مرحبا بك في البوابة الالكترونية لأعضاء هيئة التدريس

أ. د. محمد مجدي فهيم منصور

نبذه عن

Mohamed Magdy F. Mansour is a Professor in the Faculty of Science at Ain Shams University, Egypt. He received his Ph.D. on the physiology of salinity stress at the cellular level from the University of Minnesota, USA, and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. His research interest is salinity stress at molecular, cellular, and whole plant levels. His research focuses on plasma membrane permeability, plasma membrane lipids and proteins, plasma membrane proton pump, water and mineral relations, compatible solutes, photosynthesis efficiency, and antioxidant systems in salinity-sensitive and tolerant cultivars/species under saline and nonsaline conditions. From 2020 to the present, Dr. Mansour has been on Stanford University’s list of the best scientists in various fields worldwide, a distinction that recognizes the top 2% of the most cited scientists in a subject area. He is the author of 57 scientific publications in peer-reviewed international journals. He is the author of two books on plant physiology (in Arabic). He has written seven invited book chapters and fourteen review articles published by international publishers. He has been an Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Botany (discontinued) for two years; Guest Associate Editor and Review Editor of Frontiers in Plant Science; Editorial Board Member of BMC Plant Biology; Co-Editor-in-Chief of Egyptian Academic Journal of Biological Sciences (Botany); Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Agriculture and Biology; the International Journal of Plant Biotechnology; The Open Plant Science Journal; Advances in Agricultural Science; the Journal of Advances in Plant Biology; and the International Journal of Advanced Research in Botany. He is an Editorial Advisory Board Member, plant science section, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK. Dr. Mansour hosts a special issue published by the Journal of Advances in Plant Biology in 2019, guest editor for an issue published by the American Research Journal of Agriculture in 2019, and a research topic editor published by Frontiers in Plant Science in 2023. Dr. Mansour serves as a referee for many journals, including Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, the American Journal of Botany, Environmental and Experimental Botany, Scientific Reports, the Turkish Journal of Botany, the Egyptian Journal of Botany, Planta, the Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture, the Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, Phytochemistry, Plant Cell Reports, South African Journal of Botany, Crop & Pasture Science, Plant Science, Crop Science, Scientia Horticulturae, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, the Australian Journal of Crop Science, Biologia Plantarum, Biologia, Archive of Agronomy and Soil Science, Plant Molecular Biology, Protoplasma, Phytochemistry, Frontiers in Plant Science, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Agronomy, Plants, Life, Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Annals of Applied Biology, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, Journal of Advances in Plant Biology, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Academia Letters, Annals of Agricultural Sciences, Plant Stress, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Biochemical Genetics, Heliyon, Stechnolock Journal of Biology, Gene, The Botanical Review, PLOS ONE, Science of Total Environment, Acta Agricultural Scandinavica, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, Global Journal of Botanical Science, Journal of Horticultural Science and Crop Research, Journal of Advancements in Plant Science, Journal of Horticulture Science and Forestry, Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Stechnolock Journal of Biology, Net Journal of Agricultural Science, Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Asian Journal of Plant Science. Dr. Mansour is an awardee of the Elsevier and MDPI Reviewing Recognition Award. Dr. Mansour is the holder of several competitive research projects and a citation award recipient as the topmost widely cited biologist at Taif University, Saudi Arabia. He is also included in the Who’s Who in the World (December 2007 edition) and chosen by the American Biographical Institute for the prestigious title of "Man of the Year, 2003" as an honor for his outstanding scientific performance. Dr. Mansour was selected as an invited speaker and session chair at many international conferences.
  • الكلية: كلية العلوم
  • القسم: قسم النبات
  • التخصص العام : علم البيئة
  • التخصص الدقيق: علم البيئة الفسيولوجية
  • الدرجة الوظيفية: أستاذ دكتور
  • الحالة: قائم بالعمل
  • البريد الالكتروني الرسمي: mfmansour@sci.asu.edu.eg
  • Google Scholar: Google Scholar Link
  • Research Gate: Research Gate Link
  • Scopus: Scopus Link
  • H-index: 22
  • Orcid: http://0000-0003-1641-2790
  • Research Fields: Plant Physiology, Abiotic Stresses


بوابة البحث العلمي





    • بكالوريوس
    • 1978
    • ماجستير
    • 1983
    • دكتوراه
    • 1990

التدرج الوظيفي

    • أستاذ دكتور متفرغ
    • السنة : 2015
    • أستاذ دكتور
    • السنة : 2001
    • استاذ مساعد
    • السنة : 1996
    • مدرس
    • السنة : 1990
    • مدرس مساعد
    • السنة : 1983
    • معيد
    • السنة : 1978

ورش العمل

لم يتم اضافة ورش عمل

المؤتمرات العلمية

Participation in International Conferences


  • Joint meeting of American and Canadian Societies of plant physiologists, Toronto, Canada, August 1989.
  • Symposium on “The Future of Plant Biology. The Next Hundred Years”. Univ. of

              Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A., October 1989.

  • Annual conference of American Society of Plant Physiologists, Pennsylvania, USA, July 1990.
  • Joint meeting of Assiut Univ., Fac. of Science, Dept. of Botany, and German

Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Assiut, Egypt, November 1991.

  • Saudi Symposium on “Cultivation of Halophytes”, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Riyad, Saudi Arabia, April 1998.
  • Invited member in the subject expert committee of the international seminar on “Prospects for Saline Agriculture”, Islamabad, Pakistan, April 2000.
  • Invited speaker/session chair, the international seminar on “Genetics and Molecular Biology of Stress Tolerance in Plants”, Turkey, February 2001.
  • Annual conference of Egyptian Botanical Society, Joint with Dept. of Botany, Fac. of Science, Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, March 2003.
  • Third international conference on Biological Interactions, Egyptian British Society, St. Katherine, Egypt, September 2004.
  • Invited speaker, the international symposium on "Application of Plant Sciences in

              Emerging Scenario", GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan, March 2006.

  • Invited speaker and member in the advisory committee of the international

              symposium on “Strategies for improving plant tolerance against abiotic

              stress". Faisalabad, Pakistan, September 2006.        

  • Symposium on "mass mortalities of reintroduced animals in the Mahazat as-sayd

               protected area in Saudi Arabia."  Taif, Saudi Arabia, August 2008.

  • Annual conference of Saudi Society for Biological Sciences, Taif University, May


  • International Conference on Materials and its Applications, Taif University,

              February 2012.

  • Invited speaker/session chair, the 5th World Congress of Agriculture-2015, November 13-15, 2015, Qingdao, China.
  • Invited speaker, 6th international conference and expo on proteomics: Revealing the Novel Innovation of life Science, March 29-31, 2016, Atlanta, USA.
  • Invited speaker, the 9th protein and peptide conference-2016 (PepCon-2016), April 25-28, 2016, Dalian, China.
  • Invited speaker, 5th international conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, June 27-29, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa.
  • Invited speaker, 2nd international conference on synthetic biology, August 18-20, 2016, London, UK.
  • Invited speaker, the 4th Agriculture Science and Food Engineering Conference (ASFE 2016), August 24-26, 2016, Xian, China.
  • Invited speaker, VISCEA 2017 International Conference, Plant Nutrition, Growth & Environment Interactions III, February 20-21, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker, VISCEA 2017 International Conference, Plant Molecular Physiology, February 23-24, 2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker, 15thWorld Congress on Biotechnology and Biotech Industries, March 20-21, 2017, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, the 10thAnniversary of Protein & Peptide Conference (PepCon 2017), March 22-24, 2017, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, Agriculture and Climate Change, March 26-28, 2017, Sitges, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, 4th International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Sciences (ABS2018), June 26-29, 2018, Hangzhou, China. 
  • Invited speaker, the7th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2017), April 25-27, 2017, Xian, China.
  • Invited speaker, Symposium on Organic Farming, July 22-24, 2017, North West A & F University, Yangling, China.
  • Invited speaker, The 3rdGlobal Summit on Plant Science, August 07-09, 2017, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference of Recent Trends in Environmental
    Science and Engineering, August 24 - 25, 2017, Toronto, Canada.
  • Invited speaker, the 2nd International Conference and Expo on Water Microbiology & Novel Technologies. August 28-30, 2017, Philadelphia, USA.
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2017), September 11-13, 2017, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, The InternationalConference on Advances in Agriculture and Crop science (ICAAC-2017), October 9-11, 2017, New Delhi, India.
  • Invited session chair/speaker, 18th Biotechnology Congress Organization (Bio-America 2017), Novel Insights and Innovations in Biotechnology for Leading a Better Life, October 19-20, 2017, New York, USA.
  • Invited speaker, The 8th Annual Global Congress of Catalysis 2017(GCC-2017), October 20-22, 2017, Shanghai, China.
  • Invited session chair/speaker, The 8thWorld Gene Convention-2017, in Theme 401: Protein and Proteomic, November 13-15, 2017, Macao, China. 
  • Invited speaker, Translating Proteomics Technologies from Modern Life Science, November 9-11, 2017, Valencia, Spain.
  • Organizing committee member and invited speaker for Genome-2018, International Conference and Exhibition on Genome Science, January 29-31, 2018, Las Vegas, USA.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Plant and Molecular Biology (IPMB 2018), February 22-24, 2018, Paris, France.
  • Invited speaker, Plant Based Natural Products: Phytocosmetics, Phytotherapeutics and Phytonutraceutics, February 19-21, 2018, Udaipur, India.
  • Invited speaker, the 11thAnnual World Protein & Peptide Conference-2018 (PepCon-2018), March 26-28, 2018, Miami, USA.
  • Invited speaker, Global Summit on Plant Science & Plant Physiology: Increasing Sustainability of Plant Management and Efficiency of Plant Production Systems, March 12-14, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Environmental Sustainability,

              Development, and Protection (ICESDP 2018), April 8-10, 2018, Budapest,


  • Invited speaker, World Yeast Congress 2018, May 14-15, 2018, Montreal, Canada.
  • Invited speaker, 5thWorld Conference on Climate Change and Global Warming, May 23-24, 2018, New York, USA
  • Invited speaker, 2ndInternational Caparica Conference in Splicing – SPLICING 2018, July 16-19, 2018, Costa da Caparica, Portugal.
  • Invited speaker, Global Summit on Toxicology, July 16-17, 2018, Madrid, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, 2ndInternational Conference on Advances in Biotechnology, July 23-25, 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, Global Summit on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPS 2018), August 13-15, 2018, Dubai, UAE.
  • Invited speaker, 2ndGlobal Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2018), September 20-22, 2018, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology(FAT 2018), September 20-22, 2018, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, The 6th International Meeting on Oceanography, Ocean Technology and Marine Biology, September 21-22, 2018, Dallas, USA.
  • Organizing Committee Member and invited speaker, 7th World Congress on Medicinal Plants and Natural Products Research, September 28-29, 2018, Chicago, USA.
  • Invited speaker, the 2nd International Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2018), October 16-18, 2018, Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Invited conference committee member/session chair, 2ndWorld Congress on Biotechnology and Biological Studies (WCBBS), October 22-24, 2018, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, International Congress on Plant Science and Molecular Biology21-23 October, 2019, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, The 24thBiotechnology Congress: Research & Innovations (Bio- America 2018), October 24-25, 2018, Boston, USA. 
  • Invited speaker, 2018 International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (8th ICBB 2018), October 24-26, 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Agricultural and Food Science & 7th International Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering (ICBB & ICAFS), October 25-27, 2018, Virtual University, Pakistan.
  • Invited session chair/speaker, 7thAnnual World Congress of Food and Nutrition-2018 (WCFN-2018), November 13-15, 2018, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker/session chair, 9thWorld Gene Convention-2018, November 13-15, 2018, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker, SCON World Congress on Advanced Structural and Molecular Biology, November 18, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Conference committee member/session chair, World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Breeding, November 23-24, 2018, Dubai, UAE.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Plant Science Research (Plant-2019), March 04-06, 2019, Baltimore, MD, USA
  • Invited speaker, 3rd Global Congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology, March 11-13, 2019, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Crop Improvement and Agronomy, March 23-25, Xi’an, China.
  • Invited speaker, 4thInternational Conference on Plant Science and Physiology-2019, March 25-26, 2019, Sydney, Australia.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Water Saving and Plant Production Strategies: Constraints and Implications for Sustainable Agriculture, March 26-28, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
  • Invited speaker, 3rd International conference on Advances in Biotechnology, April 25-26, 2019, Osaka, Japan. 
  • Invited speaker, 3rd World Congress on Cell Science and Molecular Biology (Cell Science-2019), May 13-14, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Plant Science Technology and Molecular Biology (ICPM 2019), May 23-25, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, BIT's 12thAnniversary of Protein & Peptide Conference, PepCon-2019, June 14-16, 2019, Beijing, China. 
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Plant Science and Microbial Ecology, June 17-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, SCON International Conference on Food Science, Nutrition and Public Health, June 27-28, 2019, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker/committee member, World Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Breeding (WCPGPB-2019), August 5-6, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology, August 19-20, 2019, Osaka, Japan. 
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Biochemistry: Emerging Trends in Biochemistry, August 19-21, 2019, Paris, France.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Agriculture and Food Technology, September 16 -17, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand. 
  • Invited speaker, 4th European Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, September 16-17, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, Plant Science and Molecular Biology, September 17-19, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, 4thEdition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2019), September 19-21, 2019, London, UK. 
  • Invited session chair/speaker, Decoding Life Secrets, Boosting Industrial Development, BIT’s 10th World Gene Convention-2019 (WGC-2019), September 20-22, 2019, Qingdao, China.
  • Invited speaker, 7thInternational Congress and Expo on Bioscience and Biotechnology, September 23-24, 2019, Paris, France.
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Plant Science and Research (GPR 2019), September 23-25, 2019, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Summit, September 26-28, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • Invited speaker, 2nd International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Phytochemistry and Medicinal Plants (TMedPM2019), Sept 30 - Oct 02, 2019, Berlin, Germany.
  • Invited speaker, 2nd Global Conference on Plant Science & Microbial Ecology, October 14-15, 2019, Dubai, UAE. 
  • Invited speaker, Second Edition of International Conference on Plant and Molecular Biology (PMB 2019), October 23-25, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, 2nd Global Conference on Plant Biology and Plant Science, October 24-25, 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, The 9thAnnual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology-2019 (CMCB-2019), October 25-27, 2019, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker, The 3rdInternational Biotechnology Congress-2019 (IBC-2019), October 25-27, 2019, Singapore.
  • Organizing committee member, International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, November 11-13, 2019, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, 3rdGlobal Summit and Expo on Proteomics, November 18 -19, 2019, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, SCON World Congress on Advanced Structural and Molecular Biology,November 18-19, 2019Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, 4thWorld Congress on Biotechnology and Biological Studies, November 25-26, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, The 2019 EMN Meeting on Membranes, November 26-30, 2019, Port Louis, Mauritius.
  • Invited speaker, the 3rdInternational Conference on Agriculture and Food Science (3rd ICAFS2019), December 8-11, 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, 2nd Edition ofInternational Conference on Plant, Cellular and Molecular Biology (Plant 2020), February 25-27, 2020, RomeItaly.
  • Honorable advisory board/Invited keynote speaker, International Summit on Agricultural Biotechnology, 16-17 March, 2020, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, Emerging Trends in Plant Science and Natural Products Research, March 19-20, 2020, London, UK.
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (AGRI 2020),March 23-25, 2020, Singapore.
  • Invited speaker, 5th Edition of Global Congress on Plant Biology and Biotechnology (GPB 2020), March 23-25, 2020, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited chair/speaker, 13th Annual World Protein & Peptide Conference (PepCon-2020) with the theme of “From Scientific Breakthroughs to Novel Applications”, April 13-15, 2020, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, CPD accredited “3rd International Conference on Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change, April 22-23, 2020, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, 11thAnnual World DNA and Genome Day-2020 (WDD-2020), April 25-28, 2020, Dalian, China.
  • Invited speaker, 4thInternational Congress of Genetics (ICG-2020), April 25-28, 2020, Dalian, China.
  • Invited speaker, 4thWorld Congress on Cell Science and Molecular Biology (Cell Science-2020), May 11-12, 2020, Manchester, United Kingdom
  • Invited speaker, 2ndWorld Congress on Plant Genomics and Plant Breeding, May 21-22, 2020, Berlin, Germany.
  • Invited speaker, 5th World Congress on Biotechnology and Biological Studies, May 25-26, 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, SCON Global Summit on Environmental Science and Climate Change, June 02-03, 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Invited session chair/speaker, World Gene Convention-2020 (WGC-2020) conference, June 7-9, 2020, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited session chair/speaker, 9thAnnual World Congress of Food and Nutrition-2020 (WCFN-2020), June 7-9, 2020, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture", June 08-10, 2020, Beijing, China. 
  • Invited speaker, Euro-Global Conference on Biotechnology and Bioengineering(ECBB 2020), June 18-20, 2020, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, 8thInternational Congress & Expo on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, June 22-23, 2020, Toronto, Canada.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference and Expo on Metabolomics and Systems Biology, June 25-27, 2020, Rome, Italy.
  • Keynote speaker/organizing committee member, Plant Science: Research & Technology, July 6-7, 2020, Barcelona, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, 3rdAnnual Congress on Plant Science and Bio Security (ACPB-2020), July 6-8, 2020, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, International Nutrition Research Conference, July 18-20, 2020, Rome, Italy
  • Invited speaker, “International Conference on Cell Science & Molecular Biology", July 20-22, 2020, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, webinar “Plant Science Virtual 2020”, July 13-14, 2020.
  • Invited speaker, The 7th International Horticulture Research Conference, July 1st – 30th, 2020 online, hosted by Horticulture Research and Northwest A & F University, China.
  • Invited speaker, The Eighth International Conference on Agriculture & Food, August 26-29, 2020, Burgas, Bulgaria. 
  • Invited speaker, 6th Edition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Molecular Biology (GPMB 2020), September 10-12, 2020, Paris, France.
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture (AGRI 2020), September 10-12, 2020, Paris, France.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Traditional Medicine and Phytochemistry, September 14-16, 2020, Melbourne, Australia. 
  • Invited speaker, SCON International Conference on Agriculture and Plant Research, September 17-18, 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Invited speaker, 10th International Congress & Expo on Bioscience and Genetic Engineering (Bioscience-2020), September 21-22, Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Invited speaker, 2ndEdition of Global Conference on Plant Science and Research (GPR 2020), September 21-23, 2020, Rome, Italy. 
  • Invited organizing committee member, International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, September 22-24, 2020, Paris, France.
  • Invited chair/speaker, 4th Annual World Education Day Assembly (WEDA)2020, September 27-29, 2020, Dalian, China.
  • Invited speaker, 3rdInternational Conference on Plant and Molecular Biology (PMB 2020), October 21-23, 2020, Valencia, Spain.
  • Invited speaker, 3rdInternational Conference on Traditional Medicine, Phytochemistry and Medicinal Plants (TMedPM2020), November 2-4, 2020, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, the 4thInternational Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2020), November 9-11, 2020, Dubai, UAE.
  • Invited speaker, The 10th Annual World Congress of Molecular & Cell Biology (CMCB-2020), November 9-11, 2020, Dubai, UAE.
  • Invited speaker, 4th World Congress on Biotechnology and Biological Studies,
    November 25-26, 2020, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • Invited speaker, The 5th Green and Sustainable chemistry Conference, November 8-11, 2020, Dresden, Germany.
  • Invited speaker, Global Virtual Summit on Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Biotech Meetings 2020, November 18-19, 2020, hosted through the Zoom Platform.
  • Invited speaker, the 4thInternational Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2021), May 11-14, 2021, Macao, China.
  • Invited speaker, 10thGlobal Congress of Catalysis 2021(GCC-2021), May 11-14, 2021, Macao, China.
  • Invited chair/speaker, World Gene Convention-2021 (WGC-2021) conference, May 17-19, 2021, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited chair/speaker, the 4thAnnual World Congress of Education 2021 (WCE-2021), June 16-19, 2021, Singapore. 
  • Invited chair/speaker, 4thInternational Biotechnology Congress (IBC-2021), July 15-17, 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  • Invited chair/speaker, World Biotechnology Industry Conference (WBIC-2021), August 18-20, 2021, Seoul, South Korea.
  • Invited speaker, Plant Health, Agriculture & Bioscience conference, September 22-24, 2021, The Hague, Netherlands.
  • Invited speaker, 3rd Global Conference on Plant Biology and Plant Science (Plant Biology-2021), November 04-06, 2021, Osaka, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, 2ndGlobal Conference on Plant Science and Agricultural Research (GPAR 2022), March 24-26, 2022, Rome, Italy.
  • Invited speaker, 15th International Conference on Genomics and Molecular Biology, March 28-29, 2022, Berlin, Germany.
  • Invited speaker, 26th Global Congress on Biotechnology, July 11-12, 2022, Vienna, Austria.
  • Invited speaker, International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture, Agricultures Sustainable Resource Utilization a Path to Food Security and Protection, July 28-29, 2022, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Invited speaker, 4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration, October 20-23, 2022, Sousse, Tunisia.
  • Invited speaker, Global Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy, October 21-22, 2022, Orlando, USA.
  • Invited Chair/Speaker, The World Gene Convention (12th WGC-2023), January 09-11, 2023, Sapporo, Japan.
  • Invited speaker, 11thWorld DNA Day (WDD-2023), April 25-29, 2023, Dalian, China.
  • Invited speaker, The 4th Agriculture and Climate Change Conference, May 79, 2023, Dresden, Germany.




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بوابة البحث العلمي (62)

عنوان البحث السنة الاقتباسات
Hydrogen sulfide-mitigated salinity stress impact in sunflower seedlings was associated with improved photosynthesis performance and osmoregulation 2024 3
Foliar Application of Bee Honey or Ginger Extract Enhanced Salvia officinalis L. Growth and Productivity by Improving Phytohormones, Antioxidants, Chlorophylls, and Nutrients 2024 1
Melatonin Enhanced Drought Stress Tolerance and Productivity of Pelargonium graveolens L.(Herit) by Regulating Physiological and Biochemical Responses 2023 5
Anthocyanins: biotechnological targets for enhancing crop tolerance to salinity stress 2023 16
Hydrogen sulfde priming enhanced salinity tolerance in sunfower by modulating ion hemostasis, cellular redox balance, and gene expression 2023 9
Role of Vacuolar Membrane Transport Systems in Plant Salinity Tolerance 2023 40
Salt tolerance in plants: molecular and functional adaptations 2023 10
Role of redox system in enhancement of phytoremediation capacity in plants 2021 1
Sorghum under saline conditions: responses, tolerance mechanisms, and management strategies 2021 56
How salt stress‑responsive proteins regulate plant adaptation to saline conditions? 2021 58
Plant ecophysiology and adaptation under climate change: Mechanisms and perspectives II 2020 43
Proline and abiotic stresses: responses and adaptation 2020 34
Plasma membrane lipids and adaptation of plants to salt stress 2020 7
Coping with saline environment: learning from halophytes 2020 2
Plasma membrane lipids and plant adaptation to salt stress. 2020

اسم المجلة تاريخ النشر القطاع الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة ISSN
Plant Molecular Biology 2022-02-23 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1573-5028
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 2023-04-11 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1435-8107
Scientia Horticulturae 2023-09-01 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0304-4238
Frontiers in Plant Science 2023-09-04 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1664-462x
Horticulturae 2023-11-11 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2311-7524
BMC Plant Biology 2023-10-31 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1471-2229
BMC Plant Biology 2024-05-18 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1471-2229
Agronomy 2024-08-14 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 2073-4395
Planta 2021-05-07 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1432-2048
Planta 2021-07-05 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 0032-0935
Handbook of Bioremediation: Physiological, Molecular and Biotechnological Interventions 2021-09-20 العلوم الأساسية الموقع الإلكتروني للمجلة 1281-9382

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