicine in the Era of Innovative Solutions for Emerging Health Problems

  1. Speaker at the 6th International Conference of FOPFU

Feb. 14th, 2024, Cairo, Egypt

(Epi)genetics Integration into Pharmaceutical Clinical Biochemistry to Serve a Meaningful Platform for Advancing Precision Medicine via in silico Piloting.


  1. Speaker at the 2nd Conference of the Egyptian Association of Cancer Research EACR

Feb. 12th, 2024, On-line, Egypt;

Epi/genetics-focused-Precision Avenues for Good Prognosis Practice; a step-toward Epi/genetics-based Repurposed Treatment(s)

  1. Speaker at the 3rd International Conference of FOPASU

Nov. 19th, 2023, Cairo, Egypt; “From Chemistry to Epi/genetics Precision through Prompt Clinical Biochemistry”

  1. Scientific Committee Member and Clinical Pharmacy Session Chairperson; 10th Ain Shams University International Clinical Oncology conference (ASU-ICOC), Nov. 1st, 2023.
  2. Attempts for Epi/genetics Focused Precision Health; Minding the Gap between Genes and the Environment at the 18th International Conference by the Egyptian National Committee of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NCBMB), at the AUC, 16th of September, 20
  3. In the Era-of-the-Green “Mind-the-Climate”; What is the Role of “Pharmaceutical Biochemistry”? The 3rd International Joint Conference of Al-Azhar Faculties of Medicine Cairo, Egyptian 2023 Health Vision, September 13th, 2023.
  4. Women In Pharma session by ISPE, Pharmaconex in association with CPHI: Track 3 Panel Discussion; Building your network, coping with everyday challenges and building successful strategies, at Pharmaconex Egypt, 10th Int. Conference, September, 5th


  1. Organizing and Scientific Committees Member at Beyond Science Initiative (BSI)

8th International Remote conference Science and Society, 24-25th February, 2023.

https://www.beyondsciences.org/ https://www.beyondsciences.org/conference2023/

  1. Chairman of the Drug Discovery Session, January 20th, 2023, during the 15th Breast Gynecological & Immuno-oncology International Cancer Conference BGICC Jan 19-20, 2023, Cairo, Egypt https://bgicc.net/conference_agenda_2023
  2. iHUB Scientific Moderator of the THINK TANK Boost Cycle 1, January 20th, 2023, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program in Oncology, during the 15th Breast Gynecological & Immuno-oncology International Cancer Conference BGICC Jan 19-20, 2023, Cairo, Egypt https://bgicc.net/about_thinktank
  3. Industry 4.0 Posters Scientific Committee Judge and Member of the Roundtable Discussion: "Academia and Industry Role in I4.0" Industry 4.0 “Entrepreneurship and Innovation Perspectives” Dec. 10th, 2022, during "ISI4Egypt" Project Conference, Dec. 10-11th, 2022, Cairo, Egypt, ASU iHUB Building.


  1. Scientific Committee Member, the 31st Conference of the Arab Union for Pharmacists; October 25th-27th, 2022, Cairo, Egypt. https://apharmu.com/Home/Gconference
  2. Attending the opening venue October 11th, 2022 & giving an on-line talk October 14th, titled “In the Era-of-the-Green vs Climate Changes, what is the Role of Biochemistry?” during BUE-COP27 ARCC BUE-COP27 SUMMIT CONCEPT NOTE Africa Academia's Critical Role in COP27 Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change (ARCC)

قمة تغیر المناخ بعنوان " الدور الحاسم لأكادیمي أفریقیا في مؤتمر القمة ٢٧ – التكیف والمرونة مع تغیر المناخ

  1. Judging Committee Member, the BIC Biotechnology Innovation Competition, October 10th, 2022


  1. Attending the 9th Annual Ain Shams Clinical Oncology Conference "ASUICOC 2022" September 29-30th, 2022, Cairo, Egypt.
  2. Organizing Committee Member, the iHUB Medical Session at the 10th International Ain Shams University Congress; March 29th-31st, 2022.

Chairperson at Session 5: ASU Innovates-Healthcare; March 31st, 2022.

  1. Organizing Committee Member at Beyond Science Initiative (BSI) 7th International remote conference 26, 27 February, March 5th, 2022, Moderator/Panelist Session 4: Cancer, Feb. 27th. https://www.beyondsciences.org/conference2022/program-2022/
  2. Ahram 2nd Pharmaceutical Conference APHC 16-17th, October, 2021.
  3. Motivational Speaker during “She Talks Science Summit 2021”; Empowering Women In Science; Outside The Box; talk entitled “Biochemistry Passion برحلة حياة”, on 8th October, 2021, Online event.
  4. Chairperson/Moderator at the Arab African International Cancer Congress (AAICC) 2021, Session “Using Technology in Health Care Systems”, Hybrid conference, 7-8h October, 2021. https://www.aaicc-eg.net/
  5. Scientific Committee Member and “CoviD-19 Guidelines in Cancer” Clinical Pharmacy Session Chairperson, at the 8th Ain Shams University International Clinical Oncology conference (ASU-ICOC), Hybrid conference, 29th September, 2021.
  6. Scientific and Organizing Committees Member, Poster Reviewer, Presentations Evaluator and Chairperson, at the 17th International Conference by the Egyptian National Committee of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NCBMB), at the AUC, On-line, Virtual conference, 14-15th September, 20 http://eg-bmb-asrt.org/
  7. Reviewer to Students projects competition during Ain Shams University 9th International Conference, April, 2021, Innovation sector iHUB, undergraduates’ sector.


  1. Reviewer to the Projects submitted by ASU Postgraduates and Staff for evaluation during 2nd Competition; ASU Innovates 2021 “Researchers Track”; 29-30th

محكم للمشاريع/الأفكار المقدمة لمسابقة ج عين شمس تبتكر ٢٠٢١م "مسار الباحثين"


  1. Member of the Scientific and Organizing committees Beyond Science Initiative (BSI) International Online Conference; 21st, 22nd, 27th, 2021. Panelist Academic Career Panel Feb. 27th, 2021. https://www.beyondsciences.org/about_bsi/
  2. Member of the Scientific committee Youth Science Forum, NRC, January, 2021
  3. Reviewer Chairperson in 4 & 2 Sessions during the 5th & 6th Medical Integrated Students Research (MISR) Conference, Faculty of Medicine, ASU, 4-5th March, 2020 & 15-16th March, 2023, respectively.
  4. Speaker, Member of the Scientific and Organizing committees for the Cancer Symposium by the NCBMB by ASRT, at 57357 Children Hospital Egypt, 15th Feb.,
  5. Chairperson in the Session; “Biotechnology & Genomics” and Speaker at the “Drug Discovery; Pharm. Analysis; Phytotherapy”, the 1st International Conference on Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Sciences (PHS) by Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, 6-7th November, 2019.
  6. Speaker at the “Clinical Pharmacy Current Practices in Clinical Cardiology II”, Alhyatt LIVE’19 Cardio-vascular and Thoracic Conference, 31st October-1st -November, 2019.
  7. Chairperson in the Session; “Tips in Pharmaceutical Care for Cancer Patients” for the 2nd AAICC Arab African International Cancer Congress, 10-11th October, 2019.


  1. Scientific and Organizing Committee Member, Poster Reviewer, Chairperson, and Speaker at the 16th International Conference by the Egyptian National Committee of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, AUC, New Cairo, 14-15th September 2019.


  1. Speaker at 8th Annual Ain Shams University Conference; 2019; Creativity, Innovation and Industry, “Gig Economy in Health Sector”. April 1-4th, ASU Guest House.


  1. Member of the Organizing Committee and Poster Session Head; 6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Pharma, BioMedicine and ‎Life Sciences (BioNat-6), April 1 and 2nd, 2019, Cairo University. https://bionats.org/bionat-vi-2019/
  2. Member of the Scientific and Organizing committees; AIPC 2019, March 30 and 31st; Third International Conference by the Arab Association of Pharmacy Progress.
  3. Scientific Organizer for the Scientific session by the National Committee of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Cairo, 16th March,
  4. Conference Secretary General; 21st Scientific Congress of the Association of Pharmacy Colleges in the Arab World & 2nd International Conference hosted by Faculty of Pharmacy, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, 13-15th November, 2018.


  1. Organizer and Session Head; Annual 2nd of the Arab Society of “Stem Cells and Molecular Biology; Era of Gene Therapy", Cairo, Egypt, 7-9th February, 2017.
  2. Organizing committee member & IT committee Head; 17th Scientific Congress of the Association of Pharmacy Colleges in the Arab World & the 1st Conf. hosted by Faculty of Pharmacy, ASU, 14-16th Oct., 2014.


  • 2017

    الجائزة: جوائز من الجامعة لنشر أبحاث بمجلات عالمية

    • مقدم الجائزة: جامعة عين شمس
    • تصنيف الجائزة: الجوائز العلمية المتنوعة
  • 2023

    الجائزة: جائزة الدكتور شوقي الحداد للأورام السرطانية

    • مقدم الجائزة: الدكتور شوقي الحداد
    • تصنيف الجائزة: جوائز الدولة (أكاديمية البحث العلمي)

بوابة البحث العلمي (109)

عنوان البحث السنة الاقتباسات
Differential Signaling Pathways in Medulloblastoma: Nano-biomedicine Targeting Non-coding Epigenetics to Improve Current and Future Therapeutics 2024 3
Revealing the role of serum exosomal novel long non-coding RNA NAMPT-AS as a promising diagnostic/prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer patients 2024 1
Camptothecin structure simplification elaborated new imidazo [2, 1-b] quinazoline derivative as a human topoisomerase I inhibitor with efficacy against bone cancer cells and … 2024 1
Primed for death: Prognostic Role of BH3--Only Proteins in Breast Cancer Therapy: A Systematic and Meta-Analysis Review 2024
Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for ovarian mixed germ cell tumor in a patient with situs inversus totalis; reporting the first case worldwide with literature … 2024
Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 2024 17
Hinokitiol Inhibits Breast Cancer Cells In Vitro Stemness-Progression and Self-Renewal with Apoptosis and Autophagy Modulation via the CD44/Nanog/SOX2/Oct4 Pathway 2024 1
Global fertility in 204 countries and territories, 1950–2021, with forecasts to 2100: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 2024 6
A Comprehensive Insight and In Silico Analysis of CircRNAs in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Step toward ncRNA-Based Precision Medicine 2024
20 Toward Applicability of 2024
Toward Nano-Drug Precision for Neurodegenerative Diseases or Glioma 2024
Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022-2050: a forecasting analysis for the global burden of disease study 2021 2024 1
Unraveling the ncRNA landscape that governs colorectal cancer: A roadmap to personalized therapeutics 2024
piR-823 Tale as Emerging Cancer-hallmark Molecular Marker in Different Cancer Types; a Step-Toward ncRNA-Precision 2024
Hsa-miR-21–5p reflects synovitis and tenosynovitis components of musculoskeletal ultrasonography Seven-joint scores in rheumatoid arthritis disease and predicts the disease flare 2024 2

اسم المجلة تاريخ النشر القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة ISSN
The EPMA j 2022-06-02 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1878-5085
Pharmaceutics 2022-04-12 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1999-4923
Pharmaceutics 2022-04-12 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1999-4923
The EPMA j 2022-06-02 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1878-5085
Frontiers in Oncology 2022-06-23 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2234-943X
Cancer cell international 2022-12-28 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1475-2867
International Journal of Nanomedicine 2022-12-07 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1178-2013
Vaccines 2022-11-25 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2076-393X
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023-12-16 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1768-3254
Current Pharmaceutical Design 2023-12-31 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1381-6128
Pathology - Research and Practice 2023-11-19 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1618-0631
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2023-11-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1422-0067
cells 2023-09-08 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2073-4409
Journal of Cellular Physiology 2023-07-14 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1097-4652
Life Sciences 2023-08-02 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1879-0631
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 2023-12-19 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0735-1097
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2023-12-31 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1879-0003
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2023-12-19 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2090-5920
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2024-02-05 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0223-5234
Current Pharmaceutical Design 2024-01-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1873-4286
Pathology research and practice 2024-01-17 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0344-0338
Pathology, research and practice 2024-11-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1618-0631
Life sciences 2024-10-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1879-0631
Current Medical Research and Opinion 2024-10-21 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0300-7995
Pathology - Research and Practice 2024-10-19 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1618-0631
Translational Medicine Communications 2024-08-22 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2396-832X
Cells 2024-07-24 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2073-4409
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021-05-27 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0944-1344
Frontiers in oncology 2021-10-20 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2234-943X
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2021-08-12 البيئة والزراعة الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0944-1344
Life Sciences 2022-01-21 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0024-3205
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0000-00-00 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1879-0003
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022-10-19 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1449-1907
Pathology- Research and practice 2022-12-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0344-0338
cancer cell international 2022-10-13 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1475-2867
Pathology-research and practice 2023-05-24 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1618-0631
international journal of molecular sciences 0000-00-00 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1422-0067
Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology 0000-00-00 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1432-1335
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 0000-00-00 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1879-0003
Life Sciences 2024-06-29 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0024-3205
The Lancet 2024-05-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0140-6736
The Lancet 2024-05-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0140-6736
The Lancet 2024-03-20 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0140-6736
Trends in cell biology 2024-12-24 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0962-8924
Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology 2024-08-05 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0028-1298
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology 2024-12-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1687-157X
The Lancet Public Health 2024-10-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2468-2667
The Lancet Neurology 2024-10-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1474-4422
اسم المجلة تاريخ القبول القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة ISSN
biomedicines 2022-03-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2227-9059
Non-coding RNA 2023-09-25 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2311-553X
اسم الكتاب تاريخ النشر القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب ISBN
Nutraceutical Fruits and Foods for Neurodegenerative Disorders 2024-01-01 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-0-44-318951-7
Nanocarriers in Neurodegenerative Disorders Therapeutic Hopes and Hypes 2024-09-30 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-1-04-010518-4
Interdisciplinary Cancer Research 2024-09-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-3-03-132457-4
Nanocarriers in Neurodegenerative Disorders Therapeutic Hopes and Hypes 2024-09-30 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-1-00-338337-6
Interdisciplinary Cancer Research 2024-09-18 طبي الموقع الإلكتروني للكتاب 978-3-03-132458-1

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الجوائز المرشح لها

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